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Exploring mathematical models using technology and its impact on pedagogical mathematics knowledge by Jennifer Suh Georg

Exploring mathematical models using technology and its impact on pedagogical mathematics knowledge by Jennifer Suh George Mason University. Presentation at Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators Irvine, California - January 2007. Developing highly qualified mathematics teachers by ….

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Exploring mathematical models using technology and its impact on pedagogical mathematics knowledge by Jennifer Suh Georg

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  1. Exploring mathematical models using technology and its impact on pedagogical mathematics knowledgeby Jennifer SuhGeorge Mason University Presentation at Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators Irvine, California - January 2007

  2. Developing highly qualified mathematics teachers by… Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge : • subject matter knowledge, • pedagogical knowledge, and • knowledge of context. "from being able to comprehend subject matter for themselves, to becoming able to elucidate subject matter in new ways, reorganize and partition it, clothe it in activities and emotions, in metaphors and exercises, and in examples and demonstrations, so that it can be grasped by students" (Shulman, 1987: 13).

  3. Why is modeling mathematics concepts important in developing pedagogical content knowledge ? PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE is knowing the “most useful forms of representation of these ideas, the most powerful analogies, illustrations, examples, explanations, and demonstrations-in a word, the ways of representing and formulating the subject that make it comprehensible to others" (Shulman, 1987, p. 9).

  4. Mathematical Teaching Knowledge

  5. Why are mathematical models so important? • Provide real life context • Help students build a network of mathematical relationships. • Consider what ideas or models might be the most accessible to students) • Plan the developmental progression of models (how models evolve)

  6. Effective Representational Models have… • Transparency: how easily can the idea be seen through the representation • Efficiency: Does the representation support efficient communication and use? • Generality: Does the representation apply to broad classes of objects or concepts? • Clarity:Is the representation unambiguous and easy to use • Precision: How close it the representation to the exact value? From National Research Council (2002) Adding it Up

  7. Importance of mathematical modeling and representations • Although 43% of the US teachers successfully calculated 1 ¾ / ½ , almost all failed to come up with a representation of division by fractions. • Among 23 teachers, 6 could not create a story and 16 made up stories with misconceptions. From Liping Ma’s (1999), Knowing and Teaching Mathematics

  8. Five important consideration for technology integration(Garofalo, et al., 2000, p. 66) • Introduce technology in context • Address worthwhile mathematics with appropriate pedagogy • Take advantage of technology • Connect mathematics topics • Incorporate multiple representations

  9. Research Question… • How does activities with mathematical modeling and representations of virtual manipulative facilitate the development of pedagogical math content knowledge? • What experiences can increase teachers’ competence and confidence in integrating technology and working with manipulative models in mathematics? • How are technology applets implemented into lessons: as concept tutorial/models, tools for investigations or free explorations in teaching and learning mathematics?

  10. Methods: Participants: Twenty-one preservice teachers in Elementary Mathematics Methods classroom Data sources: Teacher surveys with likert scale & open ended questions Artifacts from class activities Technology lesson plans

  11. Procedure: Mathematical modeling activities Process 1: Relearning the mathematics content as a “teacher”. Process 2: Selecting and evaluating for appropriate mathematical models Process 3: Implementing the mathematics model in a lesson

  12. PROCESS ONE : Relearning the mathematics content as a “teacher” Define the mathematical essence in a lesson (Knowledge maps) Developing relational understanding through lesson study

  13. PROCESS ONE : Relearning the mathematics content as a “teacher” Define the mathematical essence in a lesson (Knowledge maps) Developing relational understanding through lesson study

  14. PROCESS ONE : Relearning the mathematics content as a “teacher” Define the mathematical essence in a lesson (Knowledge maps) Developing relational understanding through lesson study

  15. PROCESS TWO : Mathematical modeling activities Selecting and evaluating for appropriate mathematical models (math model evaluations) • What are the different uses of these models? • How are students’ developmental needs supported by the different uses of these models? • Is there a developmental progression for these models? Are some used of the model precursors to others? • What role does the model play in helping students visualize different strategies? • How might one represent a given strategy with each model?

  16. Modeling perimeter and area

  17. Modeling “ten-ness”

  18. Modeling “ten-ness”

  19. …build deeper understanding through multiple representations Example of Mathematical Model to teach density of numbers

  20. …from tools to represent thinking into models for thinking

  21. PROCESS THREE : Implementation phase Implementing the mathematics model in a lesson (lesson design creating a task sheet to guide learning)

  22. Preservice teachers reported that the virtual manipulatives website were • New ways to model math ideas • Strategy for students to use for collaborative knowledge construction • User-friendly and handy visual model for visual learners • Tools to entice reluctant learners and special ed. students who could not focus on work with manipulatives

  23. Technology integration survey

  24. Path to pedagogical content knowledge “American educators assume that you need to know content knowledge before you can plan lessons. Chinese teachers think you learn content knowledge by planning lessons.” from Liping Ma’s (1999) Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics

  25. In its 2001 report, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE, p. 7) calls for an integration of technology as summarized below: QUESTION: To what degree are higher education institutions meeting their responsibility for preparing tomorrow’s classroom teachers? ANSWER: Bluntly, a majority of teacher preparation programs are falling far short of what needs to be done…colleges and universities are making the same mistake that was made by K-12 schools; they treat ‘technology’ as a special addition to the teacher education curriculum – requiring specifically prepared faculty and specially equipped classrooms – but not a topic that needs to be incorporated across the entire education program…[Teachers] rarely are required to apply technology in their courses and are denied role models of faculty employing technology in their own work.

  26. Methods classes and professional development training … In the student approach, preservice teachers use the same technology their future students will be using. They explore concepts via the aid of technology, and then decide how they will use that same technology to explore those concepts with their future students.

  27. Implications for teacher educators • Within the context of their content and methods courses, preservice teachers utilize technologies they would use with their own future students; • Meaningful activities and technologies are selected purposefully (not just technology for technology’s sake); • Technology integration occurs throughout the teacher preparation program, not just one semester, for example; and • Faculty use technology as a means for modeling and for representing content and pedagogy

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