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Evidence-based management (zoals u het nog nooit hoorde?)

Explore the growing gap between management science and practice, and how evidence-based decision-making can bridge this divide. Discover the importance of using reliable information, data, and research findings to inform management practices and improve performance.

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Evidence-based management (zoals u het nog nooit hoorde?)

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  1. Evidence-based management(zoals u het nog nooit hoorde?) Frederik Anseel – Ghent University Mail: frederik.anseel@ugent.be Twitter: @fanseel Web: fanseel.be

  2. Management practice vs. science • Similar objectives • Growing gap between science and practice • We don’t work together • Business leaders not up to date with research findings • Management sciences do not address issues and problems that are relevant to business practice • Managers have their own ‘knowledge base’ that is happily ignored by scientists and vice versa

  3. Companies that screen job applicants for values (culture fit) have higher performance than those that screen for degrees

  4. Because employees have different learning styles, development adapted to individual styles will be more effective

  5. Thereis a new generation of digital natives (‘Generation Y’) with a set of workvaluesmarkedly different fromothergenerations

  6. There’s no evident solution, only ‘evidence’!

  7. What is ‘evidence’?

  8. Information and data allaround

  9. 30 years of experiencecan’tbe wrong

  10. Best beschikbare wetenschappelijke evidentie Best beschikbare informatie in de organisatie Evidence-based beslissing Expertise, kritisch denken, beslissingshulplijnen Voorkeuren en belangen van stakeholders

  11. Evident?!

  12. Management is an art, it is not a sciencelikemedicine

  13. Evidence-based Medicine David Sackett • Half of what you learn in medical school will be shown to be either dead wrong or out-of-date within 5 years of your graduation; the trouble is that nobody can tell you which half. • The most important thing to learn is how to learn on your own: search for the evidence • Remember that your teachers are as full of bullshit as your parents Gordon Guyatt

  14. Evidence ≠ wetenschap

  15. Evidence ≠ bewijs

  16. Geen evidence ≠ Niets doen

  17. Evidence-based = efficiënt de beste wetenschappelijke evidentie raadplegen CAT = CriticallyAppraised Topic

  18. HR Analytics “Behandel je organisatie als een prototype” Evidence-based= meer betrouwbare en bruikbare interne informatie

  19. Objectiveanddocumented

  20. Cost-effective (bydefinition)

  21. Pioneering

  22. Factual, but notverypersuasive

  23. “You have been a very bad bad HR!” “Oh yes, professor!”

  24. What should WE do?

  25. Askyourself: “What’s the evidenceforthat?” Thanks! Contact: Frederik.anseel@ugent.be Fanseel.be @fanseel

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