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Class Schedule

Class Schedule. Week one: History / Beginnings One Achilles’ heel / how they respond JW changes since inception Week two : Their theocratic organization Their Bible – NWT Jehovah vs Jesus Week three: Michael vs Jesus – trinity

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  1. Class Schedule Week one: History / Beginnings One Achilles’ heel / how they respond JW changes since inception Week two: Their theocratic organization Their Bible – NWT Jehovah vs Jesus Week three: Michael vs Jesus – trinity Salvation / Resurrection - Assurance Week four: End times Birthday’s, blood transfusions and crosses Witnessing
  2. Understanding and Answering

    Jehovah’s Witnesses
  3. Characteristics or Marks of a Cult Monopoly on truth God only speaks through them They make additions / changes to the Bible Teach works based salvation Tainted view of Christ and His finished work on the cross
  4. Current Statistics on the Jehovah’s Witnesses Over a billion man-hours – per yr Bible courses: millions / month Watchtower & Awake magazine -most widely distributed magazines in world Published in 200 / 85 languages 7.8 mil members world wide 1.3 mil members in US and Canada Train 5 hrs a wk / witness 10 hrs Mo New Kingdom Halls – 4-6 /month.
  5. Jehovah Witness Facts Jehovah’s Witness can make a “doctrinal pretzel” out of the average Christian in about 30 seconds God’s only organization on earth Only the Watchtower Society has the absolute truth Join and escape imminent battle of Armageddon Each JW is called a publisher = announcing the Bible’s message You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (This is Plan B) 144,000 go to heaven, but that filled up in 1935, so those who join now will reside on a paradise earth (had to add plan B after 144,000)
  6. Key Issues No hell – Annihilation - cease to exist Invisible second coming of Christ No one spoke for God for 1,900 years – Stopped after apostles until Russell in 1872 No Trinity False prophecy Works based salvation, no assurance Jesus is not God Jesus did not create the world Jesus was created as an angel, any angel could have come down and been a perfect man Jesus only died for Adam’s sin, so now we can earn our eternal life Jesus had no physical resurrection – only spiritual No Holy Spirit – just a force God is not omnipresent or omniscient – angels are his eyes and ears Created own Bible translation – no manuscript support, no credentials to translate Inserted “a” before god in the New Testament when referring to Jesus Inserted the name Jehovah over 200 times in NT Only 144,000 go to heaven – filled up in 1935 Remaining JW’s live on paradise earth
  7. History Charles Taze Russell - founder – president 1872 – 1916 Grew up in Presbyterian church, left at 17 because of hell doctrine 1872 - Began the International Bible Students Association - Purpose was to 1) disprove Hell and 2) teach the invisible secondcoming of Christ. Man does not have a soul, he is a soul, therefore nothing is left after death to send to hell. - Cease to exist (resurrection problem) 1879 - Established the Zion Publishing Company “Zion’s Watch Tower” 1884 - Zion’s Watch Tower and Tract Society was organized as a corporation renamed the “Watchtower Bible and Tract Society’(WS) 1909 - Established headquarters in Brooklyn NY, remains today. He taught that the invisible second coming of Christ took place in 1874. Measured the corridors of the Great Pyramid of Giza to arrive at 1874 as the second coming date. Pyramidologyabandoned by Rutherford.
  8. Changing location In the next few years, Brooklyn could see one of the largest turnovers in real estate, all thanks to one seller. The Jehovah's Witnesses are planning to sell all 34 of its buildings as they move their operations upstate. The scope of the church's holdings is massive, 3.2 million square feet, more than the Empire State Building. It's being valued at more than $1 billion, and once the properties are turned over to private owners, the tax dollars will be flowing. (They are tax exempt – non profit) The Watchtower buildings in DUMBO and Brooklyn Heights have been a fixture since 1909, when the Jehovah's Witnesses began buying up properties, one by one. Church members have quietly lived and worked there for decades. But now, the church has outgrown its facilities and is planning to move upstate, leaving prime real estate up for grabs.
  9. Russells Pyramid Gravestone
  10. Gravestone
  11. History Joseph Rutherford – The Judge, president 1916-1942 Emphasized the Old Testament over the New Began preaching the impending destructive battle of Armageddon Jehovah is God’sonlyname– hated churches & Jesus’ name Under Rutherford’s direction – the Witnesses began to attack the existing social order – No Christian or national holidays, no birthdays, no flag, no military service or voting. – and surprise - membership declined! 1919 - required door to door preaching because of falling membership Taught Christ returnedspirituallyon the earth in 1914vs 1874 1931 Changed the name of the organization from “Zion’s Watch Tower” to “The Watch Tower” and members were called “Jehovah’s Witnesses” (Changed from Bible Students 59 yrs after founding)
  12. History Nathan Knorr- The Organizer - president 1942-1977 He became president upon Rutherford’s death in 1942 – overseas mission and growth flourished under Knorr Increased the output of magazine publications. He was the consummate business man Established the Watchtower Bible school of Gilead,NY, to train full time missionaries Commissioned “The New World Translation” of the Bible since the historical Bible did not clearly support the doctrines of the Witnesses
  13. History Frederic Franz - The Oracle - president 1977- 1992 Known as "The Oracle”, he had control over all materials published while he was the VP for Knorr and during his own presidency He was the main architect of the New World Translation Bible and largely responsible for its content, which was published in 1961 Milton Henschel– 5th and last president – 1992 - 2000 In 1992 Milton Henschel became the 5th and last president In 2000 the Watchtower leadership was transitioned into the hands of the governing body (Central leadership committee)
  14. History of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Charles Russell: Abandoned Presbyterian church. Disliked Trinity and hell. Late 1800s – Bible study groups. 1881 – Founded the Watchtower. Distribute literature. Judge Rutherford. Baptist -> JW. 1925 prophecy. Phonographs Nathan Knorr. Reformed -> JW. Training. NWT. 1961 Frederick Franz. Presbyterian -> JW. Theologian.
