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Cell Backhaul: Realities of Ethernet in SLA Environments

Cell Backhaul: Realities of Ethernet in SLA Environments. Presented by Zach Sherman Applications Engineer Transition Networks MBA, BSEE. Agenda. Situational Analysis Upcoming Bandwidth Reality Choices to make Can Ethernet perform like TDM Ethernet Standards to know. Situational Analysis.

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Cell Backhaul: Realities of Ethernet in SLA Environments

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  1. Cell Backhaul:Realities of Ethernet in SLA Environments Presented by Zach Sherman Applications Engineer Transition Networks MBA, BSEE

  2. Agenda Situational Analysis Upcoming Bandwidth Reality Choices to make Can Ethernet perform like TDM Ethernet Standards to know

  3. Situational Analysis 200 Trillion Text messages are received each day in America An increase by almost 500% in two years 5 Billion Applications were downloaded in 2010 Mobile web users up more than 33% Over 50% of phones sold in 2011 are “smart” phones (<25% in 2009)

  4. Upcoming Reality • Not enough Bandwidth to towers • Each iPhone/Droid user • Consumes >560M per month • Each tablet user • Consumes >800M per month • That’s a lot of T1’s

  5. Choices to Make • Do I put more T1’s to towers? • Bandwidth growth has been exponential • How many more T1’s will be enough? • For two years? • For five years? • Do I put Ethernet to towers? • How? The infrastructure won’t support it • Only copper to the tower • If I have the fiber how do I get Ethernet to work • QoS • SLA’s • Dropped Calls

  6. Ethernet’s Reality Ethernet might provide the bandwidth but can I get the service I expect from T1’s? • Traditional Ethernet was non-deterministic • Half-Duplex • CSMA/CD • Random backoff delays • Destruction and Re-transmission of data • Switched Full-duplex Ethernet • Removes CSMA/CD • Each port is its own collision domain in Full-duplex • 802.1p/Q VLAN’s and Prioritization • Real-Time Ethernet • The Foundation of Many SLA’s is Time

  7. Ethernet Technologies Aimed at SLA’s • VLAN Tagging • Q-in-Q • Traffic Classification • Quality of Service Techniques • Class of Service (CoS) • Differentiated Services (DiffServ) • IEEE 802.3AH (Link OAM) • IEEE 802.1AG (Service OAM) • ITU-T Y.1731 (Performance Monitoring) • Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) • IEEE 1588v2 • G.8032 Ring Protection

  8. IEEE 802.1Q and VLANs • IEEE 802.1Q, (dot1q) allows logical network connections to share the same physical network • VLAN’s logically separate broadcast domains at layer 2 • A VLAN is typically used to isolate traffic types logically in an organization while sharing the same physical network • Both sales and engineering need access to the network, but each has its own VLAN so that information is protected from one segment to another • The VLAN tag is a two-byte (16 bit) frame used to identify the traffic circulating on the VLAN • Contains a three-bit user priority (CoS tag) • One-bit canonical indicator • 12 bit VLAN ID

  9. 802.1ad – Q-in-Q 802.1ad 802.1Q • Q-in-Q commonly referred to as double tagging • Allows tagged traffic to be preserved while adding additional tags • Useful for Internet service providers, allowing them to use VLANs internally while mixing traffic from clients that is already VLAN-tagged. • Customers can use and manage their own C-VLANs for each user group whereas Service Providers can use their own S-VLAN to isolate traffic from each customer into a VLAN • An Ethernet frame with Q-in-Q looks like a VLAN-tagged frame, except that it has two tags instead of one

  10. 5-VLAN Tagging Types

  11. QoS Techniques

  12. Why Quality of Service? • Delay Sensitive● High Tolerance For Delay • Voice- Internet Browsing • Streaming Video- Email • Video Conferencing- File Transfer • QoS defines rules for processing packets • Based on priority or weight • Class of Service (CoS) • Type of Service (ToS)

  13. IEEE 802.1P Class of Service • Class of Service (CoS) • Commonly Called the P-Bit • 3-bit value • Typically associated with a VLAN ID • Value of 0 to 7 • 7 being the highest priority traffic • Doesn’t Mean Much without Rules

  14. DiffServ – IP ToS • Type of Service – ToS • Replaced by DiffServ • Uses 6 bits in the IP header • Allows for 64 traffic classifications • Table of the Most Common Types • Doesn’t mean much without processing rules

  15. Two Types of QoS • Hard QoS • Reserves a selected amount of bandwidth for a traffic type • No other traffic types can use this bandwidth • Soft QoS • Not a dedicated amount of bandwidth • Allows for flexibility in assignment and re-assignment

  16. Rule Systems • Strict Priority • Allows an administrator to determine exactly how much bandwidth is allowable to each flow • More difficult to implement because of the interface to control • Weighted Fair Queuing • Weighted Round Robin Queuing • Allows for certain traffic to get a automatically assigned bandwidth percentage • Automatic nature is simple to implement

