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Conveners: M. Coltorti, H. Downes, M. Grégoire, S.Y. O’Reilly

Università di Ferrara. European Mantle Workshop Petrological evolution of the European Lithospheric mantle:. from Archean to present day. Ferrara, Italy, 29-31 August 2007 http://www.geoitalia.org/. Conveners: M. Coltorti, H. Downes, M. Grégoire, S.Y. O’Reilly.

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Conveners: M. Coltorti, H. Downes, M. Grégoire, S.Y. O’Reilly

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  1. Università di Ferrara European Mantle Workshop Petrological evolution of the European Lithospheric mantle: from Archean to present day Ferrara, Italy, 29-31 August 2007 http://www.geoitalia.org/ Conveners: M. Coltorti, H. Downes, M. Grégoire, S.Y. O’Reilly Scientific Commitee:Beccaluva L., Bonadiman C., Piccardo G.B., Rivalenti G., Siena F Dear colleagues, we would like to draw your attention to the above mentioned workshop, which aims to gather the petrological knowledge which has been acquired in recent years on European lithospheric mantle by several research groups in Europe or abroad. This has been mainly achieved through the direct study of mantle material or through the inverse approach using basic magma compositions. The various depletion and enrichment processes which affected the European mantle since Archaean times will be addressed, as well as their outcome on the origin of geochemical components and basic magma petrogenesis. Much work has been carried out on most of the principal outcrops, both peridotite massifs, mantle xenoliths and basalts. This workshop would create the opportunity to compare the various datasets and different understanding that each individual or groups have acquired trying to develop an homogeneous and coherent framework within which the petrological evolution of the European mantle would be hopefully constrained. Particular emphasis will be dedicated to the results from in situ trace element and isotope analyses, which has been giving an outstanding push to geochemistry and petrology in recent years. Technology development has in fact brought some of these analyses almost to the routine level allowing the accumulation of a great amount of new data, which started opening a window for a new understanding of the relationships between lithosphere, asthenosphere and biosphere. Contributions dealing with the direct investigation of mantle xenoliths, or larger mantle occurrences such as alpine, abyssal and ophiolitic peridotites which allow a physical observations of mantle material at various scale, are welcome, as well as those using primary magma compositions as an inverse approach to constraint the chemical features of the mantle source on a global scale.

  2. The workshop is part of the 6° FIST Congress GEOITALIA2007. It will be held in the beautiful medieval city of Ferrara. Abstracts for oral or poster presentations should be submitted through the web sitehttp://www.geoitalia.org/ between January 10 and May 14, 2007. All information regarding inscription fee, accommodation and deadlines can be found under Workshop at http://www.geoitalia.org/ orhttp://web.unife.it/dipartimento/scienze_terra/ We look forward to your participation and contribution! Massimo, Hilary, Michel & Suzanne Hilary Downes School of Earth Sciences Birkbeck College University of London Malet Street London WC1E 7HX, UK E-mail: h.downes@ucl.ac.uk Tel.: +44-020 7679 7712 Fax.:+44-020 7679 2867 Massimo Coltorti Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università degli Studi di Ferrara Polo Scientifico-Tecnologico, Blocco B Via Saragat 1 I-44100 Ferrara (Italy) Email: clt@unife.it Tel.: +39-0532-974721 Fax.: +39-0532-974767 Suzanne Y. O'Reilly ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents (GEMOC) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Macquarie University NSW 2109, Australia E-mail: soreilly@els.mq.edu.au Tel: +61-2-9850 8362/8953 Fax: +61-2-9850 8943 Michel GrégoireUMR 5562-DTP Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées Université Toulouse III Av. E. Belin, 1431400 Toulouse (France) E-mail: Michel.Gregoire@dtp.obs-mip.frTel.: +33-0561-332977 Fax: +33-0561-332900

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