  15. WS - A Non-Prophet Organization Russell Prophecies 1874 – Was the second coming of Christ spiritually on earth – & God’s wrath would be poured out on the earth 1910 – The rapture would take place 1914 - End of the world would come and Christ would set up His Kingdom – Prophesied this in 1888 1916 - died disillusioned without any prophecies fulfilled.
  16. WS - A Non Prophet Organization Rutherford Prophecies 1914 - Christ returned spiritually (sorry about that 1874 second coming thing per the founder) 1918 - God would destroy all churches and their members 1918 - People living in 1918 would not die before the Lord would come back 1920 - Nations would sink into anarchy 1925 - Destruction of churches (sorry about the 1918 mix up) 1925 - The patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the prophets) return and live in San Diego in the house he built 1966 - leadership predicted that the world would end in 1975 resulting in Armageddon – lost 20-40% of membership
  17. How do JW’s Respond? Their main justification for changed doctrine is Proverbs 4:18. “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established,” Yes, Jesus’ leadership is progressive, not stagnant. Another way to cooperate with Christ’s “brothers” is to have a positive attitude toward any refinements in our understanding of Scriptural truths as published by “the faithful and discreet slave.” Watchtower2011 May 15 p.27 “Regarding progressive spiritual enlightenment, Proverbs 4:18 has proved true. It says: “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.” How thankful we are for the progressive spiritual enlightenmentwe have experienced!” Watchtower 2001 Jan 15 p.18 So, they are saying that it’s O.K. if our prophecies don’t come true!
  18. Does Prov 4 excuse false prophecy? "What is clear from Proverbs is that the reader can choose to either seek wisdom or live a life of folly. (Prov 4:14-19) Righteous one in the light – vs- wicked in darkness Proverbs 4:18 was not intended to be prophetic indication that God gradually reveals truth to the Watchtower Society. The context is a comparison of behavior between good and bad people, not the dispensing of doctrinal truth through an organization. Light vs Darkness There is no basis in using this Scripture to justifydoctrinal errors and changes. "New light" is a concept that promotes blind, unquestioningdevotion to an earthly Organization.
  19. Non Prophet Deuteronomy 18: 22 provides a foolproof way to determine if words spoken have come from God: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the worddoes not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. Nothing here about as more light comes your prophecies will be accurate Doctrinal “discoveries” cannot be justified as new light; rather it is proof that God does not direct the Watchtower Society.
  20. The Apostles made Mistakes Too? Luke 19:11 While they were listening to these things, Jesus went on to tell a parable, because He was near Jerusalem, and they supposed that the kingdom of God was going to appear immediately.They weren’t prophesying this, they just thought it was about to happen. Acts 1:6 So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” Asking a question, not prophesying. 2 Thessalonians 2:1–2 only observations & asking questions
  21. Changes from Russell to Rutherford Began as “Bible Students” - 59 yrslater became “Jehovah Witnesses” 1931 Focus on God’s only name as Jehovah - began 59 yrslater – 1931 Door to door witnessing - began 47 yrsafter its founding - 1919 Impending battle of Armageddon - focus began 44 yrsafter founding Invisible presence of God on earth - changed from 1874 to 1914 Rutherford abandons Russell’ s Pyramidology Belief in No hell and no trinity has remained consistent
  22. Week 1 Review History / beginnings – 1872– Russell 44 yrs, Rutherford 26 yrs Both believed they were chosen by God to restore God’s truth and plan Russell believed God designed pyramids , held key to Christ’s spiritual return Christ returned spiritually in 1874, no, it was 1914 Fatal flaw – they Departed from scripture No Hell Invisible second coming of Christ – guide to the Watchtower Only they spoke for God – and God spoke to them False prophecy & Excuses (rapture, churches destroyed, Armageddon, etc) Works based eternal life
  23. Changes in the organization What began under Charles Taze Russell changed under Rutherford Shifted to Old Testament focus under Rutherford Began as “Bible Students” 59 yrs later became “Jehovah Witnesses”(1872-1931) God’s only name became Jehovah under Rutherford 50 + yrsafter founding Door to door witnessing did not begin until 1919, 47 years after the organization was founded. (because membership declined) It was 44 years after the founding that the impending battle of Armageddon became so important. (1872 – 1916) If God was behind this from the beginning, why all the changes?
  24. This Week JW’s Bible – New World Translation Jehovah – inserted in NT - God’s only name Jesus is not God – he was created God vs Jesus
  25. God’s Theocratic Organization on Earth Charles TazeRussell became the successor of the apostles who had the truth Angels revealed to Rutherford that he was God’s chosen instrument As organization evolved, power moved from one man, to the “organization” The Watchtower functions under the direction of the governing body, 12 men It is the governing body who brings Jehovah’s message to the membership Members look to the governing body as their spiritual leader vspastor etc The truth is whatever is revealed by the governing body via its publications. Their literature interprets the Bible and only they have the truth Members can’t learn/ understand the Bible w/o the assist of the “Organization” 1 John 2:27 says that His anointing teaches you and you have no need for anyone else to teach you. That is.. you are not dependent on the WS.