  17. WFQ Example WFQ equation: B*Flow (1) Flow(1) +Flow(2) + Flow (3)…+ Flow(n) BasedontheinboundCoSorToStag,eachtraffictypeisassignedaweightforprocessing.Thisweightdeterminesbandwidthpercentage

  18. 802.3ah Link OAM • AKA – Ethernet in the First/Last Mile • Provides for IP-less management of remote nodes between vendors • Cisco talks to HP, etc • Provides critical link fault information • Last Gasp/Dying Gasp • Link Failure • Critical Event • Is Point to Point only (Direct Connection)

  19. Service Provider Operator Operator Customer End-to-End Metrics Provider End-to-End Metrics Operator Metrics Operator Metrics 802.1AG/Y.1731 Introduction www.transition.com

  20. Continuity Check Messages NOC CCM Timeout Alarms EVC Failure Alarm CCM Fault Detection • Connectivity Check Messages (CCMs) are periodic messages used for detecting loss of continuity within an MA • Each MEP transmits CCMs to all other MEPs in the MA • Upon loss of 3 consecutive CCMs a loss of continuity defect is declared

  21. Loopback Fault Verification • Works with central test head to perform tests • Measures performance (delay, dropped packets, throughput, etc.) • Ideal for fault isolation and locating within carrier network • Port level loopbacks are ideal for turn up and commissioning • Eliminates truck rolls NOC EVC Failure LBM LBR www.transition.com

  22. Linktrace Fault Isolation • Quickly determine the exact location of a fault • Tracks the entire path • Hop-by-hop • Similar to IP Trace Route function NOC EVC Broken Link LTM LTR www.transition.com

  23. AG/Y.1731 OAM Summary www.transition.com

  24. Packet Statistics • Y.1731 Provides Transmission Stats • Frame Delay (FD) • Delay Measurement Messages (DMMs) • Delay Measurement Responses (DMRs) • Frame Delay Variance (FDV) • The maximum FD less the minimum FD • FD is an average measurement of delay • Frame Loss (FL) • Continuity Check Messages (CCMs) • Link Trace Messages (LTMs) • Link Trace Responses (LTRs) • Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) • Percentage of frames reaching destination

  25. Synchronous Ethernet SyncE • ITU recommendation G.8261

  26. SynchE • ITU recommendation G.8261 • Uses the Physical Layer of Ethernet • Clock Singaling is kept separate from Data Traffic • High reliability and accuracy • A Primary Reference clock is inserted through a separate clock port • Does not interfere with existing IEEE protocols • Uses OAMPDU’s for delivering Synchrozation Messages (SSMs) • Used only for synchronization of clocks • Does not distribute Time of Day (ToD) messages

  27. IEEE 1588v2 • Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) • Independent of the Physical Layer • Uses Packets to transport timing information • Sends Time of Day (ToD) and Synchronization info • Can be affected by network delays and jitter • Can be used in conjunction with SyncE • SyncE delivers accurate Frequency/Sync information • 1588v2 delivers ToD

  28. G.8032 Ring Protection Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) Sub 50ms Recovery Protects Ethernet Rings from Link and Node failures Offers Ethernet SONET/SDH ring failover and deterministic performance

  29. Three Solutions from TN 32xT1 over Ethernet 802.1ag/Y.1731 NIDs SyncE, 1588v2, G.8032 NIDs

  30. 32xT1 over Ethernet PacketBand-TDM Line

  31. T1’s over the Ethernet Core

  32. Keys to T1 over Ethernet • Clocking • PacketBand exceeds the G.824 SyncMask Standard for Clock Recovery • <16ppb clocking error rates • Ethernet Processing • On Board Ethernet switch • Support VLAN’s, QoS (CoS, DSCP/DiffServ) • Additional Ethernet ports, fiber (SFP & Cu) • supports Ethernet and TDM delivery ‘in the box’ • rate limiting • egress queue prioritization

  33. 802.1AG/Y.1731 NIDs • x3230 • Single Port NID with Failover • Fully supports: • VLANs • Q-in-Q • CoS (802.1P) • DiffServ • Strict Priority Queuing • 802.1AG • Y.1731 • Sub 50ms fiber failover

  34. 802.1AG/Y.1731 NIDs • S3240 • Multi-Port NID with Failover • Fully supports: • VLANs • Q-in-Q • CoS (802.1P) • DiffServ • Strict Priority Queuing • 802.1AG • Y.1731 • Sub 50ms fiber failover • Dual Redundant DC Power inputs

  35. Uber-NIDs • S3280 & SISGM1040-384-LRT • Adds features to S3240 • More ports (8 total) • 2 Out of Band Management ports • IPv6 • 1588v2 • SyncE • G.8032 • (-40) to 75C temp range • IEC61850 (on SISGM) • Are the basis for all future NIDs • Includes plans for 10G

  36. Summary Many challenges related to increasing bandwidth requirements for mobile services x number of T1’s may no longer be enough Ethernet is a viable option for bandwidth Groups like the ITU, MEF, and IEEE are all working on continuously improving Ethernet to provide the type of reliability and availability inherent to TDM circuits Transition Networks is active in these groups and is staying as informed on emerging standards as they are ratified by the various groups

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