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Western Region TIBC FY 2015 Budget Formulation Priorities

Western Region TIBC FY 2015 Budget Formulation Priorities. March 20-22, 2013. DEMOGRAPHICS. 42 Tribes 13 Agencies 13 Million Acres Population – 143,000. CONSULTATION PROCESS. Dear Tribal Leader Letter Agency level consultation with Tribes

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Western Region TIBC FY 2015 Budget Formulation Priorities

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  1. Western RegionTIBC FY 2015 Budget FormulationPriorities March 20-22, 2013

  2. DEMOGRAPHICS • 42 Tribes • 13 Agencies • 13 Million Acres • Population – 143,000

  3. CONSULTATION PROCESS • Dear Tribal Leader Letter • Agency level consultation with Tribes • TIBC Tribal Representative working with Region staff • Submission of FY 2015 Formulation Package

  4. Methodology • Each agency ranked their top five programs across all areas (1-5, with 5 being the most important.) • The overarching priorities at the Sub-Activity level for FY 2015 are Public Safety and Justice, Human Services, Tribal Government, Indian Education, Natural Resources.





  9. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATORS/POLICE OFFICERS • To enhance the working relationship between BIA OJS, Tribal and State law enforcement programs to increase the ability to reduce crime through proactive law enforcement techniques. • Law Enforcement: Aid + $4,400,000 (Law Enforcement Officers (53) - $3,500,000; Criminal Investigation (2) - $233,700, Telecommunication Operators (8) - $548,400, School Resource Officers 2 - $135,300) • Accomplishments consist of: 1) San Carlos Reservation was selected as an HPPG Site, in the second year of the initiative there was a 5% reduction of violent crimes. 2) Increase in Special Law Enforcement Commissions (SLEC) issuances to allow Federal, tribal, and state authorities to make arrests for each jurisdiction. In 2012 56 SLEC Cards were issued, in 2011 (50) New SLEC Cards were issued and in 2010 (132) new SLEC Cards were issued. 3)Trident Operations to increase Border Security in collaboration with Tohono O’odham Nation 4) Western Region has seen a 9% reduction of violent crimes from 2011-2012. 5) In FY 2012 the Law Enforcement Program for the San Carlos Apache Tribe responded to 21,629 calls for service (450 calls/week). The San Carlos Tribal Law Enforcement program was able to reduce violent crime by 9% and property crime by 25% for FY 2012.

  10. SOCIAL SERVICES • 13 BIA field agencies and 29 Tribal Social Services Programs deliver multiple services to their clients. Annual program reviews are conducted for IIM and the Tribal Social Services programs to ensure compliance and adherence to federal regulations and standards. • The tribes have been requesting additional technical assistance for their programs due to an increase of applicants for services. There are more clients seeking assistance based on poor economic conditions and the limited employment opportunities on the reservations. Consequently, tribes must depend on federal funding to assist tribal members to achieve a decent standard of living. • Program accomplishments include providing technical assistance/training for 18 tribes. Additionally, 13 program reviews were conducted for IIM and Social Services. In FY 2012 100% of active supervised IIM account cases schedule for review were reviewed. In FY 2012 86% of recipients who completed the goals identified in their individual self-sufficiency plans. This exceeded the goal by 9%.

  11. SCHOLARSHIPS/ADULT ED • The goal is aimed at improving living conditions and creating increased opportunities for employment. It is critical to develop a labor force of educated and skilled tribal members to meet job demands. • An increase of funds is required to meet the rising costs of college education and vocational technical programs. The cost of a college degree per average student has increased 45% when adjusted for inflation (Wall Street Journal 12-12-2012). There has been a 35% increase in the number of tribal members requesting financial assistance. • The Scholarship component provides resources to facilitate economic development by providing tribal members with advanced educational opportunities to attain needed skills to meet community objectives. The Adult Education component enables adults to obtain a GED or the basic skills needed to transition to a community college or job placement.