  26. God’s Theocratic Organization on Earth Early church was true - when apostles died the church fell away from the truth – Scripture was changed, lost. Therefore no truth \ no one spoke for God for 1,900 years, until Russell Same for Mormon’s – They had answer - spirit missionaries for 2nd chance We have unparalleled manuscripts from Old & NT, nothing about JW doctrines JW’s believe they are the Faithful and sensible slave - Matt 24:42-46 God’s grace is understood only as enabling you to earn your salvation Forced conformityof mind and thought enables the WS to maintain unity. There is no room for diversity. Independent thinking is labeled as a sin Criticism of the Watchtower Society results in disfellowship which brings destruction at Armageddon Jesus did not point people to follow a future organization, but to follow himself
  27. The New World Translation The translation committee was headed by (then vice -president of the JW’s) Frederick W.Franz. Other members included Nathan H. Knorr (then president of the JW’s) , Albert D. Schroeder, Ceorge D. Gangasand Milton Henschel. Four of the five men on the translation committee had no Hebrew or Greek training whatsoever, they had only a high school education. The fifth, Fred W. Franz only had a two hour Biblical Greekcourse at the University of Cincinnati, in 1914. He had no Hebrew training. You can’t translate the Bible with that kind of a background. They had no credentials or ability to translate. They say God guided them, why did he wait 1,900 yrs
  28. New World Translation - Jehovah Why JW call God Jehovah - Exodus 3:15 Moses asked God what His name was, God said: “This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. (YHWH – translated Jehovah) God is known by the name Jehovah , but is not known “only” by the name of Jehovah Eg. Lord, I AM , Elohim, Adonai - twelve different names Jesus never referred to God as Jehovah, but rather called Him “Father” Jesus did not begin His prayer “Jehovah God” who art in Heaven” But, Our Father Believers are uniquely privileged to call God “Father” The word YHWH (Jehovah) is not used in the NT manuscripts – WS inserts it over 200 times in NT. In Exodus 3:15 the focus is not limited to a mere name of God, but who God is in His true nature
  29. The only reliable Bible is the New World Translation Ancient scribes dishonestly removed “Jehovah” from Bible. NWT inserts “Jehovah” throughout Old Testament and New Testament. YHWH (tetragrammaton) was translated as Lord and God(not Jehovah) in the Septuagintin Jesus’ time and He did not object to it. The Septuagint had the apostles’ approval The NWT supports the JW doctrines
  30. Reliability of the Bible Old Testament 1947 - Dead sea scrolls discovered in Palestinian cave OT texts were dated 100 BC (long before the apostles died) and these texts agree with today’s OT Proof that our OT has not been changed after the apostle’s death as JW’s charge. Todays OT is the same as 100 BC New Testament We have 5,000 Greek NT manuscripts that are consistent with each other All 5,000 could not have been changed to delete JW teachings If the early church believed JW doctrines we would have some early church writings that give evidence of that. None exist! The only changes that have been made are in the JW Bible!
  31. New World Translation - Jesus WS Inserts Jehovah over 200 times in NT (against all manuscript evidence) is just attempt on the part of the JW to cloud the truth. NT is a Jesus set of Books In whose name should we meet together (Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 5:4)? Demons are subject to whose name (Luke 10:17; Acts 16:18; 17:18)? Repentance and forgiveness should be preached in whose name (Luke 24:47)? In whose name are you to believe and receive the forgiveness of sins (John 1:12; 3:16)? By whose name, and no other, do we obtain salvation (Acts 4:12)? Whose name and authority was invoked by the disciples in healing the sick and lame (Acts 3:16; 4:7-10)? Whose name did Paul tell us to call upon (1 Cor. 1:2)? Whose name is above every name (Eph. 1:21; Phil. 2:9-11)? According to Acts 1:8, who are we to be witnesses of?
  32. New World Translation – Jesus John 1:1 – Translated “The Word was “a” god” Per Watchtower Society - since no definite article (the) s/b translated “a”.Only WS translates this way Hebrews 1:3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representationof His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, (Jesus is God) Standard lexicons show God both with and without an article, referring to the true God. There are 282 passages in the NT that do not havethe definite article before God. Of those WS translates only 16 of them with “a” god, the others are translated like the Bible does. They do this because they don’t believe in the deity of Christ John 1:18 would be translated, “No one has seen “a” god” if they translated consistently
  33. New World Translation – Was Jesus created, or God? Per WS, After Jesus was created then he created all things. Colossians 1:16–17 16 For by Him all [ ] things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all [ ] things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all [ ]things, and in Him all [ ] things hold together. Col 1:16-17 WS inserts “other” four times in brackets. By him All [other] things were created. There is NO manuscript evidence or support They inserted “other” because it makes Jesus look like he was created first and they do not want it to appear that Christ is uncreatedor that he existed before all things.
