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Sustainability at IUPUI

Sustainability at IUPUI. Pat Fox IUPUI. Three Spheres of S ustainability. Why is Sustainability I mportant?. Global need to sustain future generations by meeting our needs by not harming future generations ability to realize their potential.

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Sustainability at IUPUI

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  1. Sustainability at IUPUI Pat Fox IUPUI

  2. Three Spheres of Sustainability

  3. Why is Sustainability Important? • Global need to sustain future generations by meeting our needs by not harming future generations ability to realize their potential. • Many corporations and even government agencies are embracing sustainability. • The Earth cannot sustain the current demand on its resources. • Triple Bottom Line: Environment, Social and Economic • Growing need to have sustainability education for all undergraduate students.

  4. GO GREEN Study Abroad • Green Organizations: Global Responsibility for Environmental and Economic Necessity • 3 credits hours with pre-departure classes at IUPUI, one week in Germany or France, post class at IUPUI • Started in 2003 in Mannheim, Germany with the assistance of university partner • GO GREEN France started in 2010 with university partnership held in Marseille, France • Course developed specifically for engineering and technology students but opened to all students • No language requirement.

  5. GO GREEN Study Abroad • Course emphasizes sustainable practices in businesses, industries, municipalities, & universities; globalization; German or French culture. • Course includes lectures, discussions, guest lectures, case studies, visits and tours of industries, businesses, municipalities & universities. • Students compare and contrast examples seen in Germany or France with cases studied in U.S. • Interdisciplinary course drawing on many aspects of engineering, technology, leadership and foreign culture.

  6. Why Study Sustainability in Germany or EU? • Germany is a recognized leaders in sustainable practices actively engaged in environmental practices since 1970s. • Environmental effort began around 1970, with nearly 200 legal acts, which covers all areas. • Germany is a leaders in using new methods and tools to strengthen their government, policies and regulations aimed at improving their environmental performance of industry and business. • The EU has many laws which contribute to a sustainable society

  7. GO GREEN Industry Partners • GO GREEN would not be possible without our partners. We are very grateful for their assistance: • Germany • Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University • City of Freiburg and FraunhoferInstitute – Freiburg, Germany • City of Ladenburg – Ladenburg, Germany • Daimler– Rastatt, Germany • MVV Energie- Mannheim, Germany • Roche, Mannheim, Germany • ABB- Ladenburg, Germany • BASF – Ludwigshafen, Germany

  8. GO GREEN Industry Partners • GO GREEN would not be possible without our partners. We are very grateful for their assistance: • France • AFMB Polytech-Marseille Campus de Luminy • NaturoScope • Microcosmos • Hydroelectric Power Station in Serre-Ponçon • Solar Farm in Vinon-sur-Verdon • Frioul Island (Organic Fish Farm)

  9. GO GREEN Summary • Students learn about sustainability, globalization, and German or French culture – best practices in the GO GREEN class. • First hand experience in a different culture – this can not be duplicated on-line or in a classroom. • Course is taught with multidisciplinary view by several faculty (leadership, sustainability, and engineering). • Industry-education partnership is key to the success of the course. We have many. • Faculty are dedicated to the topic. • Students and faculty enjoy many benefits from this experience. Everyone has fun too.

  10. Sustainability at ET & IUPUI • Engineering & Technology GO GREEN Germany offered 2003 • Other schools at IUPUI developed courses in sustainability • 2006 - Group of IUPUI faculty gathered to develop a sustainable principles for campus • 2008 - Campus Statement of Sustainability Principles adopted • 2008 - ET Sustainable Technology Certificate • 2010 - GO GREEN France • 2011 -BS Energy Engineering • 2011 Office of Sustainability IUPUI

  11. IUPUI Office of Sustainability • Vision The IUPUI Office of Sustainability will be recognized as a national leader in urban sustainability, including social, economic, and environmental aspects, and known for its academic, research and community outreach efforts that support student success and the well-being of citizens of Indianapolis, the state of Indiana, and beyond.    • Mission The IUPUI Office of Sustainability will create a culture of sustainability and advance sustainability in the administrative, academic, research and community engagement programs at IUPUI. 

  12. IUPUI Sustainability • Campus Statement of Sustainability Principles adopted 2008 • Office established August 2011 • Committees • Advisory • Steering • Education and Outreach • Resource Management • Health and Wellness • Social Justice • Strategic Planning • Engagement

  13. Resource Management: Energy • Conserve energy and improve energy efficiency of buildings, vehicles, equipment • Increase use of renewable energy sources • Progress • BS/SPEA Solar Panels • Energy Policy • EPA Green Power Partner

  14. Resource Management: Built Environment • Pursue Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certification • Conserve and increase green space on campus • Progress • Designated Tree Campus USA: 2012 and 2013 • Plant natives at UL in April 2013 and 2014 • LEED certified buildings • Glick – gold • SELB –silver • New York Street Garden – Outdoor learning space

  15. Resource Management: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle • Advance reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste materials • Promote environmentally sound purchasing practices • Progress • Convert campus recycling program to single stream • Materials accepted at recycling stations: • Cans and Plastic: Plastic (1-7), aluminum, steel containers • White Office Paper: White paper, letterhead, envelopes • Mixed Paper: Colored paper, newspapers, and magazines • Ink Jet and Toner Cartridges

  16. Resource Management: Transportation • Minimize transportation demands to and from campus • Increase use of car pooling and public transportation • Encourage bicycling as a commuter option • Progress • Bicycle maintenance stations • Zip car • Bike share

  17. Health and Wellness • Raise awareness about the ways the environment impacts individual and community health • Progress • Successful campus gardening effort • Campus Kitchen • Water bottle refill stations

  18. Education and Outreach • Work with academic units to enhance and expand teaching about sustainability in the classroom and the community • Progress • Public Health • Undergrad: Environmental Health Science • Graduate: Environmental Health • SPEA • Undergrad: Sustainability Policy and Management • Grad: Urban Sustainability • ET • Sustainable Technologies Certificate • Energy Engineering • Law • Environmental Law

  19. Engagement • Indianapolis Higher Education Sustainability Roundtable • IGCN – Indiana Green Campus Network • Big Ten and Friends Sustainability Group • Sustainability Peninsula Committee • AASHE – Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education • HEASC – Higher Education Association Sustainability Consortium • CSHEMA – Campus Safety and Environmental Mgmt. Association • Upper White River Watershed Alliance • Reconnecting to our Waterways (ROW)

  20. AASHE STARS • Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education • Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System • A transparent, self-reporting tool to measure sustainability progress in the areas of: environmental, economic, and social indicators, which are divided into four categories related to campus activities: Education & Research, Operations, Planning, Administration & Engagement, and Innovation. • Provides a framework for understanding sustainability in all sectors of higher education • Enable meaningful comparisons over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements developed with broad participation from the campus sustainability community • Create incentives for continual improvement toward sustainability • Facilitate information sharing about higher education sustainability practices and performance • Build a stronger, more diverse campus sustainability community

  21. IUPUI STARS Report – June 2013

  22. Areas to Get Involved with IUPUI Sustainability • Office of Sustainability Website/Social Media • www.sustainability.iupui.edu • https://www.facebook.com/IUPUISustainability • AASHE.org • Green Teams • Sustainability Committees • Events • Earth Month • Campus Sustainability Day

  23. Questions? Thank you for your time! Pat Fox IUPUI Clinical Assistant Professor psfox@iupui.edu www.sustainability.iupui.edu

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