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FIRST II: A Model for Facilitating Change

FIRST II: A Model for Facilitating Change. Diane Ebert-May 1 Jan Hodder 2 Debra Linton 3. 1 Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University 2 Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon 3 Cuyahoga Community College www.first2.org. Sustainable Agriculture

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FIRST II: A Model for Facilitating Change

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  1. FIRST II: A Model for Facilitating Change Diane Ebert-May1 Jan Hodder2 Debra Linton3 1 Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University 2 Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon 3 Cuyahoga Community College www.first2.org

  2. Sustainable Agriculture (Röling and Wagemakers, 1998) Need to Change Learning and Implementing New Practices Policy Institutional Support and Facilitation Facilitating the Learning and Implementation of New Practices FIRST Model IT Faculty Teams Join FIRST II FIRST II Workshops Lead to Course Reforms Faculty Recognition andRewards Dissemination within Institutions FIRST II Team Structure Theoretical Basis of FIRST Evidence…

  3. Need to Change Teaching Faculty Choose to Join FIRST II

  4. Primary Reasons for Participating(n=145)

  5. Participants by Position Title(n=145)

  6. Institutions Involved(n=145)

  7. Participants by Years Teaching Experience(n=145)

  8. Learning and ImplementingNew Practices FIRST II Workshops Lead to Course Reforms

  9. Workshop Activities

  10. Useful Workshop Experiences(n=109)

  11. Courses in the Project(n=109)

  12. Students in Courses(n=109)

  13. Sizes of Courses Being Reformed(n=109) # Students in Reformed Courses per Year:>16,000

  14. Reforms in Courses(n=109)

  15. Facilitating the Learning and Implementation of New Teaching Practices FIRST II Team Structure

  16. FIRST II Structure

  17. IT Support from Teammates(n=109)

  18. Support from FS Team(n=109)

  19. FIRST II Website Use

  20. Useful Website Resources(n=109)

  21. Institutional Support and Facilitation Dissemination within Institutions

  22. Seminars Presented by Participants(n=109)

  23. Grant Proposals Submitted by Participants(n=109)

  24. Types of Grant Proposals(n=109)

  25. Departmental Reforms(n=109)

  26. Policy Faculty Recognition and Rewards Fox MA, Hackerman N. 2003. Evaluating and improving undergraduate teaching in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

  27. Need to Change Learning and Implementing New Practices Policy Institutional Support and Facilitation Facilitating the Learning and Implementation of New Practices IT Faculty Teams Join FIRST II FIRST II Workshops Lead to Course Reforms Faculty Recognition andRewards Dissemination within Institutions FIRST II Team Structure Theoretical Basis of FIRST Sustainable Agriculture (Röling and Wagemakers, 1998) FIRST Model Evidence…

  28. Dimensions of Faculty ChangeWhere are FIRST II Faculty? Where are you?

  29. What are the next questions? Question: Do faculty self-report data about teaching reforms correlate with direct observation? Method: Videotaping of faculty in classes (n~80 x 4) Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP)

  30. What are the next questions? Question: Does student learning increase in response to reformed teaching practice? Data we have…

  31. Evidence of Student Learning(n=109)

  32. What are the next questions? Question: Does student learning increase in response to reformed teaching practice? Method: Diagnostic Question sets (SDSU, CU, MSU) Correlate with RTOP

  33. FIRST III?

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