  34. New World Translation – Was Jesus created, or God? Isaiah 44:24 “I the Lord [Yahweh] am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by myself, and spreading out the earth all alone Two Observations 1) God (Yahweh) created all things (Is 44:24), Did NOT say, He created Jesus and then this createdbeing,Jesus, created all other things. He says he had no help 2) Since Jesus created all things(Col 1:16-17) and Yahweh created all things (Is 44:24) , they are one in the same and Jesus (the Son) is God. Jesus is Yahweh (Alone and by myself because father & son are oneGod)
  35. New World Translation Jesus clearly indicated His identity as Yahweh in John 8:58 when He said, “Before Abraham was born, I AM” Same as Ex 3:14 WS translates Jn 8:58 - I have been (vs I am). They translate Exodus 3:14 – I shall prove to be(vs I am). In John 8 the Greek word for I am (eyweimi) is used 8 times In all 8 occurrences eyweimi is translated in their Bible “I am” except for 8:58, which is translated “I have been” Vs 12,16,18,23,24,28,43,58 Show them the inconsistency in a Greek / English interlinear. 1 out of 8 Jesus is not “a” god, He “is” God (Yahweh)
  36. Closer look at the Creator Jehovah Witness argue that the “first born of all creation” in Col 1:15 indicates that Christ should be classified as part of the creation, not God. Of course, Jesus, thewordbecame flesh (Jn 1:1) is not a created being. Greek word “proto tokos” means first in rank, preeminent one, heir”. Carries the idea of positional supremacy. The Son has all the rights belonging to the “first born” - preeminent position He did not say “the first born of Jehovah”, or ‘first one created by Jehovah,” but the “first born of all creation.” He was the first born from the “dead” v18, the promise of resurrection for all who trust Him. There is a Greek word for “first created” (proto kitzo) that was in use at the time, but Paul did not use that word here, because Jesus was not created. In verse 16, it says that Christ created all the creation and vs 17 tells us that Christ sustains the creation Hebrews 1:3  And He is the radiance of His glory and the exactrepresentation of Hisnature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, The phrase, all things, means that Christ created the whole universe of things. In the space of five verses 16-20 Paul mentions “all creation,” “all things,” and “everything” indicating that it is “Christ that is supreme” over all. He is God (Is 44 - I created all things by myself)
  37. What JW’s Believe - God There is only one God and His name is Jehovah, the Holy Spirit is his active force and Jesus is his son, but not the same as Jehovah. The doctrine of the trinity is an insult to Jehovah by equating the power of Jehovah with others (Son and Holy Spirit) They believe Jesus is a lesser deity than Jehovah, and there is one God and one God only and his name is Jehovah. Christians paytoo much attention to Jesus - that takes away from worship of the Father, is disrespectful and an insult to Jehovah to attribute his same power and nature to Jesus. The Watchtower promotes Jehovah as the one alone that must be worshiped. They are not allowed to worship Jesus the son Inconsistent with their “elevate Jehovah only” position they: Recognize Jesus’ invisible second coming and His leading of the WS. Recognize Jesus as the one who comes back to set up and rule in the 1,000 year kingdom. (Don’t these roles elevate Jesus rather than the father?) Belief in the Trinity is evidence of apostasy – they say it represents 3 separate God’s (yet they say Jesus is “a” god – sounds like polytheism to me) Believe Holy Spirit is an “active” force, not a person
  38. God is finite, His only name is Jehovah, and He is not a Trinity. Restricted to one location. Is not omnipresent. Is not omniscient. Angels are His “eyes” and “ears.” Name is Jehovah. Exodus 3:15. Necessary for salvation. Not a Trinity. Word not in Bible. Pagan.
  39. What JW’s Believe - Jesus They speak of Jesus Christ with great respect and reverence Believe that Jesus was created as an angel (Michael). Jesus is represented in the Watchtower much like a governing body member. He is a representative of God’s organization. He is not God, is not deity or divine and does not have the same nature as God (which is contrary to Heb 1:3) The Jesus that the Watchtower Society believes in is diametrically opposed to the Jesus of Christianity. Had to alter their Bible translation to conform to their view of God.
  40. Jesus inferior to the father? Mark 13:32 “But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. In his humanity he did not know. He veiled his divinity on earth, Phil 2:7. If Jesus is God, why did Jesus say “the Father was greater than Him” Jn 14:28. While he remained deity, he gave up the privileges as God, He humbled himself and took upon the existence of a man. Philippians 2:6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped. Humility demonstrated. Hebrews 1:3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
  41. Jesus was originally created as the archangel Michael, is considered a lesser god, died on a stake, and resurrected spiritually. Archangel Michael: Was first creation of God; Michael became Jesus when he was born on earth. Went back to heaven as Michael, both angels Michael = Jesus = God’s son - Heb 1:5 - to which of the angels did he ever say thou art my “son”. JW use Dan 10:13, 12:1. One of the chief Princes Jesus is never called a Prince Stake: Greek: Stauros. Cross = pagan. Resurrected Spiritually: Gave up human life as a ransom. Angel -> human -> angel.
  42. Jesus JW’s – Jesus was not God, God can’t die. If God died, who resurrected him? If He resurrected himself then He didn’t die! Jesus died in His humanity, His spirit continued. God did not die. “In your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46) – “bowed his head and gave up His spirit” (John 19:30) 1 John 1:1 – was “a” God & the Imperfect Greek verb“was” carries past continuous action Jn 1:1 In the beginning the word continuously was, and the word was continuously with God, and the word was continuously God. Jesus always existed in past continuoushistory as the Greek reveals The Gospel of John emphasizes Jesus deity Jn 1:1 – Jesus is God Jn 1:14 –God became flesh and dwelt among us – a man Jn 1:3 - He created the universe – all things came into being by Him Jn 8:58 - He said He is the great I AM – same as Exodus 3:14 Jn 20:28 – Thomas exclaims, “My Lord and my God” (not “a” God)
  43. Summary Jehovah is not God’s only name No manuscript support to insert Jehovah in NT OT and NT are reliable - Not corrupted as JW’s say No manuscript support to insert “a” before God – 16 out of 282 No manuscript support to insert “other” in Col 1:16-17 Is 44:24 says Jehovah created the universe by himself / alone, not that He created this angel Jesus, then angel created everything else John 8:58 – Jesus referred to himself as “I am” not “I have been” word used 8 times in Jn 8, 7 other times JW translate as “I am” Christ it the first born (all the rights attributed), not the first created Col 1:15 – did not use the Greek word for first created.
