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Imperfect Tense, Demonstrative Pronouns

Imperfect Tense, Demonstrative Pronouns. Parse and Translate the Following. h0kou/omen e0qera/ peue e0ceporeu/ eto e0bapti/ zonto e1legon h] te a0nabai/ nousi e0ce/ ballev. Parse and Translate the Following. a0pe/ stellen e0dida/ skete dida / skomen e0dida/ skomen didasko / meqa

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Imperfect Tense, Demonstrative Pronouns

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  1. Imperfect Tense, Demonstrative Pronouns

  2. Parse and Translate the Following • h0kou/omen • e0qera/peue • e0ceporeu/eto • e0bapti/zonto • e1legon • h]te • a0nabai/nousi • e0ce/ballev

  3. Parse and Translate the Following • a0pe/stellen • e0dida/skete • dida/skomen • e0dida/skomen • didasko/meqa • e0didasko/meqa • h]san • sunh=gon

  4. Translate the Following • h(toi/mazon ta\v kardi/av au0tw=n. • e0dida/skomenth\n e0kklhsi/an. • e0n tw=| ko/smw| h]n. • to\ te/knon h1geto u(po\ tou= a0nqrw/pou. • e0n th=| h(me/ra| e0kei/nh| kate/bainonoi( maqhtai\ pro/v th\n qa/lassan.

  5. Translate the Following • o( ku/riov e1swze tou\v a0nqrw/pouv. • e0n th=| au0th=| w#ra| th=v h(me/rav e0kei/nhv. • h( parabolh\ e0gra/fetotoi=v a0nqrw/poiv. • o( dou=lov e)ce/balle ta\ daimo/nia e0k tw=n a(martwlw=n.

  6. Translate the Following • h( de\ a0koh\ tou= lo/gou e0ceporeu/eto ei0v ta\v kw/mav. dia\ tou=to e1blepon kai\ dou=loikai\ te/kna ta\ e1rga qeou= kai\ a0ph/ggellon ta\ au0ta\ a1lloiv. • tau=ta ta\ bibli/a e0gra/feto u(p 0 au0tou=. • e0didasko/mhn u(po\ tou=toutou= a0nqrw/pou. • h]tedou=loitou= ponhrou= a0lla\ nu=n xai/rete e0n tw=| eu0aggeli/w| o#ti a0pai/rei a0pisti/an a0f 0 u(mw=n tw=n yuxw=n.

  7. Examples from the NT • kai\ e0ceporeu/eto pro\v au0to\n pa=sa(all) h( )Ioudai/a| xw/rakai\ oi) 0Ierosolumi=tai pa/ntev(all) kai\ e0bapti/zonto u(p 0 au0tou= e0n tw=| 0Iorda/nh| po/tamw| (river) e0ceomolou/menoi(while they were confessing) ta\v a(marti/av au0tw=n. Mk. 1:5 • kai\ ei0sporeu/ontaiei)v Kafarnaou/m, kai\. . . . eiselqw\n (after he entered) ei0v th\n sunagwgh/n, e0di/dasken. Mk. 1:21

  8. Examples from the NT • 0En a0rxh=| h]n o( lo/govkai\ o( lo/gov h]n pro/v (BDAG—”in company with”) to\n qeo/n, kai\ qeo\v h]n o( lo/gov.ou[tov h]n e0n a0rxh=| pro\v to\n qeo/n. Jn. 1:1-2 • e0kei= (there) die/triben(diatri/bw= I remain) met 0 au0tw=n kai\ e0ba/ptizen. Jn. 3:22 • e0pegi/nwsko/n te(and) au0tou\v o#tisu\n tw=| 0Ihsou= h]san. Acts 4:13

  9. Examples from the Greek NT • o(tikaq 0 u(perbolh\n (beyond all measure), e0di/wkonth\n e0kklhsi/an tou= qeou=. Gal. 1:13 • kai\ h1rxonto pro\v au0to\n kai\ e1legon, Xai=re (hail) o( basileu\v (the king) tw=n 0Ioudai/wn. Jn. 19:3 • )Agaphtoi/ ou0k e0ntolh\n kainh\n gra/fw, a0ll 0 e0ntolh\n palaia\n h$n(which) ei1xete (irreg. imperfect) a0p 0 a0rxh\v. h( e0ntolh\ h( palaia/ e)stin o( lo/govo$n(which) h0kou/sate (you heard). I Jn. 2:7

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