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John Adam’s Administration

This video discusses the presidency of John Adams, including the challenges he faced with France and the XYZ Affair, as well as the Alien & Sedition Acts. It also covers the election of 1800 and Thomas Jefferson's presidency, highlighting the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark Expedition, and the Embargo Act of 1807.

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John Adam’s Administration

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  1. John Adam’s Administration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqAt8A0W204

  2. AfterWashington’sretirement, the Democratic-Republicans and Federalists campaigned for the presidency in 1796 Federalist John Adams defeated Republican Thomas Jeffersonand won the presidency

  3. The war between England & France was still going on and continued to cause problems for America France was frustrated with American neutrality and began to seize U.S. merchant ships Adams sent diplomats to France to negotiate an agreement on American trade rights in Europe

  4. Three French officials (nicknamed X, Y, and Z) demanded a bribe to meet with French ministers Americans were offended by this XYZ Affair and called for war with France, but Adams kept his cool Madame Amerique

  5. President Adams’ handling of the conflict with France led to criticisms by Democratic-Republicans Federalists in Congress passed the Alien & Sedition Acts The laws made it a crime tocriticizegovernmentleaders, restricted citizenship for new immigrants, and made deporting immigrants easier This attack on free speech and citizenship backfired and badly damaged President Adams and the Federalist Party

  6. Adams and his Federalist Party were unpopular by the Election of 1800 Republican Jefferson defeated Adams in the election of 1800 The 1800 election marked the first time in U.S. history when one political party transferred power to another political party

  7. Thomas Jefferson’s Administration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_VdRgpHUMY

  8. Election of 1800 • Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr both tied with 73 votes. It went to the House and Hamilton controlled the outcome and chooses Jefferson! Why? • He hates Burr more than Jefferson! • Thomas Jefferson became our 3rdpresident • The Twelfth Amendment was added to the Constitution • Pres and VP run as a ticket • "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." (Appealing to both Parties)

  9. Jefferson’s Presidency Changes made by Jefferson • Size of the military reduced (Why?) • Number of Federal employees increased • Amount of national debt reduced • Alien and Sedition Acts repealed (Why?) • Lowered government expenses, cut taxes • Increased the power of agricultural in the South. • Free trade w/o government control • Reduced the size of the National Bank (Why?)

  10. Major Events During Jefferson’s Presidency

  11. Judicial Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOvsZyqRfCo • As John Adams’ presidency ends, he filled all open court positions with Federalist Judges! • Adams appoints one right before Jefferson takes office(Midnight Appointee) • William Marbury – The Supreme court judge appointed by Adams on his last night of Office. • Jefferson ordered the Secretary of state (James Madison) not to deliver the official papers to Marbury the next day. • Marbury Sued Madison over this matter. • What does the Supreme court do? Does Marbury win?

  12. Louisiana Purchase Greatest real estate deal in history, $15 million (4 cents an acre)

  13. Louisiana Purchase April 30, 1803 • Robert Livingston & James Monroe signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty in Paris • The United States paid $15 million for the land, roughly 4 cents per acre • The purchase added 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi to the United States • July 4 the Louisiana Purchase is publicly announced

  14. Lewis and Clark Expedition • January 18, 1803 • Jefferson asked Congress for funds to explore the land west of the Mississippi • Goal= to find a water route to the Pacific • May 1804 • Meriwether Lewis and William Clark depart on the expedition http://www.history.com/topics/lewis-and-clark/videos/lewis-clark-expedition Map of Lewis and Clark’s Route

  15. Embargo Act of 1807 "On the impressment of our seamen, our remonstrances have never been intermitted. A hope existed at one moment, of an arrangement which might have been submitted to, but it soon passed away, and the practice, though relaxed at times in the distance seas, has been constantly pursued in those in our neighbourhood." -Th:Jefferson Impressment= the act of taking men into a military or naval force by force. http://www.history.com/topics/louisiana-purchase/videos/thomas-jefferson-expands-presidential-power?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

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