  44. Week #2 Review Watchtower (governing body) brings Jehovah’s message to members Governing body is the spiritual leader of the membership Truth is whatever is revealed in the Watchtower publications You can’t understand or learn without the Watchtower literature (scripted) The WS maintains unity by forced conformity of mind and thought Jesus pointed people to Himself, not a future organization of WS JW’s Bible New World Translation - no credentials or ability to translate Jehovah was inserted over 200 times in NT – no manuscript support Jehovah is not the only name used of God in the Bible Jesus never called God Jehovah, rather Father Greek OT at that time (Septuagint) didn’t use Jehovah, ok with Jesus NT is a Jesus set of books, exalts name of Jesus, not the name Jehovah
  45. Week 2 Summary Changed NT to make it appear that Jesus is not God, Jn 1:1, a god – no manuscript support Changed NT to make it appear that Jesus was created, Col 1:16-17 – no manuscript support – he created all “other” things OT and NT are reliable - Not corrupted as JW’s say – dead sea scrolls Is 44:24 says Jehovah created the universe by himself / alone, not that He created this angel Jesus, then angel created everything else Angel Jesus / Michael can’t = God’s son - Heb 1:5 John 8:58 – Jesus referred to himself as “I am” not “I have been” word used 8 times in Jn 8, Seven other times JW translate as “I am” Christ is the first born (preeminent position), not the first created Col 1:15 – did not use the Greek word for first created.
  46. The Holy Spirit is not a personbut is rather an impersonal force Through this force, Jehovah accomplishes his will on earth. How do we know it’s a “force”? Only a force could fill many people at sametime Holy Spirit has no personal name. But, the Holy Spirit does things that only a personcan do, - Pray for believers(Rom 8:26), issue commands (Acts 8:29, 13:2), bears witness (Jn 15:26) and teaches us (Jn 14:26) HS can be grieved (Eph4:30), blasphemed (Matt 12:32) and lied to (Acts 5:3) Known by his character – having no name assigned does not mean not a person
  47. The word Trinity is not in the Bible There are many biblical concepts that don't have a specific word in the Bible describing them. For example: Atheism, Divinity, Incarnation, Monotheism and Rapture are words that describe Biblical concepts but do not appear in the scriptures. So, to say that the Trinity isn't true because the word isn't in the Bible is an invalid argument. There are NT scriptures that demonstrate a Trinitarian aspect. Matt. 28:19, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 2 Cor. 13:14, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Eph. 4:4-7 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.  7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Jude 20-21, "But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith; praying in the Holy Spirit; 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life."
  48. The word Trinity is not in the Bible Plurality of God in the Old Testament Gen. 1:26,"Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.'" Angels do not create. (God said he created “by myself” , “alone” Is 44:24) We are not made in the image of angels There is no place in the OT where an individual refers to himself with the term "us" , only God the Trinity does that Gen. 3:22, "Then the Lord God said, 'Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever -'" Gen 11:7, "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech."
  49. Trinity JW’s believe that there is one God and one God only We believe that there is one God and one God only JW like to say that we believe in three Gods in one person or three Gods in one God. We believe in one God, eternally revealed in three persons, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  50. Salvation requirements Per JW’s Take in knowledge of God (Watchtower) 2) Must obey God’s Law 3) Must become a member in good standing of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society 4) Must preach the Kingdom gospel of the Watchtower – (if not witnessing can’t be JW)
  51. Salvation JW’s believe that the angel Jesus became a perfect man, that’s all he had to be to pay the price for Adam’s sin. Any angel could have come down, become a perfect man and paid that price for Adam’s sin, not just Michael / Jesus Just as Adam was a perfect man who led us into sin, we need another perfect man who would die on a stake and balance the scale of justice. They believe if Jesus had been God in human flesh that sacrifice would have been way too much. All that was needed is a corresponding ransom. They believe that Jesus’ death only atoned for the sin of Adam! When Jesus paid the penalty for Adam’s sin it enabled mankind to work for / earn their own eternal salvation. That = grace for JW’s Jesus did not just die for the sins of Adam but for the entire world, Jn 1:29 “behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world”. 1 Jn 2:2 “also for those of the entire world”
  52. Salvation is based on worksand total obedienceto the Watchtower SocietyThere is no assuranceof salvation While salvation is said to be a free gift, in reality the “gift” is that the sin inherited from Adam has been wiped away by Jesus. / not our personal sins People now have the opportunity to work for their own salvation. Must be affiliated with WS. Total obedience to the Watchtower. Distribute Watchtower literature. They workhard to prove their worth because they have no assurance of salvation. Quotes from the Watchtower: “Come to Jehovah's organization for salvation.” “Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication [the Watchtower Society] that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do.” “To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization [the Watchtower Society] and serve God as part of it.” “To get one's name written in that Book of Life will depend uponone's works."