  12. AID TO TRIBAL GOVERNMENT • To enhance working relationships with Tribal Governments by providing technical assistance and collaboration of Federal, State, local governments that would promote Nation-to-Nation relationships • The Western Region Tribal Government Services provides services to 42 tribes within the States of Arizona, Nevada, Utah and parts of California servicing approximately 125,000 tribal members. These funds will be used to increase Tribal staff for Enrollment to support general government operations, maintain up-to-date tribal enrollment, to conduct secretarial elections, tribal elections and to develop appropriate tribal policies, legislation and regulations. Additionally, these funds will be used for training of Enrollment staff, Enrollment Board/Committee members in the Enrollment policies and procedures • Five secretarial elections were conducted in FY 2012. This included technical and legal reviews of proposed amendments and revisions by the Solicitor’s Office, Regional and Agency offices. Twenty tribal ordinances were reviewed and those that required Secretarial approval were reviewed and approved by the Region. Two Tribal enrollment conferences were conducted in FY 2012. The Region prepared and distributed Western Shoshone Judgment funds to 5,600+ eligible descendants.

  13. TRIBAL COURTS • The Branch of Tribal Government and the Office of Justice Services collaborate to enhance public safety and justice on Indian reservations by funding tribal courts and where necessary, establishing Courts of Indian Offenses (CFR Courts) to ensure due process and equal protection by the courts on Indian Reservations. The Tribes, through the Indian Self Determination Act, contract to provide court services to their members. • The additional funds will support salaries and administrative costs for personnel in the 40 Western Region tribal courts and the two CFR Courts. There is a great need to update the Tribes’ codes to meet current issues and to take full advantage of the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA). A second plan is to seek tribal court training for all involved in the court system to ensure due process and equal protection by courts. • One tribe has a Court of Indian Offenses and we are currently establishing a second court for the Skull Valley Band of Goshutes in Utah. There are forty (40) tribal courts operating. Since 2006, the Intertribal Council of Nevada has successfully administered the Intertribal Court of Appeals that hears numerous appeals.

  14. HOT ISSUES • Hopi Tribe – New Lands Fee to Trust • The goals and objectives to carry out the mission of the Hopi Tribe includes monitoring , maintenance and construction, range improvements through cooperative work relationships to enhance our rangelands, woodlands, wildlife, riparian areas, and agriculture. In 1998 the tribe purchased the Hart, Aja, Clear Creek, and 26 Bar ranches. The area known as the Hopi Three Canyon Ranches consisted of approximately 320,000 acres. In 2008 160,167 acres of this land base was put into trust status. It is now the responsibility of the tribe to carry out its mission on this land base. There have been no funds allocated for the new trust lands. This request is for funding of $635,850 and we anticipate additional lands put into trust.


  16. BIA HIP Awarded, Category B

  17. Rotted and inoperable plumbing in kitchen, cabinets infested w/roaches, wood stove dangerously set in middle of kitchen/dining area, co2 leak and no damper on wood stove, no gfci outlets.

  18. Like-new home, front and back. Replaced roofing, foundation, roof vents, replaced windows, doors, sturdy/secure porch, cleared debris from “before” photo.

  19. All new cabinets, plumbing, appliances and energy efficient cove heater, new flooring.

  20. Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation • Drug enforcements efforts have been ramped up this year. Although we saw a 44% reduction is incidents involving Drugs/Drug Paraphernalia in 2012, there were a number of other drug related incidences. Through our zero tolerance policy, we seized a number of vehicles related to drug transportation. There was an 30% increase in the numerous items submitted for evidence and to the crime lab for drug analysis over the previous year. Our two patrol/drug K9s units were deployed multiple times this year as well. • Traffic and Safety Enforcement: In 2012, we significantly increased, by 150%, the number of community-wide traffic safety presentations. The number of saturation patrols we staffed increased by 114.7%. As a result of these efforts, speed citations rose by 41.1%, while overall all citations issued increased by 24.8%. DUI citations jumped 29.8%. Speed related crashes plummeted 60%, while the total number of also crashes dropped 22.2%. • The Nation was provided funds to implement the remaining required monitoring infrastructure under the Nation’s Federal Water Settlement. A unique water accounting and forecast model (WAFM) is being developed to track current and forecasted uses of each legal entitlement with the help of BIA funds. It has helped the Nation abide by the Settlement by accounting for and saving over 1.13 billion gallons of water, tens of thousands of dollars, and has provided the means to comply with the legal water settlement requirements.

  21. Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community Police Department

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