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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence. Search: 2. Ian Gent ipg@cs.st-and.ac.uk. Artificial Intelligence. Search 2. Part I : The Eights Puzzle Part II: Search Algorithms via lists Part II: Best First Search. The Eights Puzzle. Sliding blocks puzzle, more usually 15 puzzle

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Artificial Intelligence

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  1. Artificial Intelligence Search: 2 Ian Gent ipg@cs.st-and.ac.uk

  2. Artificial Intelligence Search 2 Part I : The Eights Puzzle Part II: Search Algorithms via lists Part II: Best First Search

  3. The Eights Puzzle • Sliding blocks puzzle, more usually 15 puzzle • shows you the state of AI in the sixties • how many moves between these states?

  4. Search Reminder • Search states, Search trees • Don’t store whole search trees, just the frontier

  5. Frontiers as lists • One way to implement search algorithms is via lists • Lists fundamental in AI programming • main data structure in Lisp, Prolog • makes list processing really easy (no pointers) • <end of advert for AI languages> • Lists can easily store frontier of search • Each element in list is search state • Different algorithms manipulate list differently

  6. A general search algorithm • 1. Form a one element list with null state • 2. Loop Until (either list empty or we have a solution) • Remove the first state X from the list • Choose the next decision to make • e.g. which letter to set in SAT, which city to choose successor in TSP • Create a new state for each possible choice of decision • e.g. upper/lower case, Walla Walla/Oberlin/Ithaca • MERGE the set of new states into the list • different algorithms will have different MERGE methods • 3. If (solution in list) succeed • else list must be empty, so fail

  7. Depth First Search • The most important AI search algorithm? • MERGE = push • treat list as a stack • new search states to explore at front of list, get treated first • What about when many new states created? • We use a heuristic to decide what order to push new states • all new states in front of all old states in the list • What about when no new states created? • We must be at a leaf node in the search tree • we have to backtrack to higher nodes

  8. Breadth First Search • MERGE = add to end • treat list as a queue • new search states to explore at end of list, • What about when many new states created? • We use a heuristic to decide what order to add new states • Breadth first considers all states at a given depth in the search tree before going on to the next depth • compare with depth-first, • depth-first considers all children of current node before any other nodes in the search tree • list can be exponential size -- all nodes at given depth

  9. Depth-First-Depth-Bounded Search • As depth-first search • Disallow nodes beyond a certain depth d in tree • to implement, add depth in tree to search state • Compare DFDB with Depth-first • DFDB: always finds solution at depth <= d • DF may find very deep solution before shallow ones • DFDB: never goes down infinite branch • relevant if search tree contains infinite branches • e.g. Eights puzzle • DFDB: we have a resource limit (b^d if b branching rate) • How do we choose d?

  10. Iterative Deepening Search • No longer a simple instance of general search • d = min-d • Loop Until (solution found) • apply DFDB(d) • d := d + increment • Why? • Guarantees to find a solution if one exists (cf DFDB) • Finds shallow solutions first (cf DF) • Always has small frontier (cf Breadth First) • Surprising asymptotic guarantees • search time typically no more than d/(d-1) as bad as DF

  11. Why is Iterative deepening ok? • Suppose increment = 1, solution at depth d • how much more work do we expect to do in I.D. vs DF ? • I.d. repeats work from depths 1 to d di=1 bi = b d+1 / (b - 1) • Ratio to b d = b d+1 / bd(b - 1) = b/(b-1) • So we only do b/(b-1) times as much work as we need to • e.g. even if b=2, only do twice as much work • Very often worth the overhead for the advantages

  12. Comparing Search Algorithms

  13. Best First Search • All the algorithms up to now have been hard wired • I.e. they search the tree in a fixed order • use heuristics only to choose among a small number of choices • e.g. which letter to set in SAT / whether to be A or a • Would it be a good idea to explore the frontier heuristically? • I.e. use the most promising part of the frontier? • This is Best First Search

  14. Best First Search • Best First Search is still an instance of general algorithm • Need heuristic score for each search state • MERGE: merge new states in sorted order of score • I.e. list always contains most promising state first • can be efficiently done if use (e.g.) heap for list • no, heaps not done for free in Lisp, Prolog. • Search can be like depth-first, breadth-first, or in-between • list can become exponentially long

  15. Search in the Eights Puzzle • The Eights puzzle is different to (e.g.) SAT • can have infinitely long branches if we don’t check for loops • bad news for depth-first, • still ok for iterative deepening • Usually no need to choose variable (e.g. letter in SAT) • there is only one piece to move (the blank) • we have a choice of places to move it to • we might want to minimise length of path • in SAT just want satisfying assignment

  16. Search in the Eights Puzzle • Are the hard wired methods effective? • Breadth-first very poor except for very easy problems • Depth-first useful without loop checking • not much good with it, either • Depth-bounded -- how do we choose depth bound? • Iterative deepening ok • and we can use increment = 2 (why?) • still need good heuristics for move choice • Will Best-First be ok?

  17. Search in the Eights Puzzle • How can we use Best-First for the Eights puzzle? • We need good heuristic for rating states • Ideally want to find guaranteed shortest solution • Therefore need to take account of moves so far • And some way of guaranteeing no better solution elsewhere

  18. Next week in Search for AI • Heuristics for the Eights Puzzle • the A* algorithm

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