  53. Assurance JW’s don’t know if they will be resurrected It doesn’t matter what the Bible says, what matters is what the Watchtower tells its members They are told that if they sin, even after the Millennium, they will be destroyed They don’t know how much failure / sin is enough to disqualify them, so assurance is not possible. We should ask them how they cope with the uncertainty of being resurrected. How good is good enough? Why important - Missing out on pleasing your savior
  54. Works Verses that show their error regarding works Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you are saved through faith: and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. (James 2:10) Romans 4:5 But to the one who does not work, but believesin Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited to him as righteousness. (Did Jesus ever say anything like this?) John 6:27-29 – Do not work for food that spoils, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works that God requires?” 29 Jesus answered, “the work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent”. (Jn 6:40 – will of God is to believe) Works don’t / can’t = assurance
  55. Assurance Verses that show their error regarding assurance Romans 11:29 The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable Eph 1:13b-14 having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory. 1 John 5:11-13 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternallife. Not wonder or hope, but know. (What about sin in a believers life) 1 Thess 5:6,9-10 so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with him. (contrasting two kinds of Christians, don’t sleep – be alert) Alert (spiritual) vs Sleep (carnal / disobedient) Christians - Both will live with Him Different Gk word in 4:13-14 where it refers to deceased believers) – Assurance
  56. Assurance JW’s could turn the tables on you regarding assurance . Since they focus so much on works they could go to James Ch2 (guy in the video brought up James verses) Faith w/o works! how can that faith save him? 2:14 Faith if it has no works is dead! 2:17 Man is justified by works and not by faith alone! 2:24 Referring to those verses they could say: See, if you don’t have enough works you’re not going to be saved/ resurrected “So, the Bible teaches exactly what the Watchtower tells us, you must have works”. How are you going to answer that?
  57. Assurance James is written to Believers (brethren) – very practical advice to Christians James 1:13-16 – lust leads to sin which brings death – physical / fellowship James 1:21 - responding to God’s word (implanted in you) can save your life James 5:19-20 saving the physical life of Christian involved in sin If it is impossible for a Christian to continue in sin, then why is there a sin unto death? James 2:14 – (can that faith save him) Orthodoxfaith without good works (obedience) cannot protect the Christian from sin's deadly consequences in this life. (James 1:21) “That” faith is asleep(1 Thess 5) Obedienceto God can defer death and “save” or “preserve” the physical life. Unrighteous living can’t We Believer’s need to be saved from the power of sin moment by moment!
  58. Assurance James 2:17 - (faith without works is dead) is referring back to vs 15-16, where James says that a Christian who does not respond to another Christian's need has a dead faith, it’s asleep. "Dead" does not mean non-existent but inactive, no longer vital, dormant. (me?) Something can’t be deadunless it’s been alive (Rom 11:29) Dead faith also equals Christians stuck in sin, willful disobedience to God (their faith is not vital and active) The issue that concerns James is an issue of life or death, not hell. Just like Proverbs
  59. Assurance Proverbs 11:19 19 He who is steadfast in righteousness will attain to life, And he who pursues evil will bring about his own death. Proverbs 12:28 28 In the way of righteousness is life, And in its pathway there is no death. Proverbs 13:14 14 The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, To turn aside from the snares of death. Proverbs 19:16 16 He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, But he who is careless of his ways will die.
  60. Assurance James 2:24 – (justified by works, not faith alone) According to James justification “also” comes from works. But what kind of justification is he talking about, our legal standing before God or something else? Romans 4:2 “For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about; but not before God”. (before whom then?) When a person is justified by works (obedience) he achieves an intimacy(Jn 14:21) with God that is made manifestto people around him (onlookers) by the example of his life. He is justified to the onlookers, not God. (by actions – Rahab) The works (obedience) of the believer can bear witness to the eternal life within. "You see . . . by [his] works." v 24. (That’s what you and I should want to do) However, James previously said that not every believer will bear visible fruit (v. 17; Dead faith is W/O works, not vital or active - Nothing visible there) = Carnal/disobedient-sleep Justified by works in James is letting our light shine before men to glorify God. Matt 5:16
  61. James summary James 2:14 – (can that faith can’t save him) Orthodox faith without good works (obedience) cannot protect the Christian from sin's deadly consequences in this life. It’s asleep 1Thess 5 Obedience to God can defer death and “save” or “preserve” the life. (unrighteous living can’t) James 2:17 - (faith without works is dead) is referring back to vs 15-16, James says that a Christian who does not respond to another Christian's need has a dead faith, asleep. "Dead" does not mean non-existent but inactive, no longer vital, dormant. (me?) Something can’t be deadunless its been alive (Rom 11:29) James 2:24 – (justified by works, not faith alone) Romans 4:2 “For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about; but not before God”. (before whom then?) When a person is justified by works he achieves an intimacy (Jn 14:21) with God that is made manifest to people around him (onlookers) by the example of his life. He is justified to the onlookers, not God. James is talking about life and physical death. Consequences of disobedience, not hell What are the consequences when a believer sins?
  62. Week 3 summary Their view of Holy Spirit is it’s just a force - Scripture shows Holy Spirit does things that only a person can do. NT & OT shows Trinitarian Salvation is works based, which leads to no assurance Reviewed verses on justification by faith and assurance Addressed verses they use to prove works are required
  63. Discovertbc.com
  64. Discovertbc.com
  65. Discovertbc.com
  66. Hell There is no hell according to Jehovah Witnesses How do they address the multitude of verses in the Bible that talk about Hell? The Bible’s references to hell are just symbolic, not literal. Governing body tells them this and they believe it
  67. End Times The defining issue that rules the thinking and actions of all Jehovah Witnesses to near obsession is the imminent arrival of a final and total destruction of this world. (44 yrsafter founding) Matt 24: 42-45 Revelation 16:16 “And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon” They have made many predictions of the time of the battle but their prophecies have never come true. Yet today, more than ever, JW’s are still convinced that it will only be a matter of time before the battle trumpet sounds.
