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Anders Sjögren and Magnus Andersson School of ICT, KTH

Bridging the gap in mathematics for first-year students – strategies to work jointly with students. Anders Sjögren and Magnus Andersson School of ICT, KTH. Background history. Students: HING in Kista (TIDAB AND TIEDB)

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Anders Sjögren and Magnus Andersson School of ICT, KTH

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  1. Bridging the gap in mathematics for first-year students – strategiestoworkjointlywith students Anders Sjögren and Magnus Andersson Schoolof ICT, KTH

  2. Backgroundhistory • Students: HING in Kista (TIDAB AND TIEDB) • < 2014 – Decrease in throughput, teachersrealizelarge problems for students tounderstandmathematics • 2015 – Questionnaireto all students in the programs • 2015 – Internalfacultydiscussions • 2016 – Preliminarmeasures, first-year students involved in mathematicsprojects • 2016 – Questionnaireto all first-year students • 2017 – New introductorycourse in mathematicswill be given

  3. Questionnaires • The ”medicaldoctor’smethodology” • • Freeanswerquestions • (What do the students describe?  ”listen to the patient”) • • Test results • (How do wefindoutwhat to do?  ”medical tests”) • • Analysisof the answers • (How do weinterprete the results?  ”clinicalexperience”) • But …

  4. Butrememberthat • teaching and learning is an interactive process • betweenteachers and students • i.e. we must curebothourselves and the students! • ”Curingteachers” – ability to applypedagogic and didacticknowledge in the appropriate situation • ”Curing students” - trainthem to become independent learnersthattakeresponsibility for howtheyusetheirknowledge and skills • (What ”treatment” and ”medicine” to prescribe?)

  5. Projects about Mathematics Project Task: Pick something from your previous experience of learning mathematics that you never understood or found hard to understand. Try to explain this math to other upper high school pupils in a “www-module” that could be adopted by ”http://www.matteboken.se/” • Komplexa tal (winner) • Serieutveckling • Gränsvärden • Deriveringsregler • ”Daily refresh” • ”Calculus” • Derivator • Absolutbelopp • Matematisk analys • Trigonometri • Diagnostiskt prov • Formelsamling • Matematikprov • Quiz • MathQuest • An attempt to let students elaborate around mathematics and gain understanding (first course year one, pre-excercise before first math-course)

  6. Gap betweenuppersecondaryschool and KTH(not drawntoscale)

  7. Whatdoes the gap consistof? • • Contentknowledge • • Uppersecondaryschool : 6-8 courses at the same time • KTH : 2 courses at the same time • 4 timeslarger speed ofstudy at KTH! • • Differences in students’ maturityto plan theirown studies • • ??? • How do wehelp the student to bridge the gap?

  8. Workshop • Look at someofour ”clinical” results • Questions • Whatstrategiesshouldweusetogainbetterknowledgeofthis problem? • Whatshouldwe do tohelp students to bridge the gap betweenuppersecondaryschool and KTH?

  9. Workshop – deliver your ideas! Open two web browser windows, se below, and deliver your ideas as they fall in your mind! • Go to www.menti.com and use the code 194491 • ------------------------ • “How to bridge the gap?” Go to www.menti.com and use the code 17415 -------------------------- “What strategies should we use to gain better knowledge of this problem?”

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