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Names and Formulas of Inorganic compounds

Classifying Inorganic compounds. Binary ionic compoundsTernary ionic compoundsBinary molecular compoundsBinary acidsTernary oxoacids. Binary ionic compounds. Contains two elements: a metal and a nonmetalExamples: NaCl, CaCl2, AlBr3. Ternary ionic compounds. Contains three elements: at least

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Names and Formulas of Inorganic compounds

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    1. Names and Formulas of Inorganic compounds

    2. Classifying Inorganic compounds Binary ionic compounds Ternary ionic compounds Binary molecular compounds Binary acids Ternary oxoacids

    3. Binary ionic compounds Contains two elements: a metal and a nonmetal Examples: NaCl, CaCl2, AlBr3

    4. Ternary ionic compounds Contains three elements: at least one metal and one nonmetal Examples: K2SO4, CaCO3, NaOH

    5. Binary molecular compounds Consists of two elements: both are nonmetals Examples: CO2, H2O, NH3

    6. Naming Ternary Ionic compounds Compounds contains a metal and two nonmetals Two nonmetals normally consists of polyatomic ions Compounds are named in the same manner as binary ionic compounds

    7. Binary acids Aqueous solution of a compound containing hydrogen and a nonmetal Examples: HCl(aq), HBr(aq), H2S(aq)

    8. Ternary oxyacids Aqueous solution of a compound consisting of hydrogen, oxygen and a nonmetal Examples: HNO3, H2SO4

    9. Ions Ion: An electrically charged particle Two types of ions: 1) cations: positively charged (Na+) 2) anions: negatively charged (Cl-)

    10. Monoatomic Ions Ions which consist of one element only They can be cations or anions

    11. Monoatomic cations 1+ cations - hydrogen (H+) - lithium (Li+) - Sodium (Na+) - Potassium (K+) - Silver (Ag+) - copper(I) (Cu+) - mercury(I) (Hg22+) 2+ cations - magnesium (Mg2+) - calcium (Ca2+) - strontium (Sr2+) - barium (Ba2+) - zinc (Zn2+) - copper(II) (Cu2+) - mercury(II) (Hg2+) - iron(II) (Fe2+) - tin(II) (Sn2+)

    12. Monoatomic Ions 3+ cations - aluminum (Al3+) - iron(III) (Fe3+) 4+ cations - tin(IV) (Sn4+)

    13. Monoatomic anions 1- anions - fluoride (F-) - chloride (Cl-) - bromide (Br-) - iodide (I-) 2- anions - oxide (O2-) - sulfide (S2-)

    14. Monoatomic anions (cont.) 3- anions - nitride (N3-) - phosphide (P3-)

    15. Polyatomic ions These are ions that consist of more than one element within the unit.

    16. 1+ ion - ammonium (NH4+)

    17. Polyatomic ions 1- anions - hydroxide (OH-) - cyanide (CN-) - nitrite (NO2-) - nitrate (NO3-) - hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) - hydrogen sulfate (HSO4-) - permanganate (MnO4-)

    18. Polyatomic anions (cont.) Hypochlorite (ClO-) Chlorite (ClO2-) Chlorate (ClO3-) Perchlorate (ClO4-) Acetate (C2H3O2-)

    19. 2- anions - sulfite (SO32-) - sulfate (SO42-) - carbonate (CO32-) - chromate (CrO42-) - dichromate (Cr2O72-) 3- anions -Phosphate (PO43-)

    20. Naming binary ionic compounds The metal ion is always named first The nonmetal ion is always named last

    21. Writing formulas of binary ionic compounds In naming ionic compounds, the cation is written first, followed by the anion For ionic compounds, the total charge of positive ions must equal the total charge of negative ions

    22. All compounds are neutrally charged.

    23. Writing formulas from names Write the symbols of the cation and anion Determine the least common multiple Use the appropriate subscripts to make the compound neutral in charge

    24. Binary molecular compounds Binary compounds that consist of two nonmetals Names uses the Greek prefixes In naming these compounds, the second element carries the ide suffix

    25. Binary acids This is an aqueous solution of a compound, consisting of hydrogen and a nonmetal

    26. Naming binary acids Use the prefix hydro- Use the appropriate nonmetal stem Use the ic acid suffix

    27. Ternary oxoacids Consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and a nonmetal

    28. Naming ternary oxoacids Attach the ous or ic suffix after the end of the nonmetal stem. Use the ous suffix for the acid in the pair that has the fewest oxygen atoms Use the ic for the acid that has the greater amount of oxygen atoms

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