  68. End Times The Watchtower believes that Armageddon will destroy all wicked people, all people who are not part of the WS. They are going door to door in an attempt to bring people into the organization to save them from being destroyed at Armageddon – the end of the world. The WS believes that the people who are destroyed will literally be annihilated, cease to exist (rich man and Lazarus Luke 16 ?) - JW’s believe here is no Hell or eternal judgment, Today’s JW’s that come knocking on your door, never expect to go to heaven. They expect to live forever on a paradise earth, having what Adam and Eve had before they sinned, to live in perpetuity on the earth in physical perfection
  69. There are two peoples of God: the Anointed Class, who have a destiny in heaven, and the Other Sheep, who have a destiny on a paradise earth. Anointed Class: 144,000 Born again Live in heaven as spirits Will rule with Christ Other Sheep: All other JWs Live on paradise earth In subjection to Christ and Anointed Class
  70. Anointed vs Other Sheep John 10:16 16 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold (These “other sheep” are the ones they say will live on the earth) I must “bringthem also”, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. (Where is he bringing the other sheep?) The “Other” sheep in John10:16 refer to gentile believers vs Jewish believers The Gentiles, along with Jewish believers, “will be in one flock” under “one shepherd”, not a 144,000 flock in heaven and a different flock on earth. The 144,000 in Revelation 7 refers to 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel who have special duties during the tribulation time pd
  71. Blood, B-days & Crosses Blood - Genesis 9:4 “only flesh with its blood you must not eat” = blood transfusions Eating the animal blood was prohibited, not the transfusion of human blood Birthdays – Bad Pharaoh celebrated his B-day, so we should not - Genesis 40: 20-22 Issue is that Pharaoh was evil, not birthdays Bad Herod celebrated his b-day, so we should not - Matt 14:6-10 birthdays were not bad, Herod was.
  72. Blood, B-days & Crosses JW says that Jesus died on a stake - not a cross - Cross is Pagan Early WS literature,1927, showed belief that Jesus died on cross, ended 1931 Greek word can mean stake – Rome had a history of “cross” crucifixion “Starus” is a wooden structure that could be in shape of a T, an X, a +, or a stake. If Jesus was put on a stake why does John 20:25 say that “nails” were used, rather than just saying a “nail” was used. In view of John 21: 18-19, how can hands be outstretched if you are crucified on a stake (refering to Peters future crucifixion) Matt 27:37 says a sign was put over his head, not his hands.
  73. Witnessing Tips A hateful or arrogant attitude will go nowhere A know-it-all attitude will not help you Preaching at them will not help you Just Telling them they’re wrong will not help you They believe you are deceived by Satan if you tell them you are a born again Christian.
  74. Don’t neglect your people skills Pleasant look Don’t grimace when they share strange doctrines Don’t raise your voice Be loving They are not used that
  75. Witnessing Tips Focus on the younger witness (they visit in pairs) Repeat yourself as often as necessary Know how to prove from your Bible that Jesus is God (like “a” god , I have been, created vs God, not angel) Love them (1 Cor 13:1) They anticipate rudeness However, don’t let them change the subject …
  76. Ask strategic questionsto make important doctrinal points. Example: If the Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only true witnesses for God, and if the Jehovah’s Witnesses as an organization came into being in the late nineteenth century (which is historical fact), does this mean God was without a witness for over eighteen centuries of church history? Causes them to think for themselves! They rely totally on Watchtower
  77. Witness Question - What must I do Ask them, “If I know I will die in the next 3 minutes, what must I do to enter Jehovah’s Kingdom”? They want to talk about the Watchtower, not this. They will probably answer, “many things” Ask, what did the thief on the cross have to do? Any thing to make them stop and think about their beliefs – They require so many works
  78. Witness Question - How many God’s? They say they believe in one God only, Jehovah If there is only one true God, then all other gods must be false gods, right? Ask if they agree with the NWT that says Jesus, the word, is “a” god Jn 1:1 If they say yes, then ask themif Jesus is a true god or false god? He can’t be a false god, because the Apostle John was honoring Jesus when he said he was God (Jn 1:1). John wouldn’t honor him if he was a false god. (But if Jesus is not God he must be a false god) If not a false god, he must be a true God, but…. Jehovah is the only God! Therefore, if Jesus is a true God, then He mustbe Jehovah!
