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Lyn Kesterton Development Officer Locality

Community Rights. Lyn Kesterton Development Officer Locality. Locality is the leading nationwide network of settlements, development trusts, social action centres and community enterprises. . Locality.

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Lyn Kesterton Development Officer Locality

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  1. Community Rights Lyn Kesterton Development Officer Locality

  2. Locality is the leading nationwide network of settlements, development trusts, social action centres and community enterprises.  Locality

  3. Locality was formed through the merger of bassac and the Development Trusts Association, two leading networks of community owned and led organisations.

  4. Locality Members Community led – by local people, meeting the many needs of a community. Driving social change – bringing about changes to make communities fairer and more inclusive. Committed to community enterprise – earning income for community benefit, not for private profit and aiming for long-term sustainability. Developing assets – maximising community assets: people, land and buildings Independent – working in partnership but accountable to the local community and free to determine their own objectives.

  5. New Community Rights BID BUILD CHALLENGE

  6. Community Right to Bid BID BID delay the sale and bid to buy assets of community value

  7. BID Right to Bid (Assets of Community Value) “aims to ensure that buildings and amenities can be kept in public use and remain an integral part of community life”

  8. BID List of assets of community value The Pub? The Post Office? The Village Hall? The Corner Shop? The School? The Allotments? Your House?

  9. BID Assembling an assets list • LAs list assets of ‘community value’ • Public, private, and VCS owned • Nominated by Parish Council, community council, or a locally connected voluntary or community body • LA must inform owner and nominee • Right of appeal for landowner • 5 year listing

  10. BID What is Community Value? Must further the social well-being or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community This must be its principal use Must continue to further the social well-being or interests of the local community   

  11. BID Moratorium Period • Triggered when owner wants to sell • During which the owner cannot conclude sale • 6 weeks for community group to notify LA they wish to bid • 6 months to raise capital to purchase • Followed by a protected period – 18 months: to protect owner from repeated attempts to block sale

  12. BID Exemptions • If disposal is a gift • Disposal between members of family • If part of bigger estate • If a going concern business is operating (providing that sale will result in the business continuing) 

  13. BID The Opportunity • A legal mechanism to encourage community ownership of assets • Owners viewing assets in a completely different way – as valuable community resources – and recognising they have a responsibility to ensure their preservation

  14. BID Funds • SIB Community Assets Pre-feasibility fund. £5,000 - £10,000 • SIB Community Assets Feasibility fund £10,000 - £100,000

  15. Community Right to Bid BID any questions?

  16. Community Right to Challenge CHALLENGE challenge and take over a council service they think can be better run

  17. CHALLENGE When can we submit an EOI? • At anytime. Unless… • The LA specifies periods for submitting EOI (inc beginning and end dates)

  18. CHALLENGE Who can submit an Expression of Interest? • charities • voluntary organisations • parish councils • 2 or more employees of the Local Authority involved in that service

  19. CHALLENGE Then what? • LA must respond in writing • If accepted a commissioning and procurement process is triggered • If not - gives reasons for rejection • Rejection of EOI only on grounds set out in regulations

  20. CHALLENGE Opportunities • Encourages ‘local thinking’ • Co-design of services • Breaking down contract size • A catalyst for voluntary & community sector collaboration

  21. CHALLENGE Funds • SIB Community Services Pre-feasibility fund. £5,000 - £10,000 • SIB Community Services Feasibility fund £10,000 - £100,000

  22. Community Right to Challenge CHALLENGE any questions?

  23. Community Right to Build BUILD small scale, site-specific developments without planning permission

  24. BUILD Welcome to NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING Please drive carefully

  25. BUILD Community Right to Build • a specific kind of neighbourhood development order Like Neighbourhood Development Plans – • neighbourhood area needs to approved by the Local Planning Authority • CRtB Order must be in ‘general conformity’ with the NPPF and local plan • independently assessed • subject to a local referendum

  26. BUILD Community Right to Build • allows specific proposals to be developed without planning permission • may be used as part of a neighbourhood plan or separately • expected to be mainly used for small scale housing in rural areas • but can be used for shops, businesses, community facilities, playgrounds, small scale power generation, etc

  27. BUILD Who can submit a CRtBuild Order? • parish council or existing neighbourhood forum • local charities • incorporated community organisations - ‘established for… furthering the social. economic & environmental well-being of individuals living, or wanting to live, in a particular area’

  28. BUILD Opportunities • revenue generated stays with the community • encourages community spirit and ownership • encourages partnerships with developers

  29. BUILD Funds • HCA Seed corn funding • Neighbourhood Planning funding: direct support up to £7,000 grant

  30. Community Right to Build BUILD any questions?

  31. atu.org.uk mycommunityrights.org.uk

  32. www.locality.org.uk0845 458 8336 lyn.kesterton@locality.org.uk

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