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Results of the Testbeam at the S-DALINAC

This workshop report presents the results of investigating diamond and Si detectors at S-DALINAC of TU Darmstadt. The motivation, program of investigation, preparations, G4 simulations and optimization, setups, and summary of the investigation are covered.

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Results of the Testbeam at the S-DALINAC

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  1. Results of the Testbeam at the S-DALINAC Alexandr Ignatenko FCAL Collaboration Workshop October 17, 2006

  2. Contents • Investigation of diamond and Si detectors at the S-DALINAC of the TU Darmstadt (12.06. -19.06.2006) • Motivation • Program of investigation • Preparations • G4 simulations and optimization • Setups • Results • Summary

  3. Investigation of Diamond and Si Detectors at the S-DALINAC of the TU Darmstadt (12.06. -19.06.2006)

  4. Motivation In BeamCal doses of up 10MGy/year are expected → radiation hard detectors Energy spectrum of particles depositing energy in the BeamCal sensors 6X0 2X0 20X0

  5. Program of Investigation S-DALINAC of the TU Darmstadt Tuneable 3 GHz electron beam energy: 2.5 to 130 MeV intensity: 1 nA to 50 µA The injector line has been used: 10 ± 0.015 MeV and beam currents from 10 to 100 nA

  6. IAF: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid-State Physics E6: De Beers Industrial Diamonds rebranded to Element Six in 2002 pCVD diamond samples from different manufactures & 2 Si samples were used 2 samples of usual (not radiation hard) Si 300 µm thick until degradation Measure CCD ~20 min Apply HV to the sample Transport biased sample to the experimental area Tune the beam 1-2 nA for Si 10-100 nA for diamond Irradiate the sample ~1 hour Absorbed doses for diamond 5.9-59 kGy/h Transport biased sample to the lab Beam current of 10 nA corresponds to 16.4 Gy of absorbed dose in the diamond per second.

  7. Preparations G4 Simulations and optimization sample box collimator Faraday cap e- Optimization by G4 simulation

  8. Statistics (extract R = NFC/NSensor = 0.98) Spatial distribution of sensor hits Energy deposition in the sensor

  9. Setups Beam setup exit window of beam line collimator (IColl) Faraday cup (IFC, TFC) sensor box (IDia, TDia, HV)

  10. collimator biased sensor Faraday cup TDia TFC IDia IFC IColl current to voltage converter VFC VColl amperemeter Keithley 6487 measurement device Keithley 2700 PC Beam setup scheme

  11. Temperature monitoring

  12. ADC diamond PA delay Scint. discr PM1 & Gate discr PM2 CCD setup Sr90 Sr90 source Preamplifier Sensor box Trigger box Typical spectrum

  13. Results

  14. Silicon Si 1505_2 1505_2_Micron IV 10--4 10--5 After irradiation gj 10--6 Bias Current [A] 10--7 10--8 Before irradiation 10--9 10-10 0 100 200 300 400 500 Depletion voltage [V] Si 1505_4 1505_4_Micron IV 10--4 10--5 After irradiation 10--6 gj Bias Current [A] 10--7 Before irradiation 10--8 10--9 10-10 At the beginning In the end 0 100 200 300 400 500 Depletion voltage [V] Degradation after some tens of kGy

  15. Diamond E6_B2 Comparison of current-voltage characteristics before and after irradiation CCD dependence on dose during the testbeam

  16. Diamond CCD vs electric field after irradiation before irradiation

  17. Diamond DESY 8 Comparison of current-voltage characteristics before and after irradiation CCD dependence on dose during the testbeam

  18. Diamond CCD vs electric field after irradiation before irradiation

  19. Diamond FAP 5 Comparison of current-voltage characteristics before and after irradiation CCD dependence on dose during the testbeam

  20. Diamond Repeated measurement (absorbed additional ~20 Gy) First measurement before irradiation after irradiation

  21. Diamond E6_4p Comparison of current-voltage characteristics before and after irradiation CCD dependence on dose during the testbeam

  22. Diamond after irradiation before irradiation

  23. Summary • Diamond and Si samples were investigated with high electromagnetic doses up to several MGy. • Standard Si can not survive doses of ~50 kGy. • Different diamond samples show different dose dependence, wide variation of signal size. • Will discuss with diamond manufacturers about the possibility to obtain more homogeneous material and samples of similar properties. • As an alternative studies of GaAs were started. • Next step with GaAs: irradiation.

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