  79. Show Jesus is God – From their own Bible Ask them to read Rev 1:8 (NWT) to you I am the Alpha and the Omega says Jehovah God, “the one who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty” Then ask, “Who is the Alpha and the Omega” ? They will respond, “it says right there that it’sJehovah”
  80. Show Jesus is God – From their own Bible Next ask them to read Rev 21:6-7 (NWT) to you And he said to me: “They have come to pass! I am the Alphaand the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To anyone thirsting I will give from the fountain of the water of life free . 7 Anyone conquering will inherit these things and I shall be his God and he will be my son. Now ask "who is the Beginning and the End”? They will respond again that it is “Jehovah”
  81. Show Jesus is God – From their own Bible Next have them read Rev 22:12,13 NWT “Look I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Firstand theLast, the beginning and the end.” Ask them “who is the First and the Last”? They will answer “Jehovah” So, the Alpha & the Omega, the Beginning and the end and the First and the Last, all = Jehovah Finally ask themto read Rev 1:17-19 NWT
  82. Show Jesus is God – From their own Bible And when I saw him, I fell as dead at his feet. And he laid his right hand upon me and said; “Do not be fearful. I am the First and the Last 18 and the living one; and I became dead, butlook! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hades. They have just told you that the First and the Last= Jehovah So ask them, “when did Jehovah die”? (the First & Last died! ) This will be very confusing for them. In their theology Jehovah never died, only Jesus, yet this clearly says (in their Bible)that Jehovah died, and came back to life to live forever! So, who was it that died & came back? Jesus is Jehovah God
  83. Truth from Their Bible Rev 1:8 - Alpha & Omega = Jehovah Rev 21:6-7 - Alpha & Omega and the Beginning & End = Jehovah Rev 22:12-13 - A&O, Beg & End, the First and the Last = Jehovah Rev 1:17-19 - We have established that the First and Last, = Jehovah Rev 1:17-19 - Jehovah died and came back to life? When did that occur? When Jesus / Jehovah came to earth, died on the cross in the flesh, and was resurrected
  84. Beware of Jehovah’s Witness peer pressure. JWs can be disfellowshippedand shunned. Such peer pressure yields submission. Be sensitive to their dilemma.
  85. Scripturally demonstrate that Jesus was never the archangel Michael. Colossians 1:16 — Jesus created angels. Daniel 10:13 — Michael is “one of” the chief princes. Rev. 19 — Jesus King of kings, not chief prince. Hebrews 2:5 — No angel can rule the world. Jude 9 — Michael could not rebuke Devil
  86. Set forth a positive proof of the absolute deityof Jesus Christ.
  87. Provide scriptural proof that Jesus physicallyresurrected from the dead. Luke 24:39 — “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” Body retained wounds (John 20:27). Thomas touched (Luke 24:39). Touched by Mary (John 20:17), women (Matt. 28:9). Body that is “sown” in death is raised in life (1 Cor. 15:35-44). Ate food to prove physicality (Luke 24:30; 24:42-43; John 21:12-13; Acts 1:4).
  88. Key Issues No hell – Annihilation Invisible second coming of Christ No one spoke for God for 1,900 years – Stopped after apostles until Russell in 1872 No Trinity False prophecy Works based salvation, no assurance Jesus is not God Jesus did not create the world Jesus was created as an angel, any angel could have come down and been a perfect man Jesus only died for Adam’s sin, so now we can earn our eternal life Jesus had no physical resurrection – only spiritual No Holy Spirit – just a force God is not omnipresent or omniscient – angels are his eyes and ears. Created own Bible translation – no manuscript support, no credentials to translate Inserted “a” before god in the New Testament when referring to Jesus Inserted the name Jehovah over 200 times in NT Only 144,000 go to heaven – filled up in 1935 Remaining JW’s live on paradise earth
  89. Review of Answering JW Dead sea scrolls prove OT was not corrupted The multitude of Greek manuscripts are evidence that NT scripture was not corrupted after the apostles died 1 John 2:27 says His anointing teaches you. So, you don’t need the watchtower to teach you Per JW’s, no one spoke for God for over 1800 years New Testament is a set of Jesus books Jehovah is not God’s only name in scripture, at least 12 names Jesus never referred to God as Jehovah, but as Father Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus is the radiance of His glory and the Exactrepresentation of His nature Gospel of John emphasizes the deity of Jesus – proves He is God
  90. Review of Answering JW Bible does not use the Greek word for “first one created” referring to Jesus – Rather uses “First Born” indicating his preeminence Col 1:15 Isaiah 44:24 says that Yahweh created all thingsand did it “by myself” and “all alone”. Not, this created angel Jesus created everything “a god” translation in Jn 1:1 is not supported in any manuscripts or accepted by any scholars. Without “a” god Jesus “is” God There are 282 passages in the NT that do not havethe definite article before God. Of those WS translates only 16 of them with “a” god, the others are translated like the Bible does. Why? John 8:58 – Jesus referred to himself as “I am” not “I have been” word used 8 timesin Jn 8, Seven other times in Ch 8 JW translate as “I am”, why? Michael (Angel) = Jesus can’t = God’s son – Heb 1:5 angel is not His son Jesus death atoned for the sins of the world – Jn 1:29, 1 Jn2:2 – not just for Adam’s sin.
  91. Review of Answering JW Works not required for salvation – Ephs 2:8-9 – Romans 4:5 – Jn 6:27-29 Bible teaches assurance – Rom 11:29, Eph 1:13-14, 1 Jn 5:11-13, 1Thess 5:6;9-11 Faith w/o works in James is referring to a believer whose faith is not vital and active, it’s asleep / carnal 1Thess 5. A dead faith (unrighteous living) cannot “save” a Christian from trials, tribulations and an untimely death Justified by works: not justified before God (Rom 4:2) but before the onlookers, by the godly example of your life
  92. Review of Answering JW Show them from their own Bible that Jehovah (Jesus) died and came back to life Rev 1:8 – Alphaand Omega = Jehovah Rev 21:6-7 – Beginning and the End = Jehovah Rev 22:12-13 – First and the Last= Jehovah Rev 1:17-19 - The Firstand the Last(Jehovah) died and came back to life – when did Jehovah die?
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