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Sensitivity and discovery potential for Galactic point-like sources

P. Sapienza, R. Coniglione and A. Trovato for the KM3NeT collaboration. Sensitivity and discovery potential for Galactic point-like sources. Physics case. Origin of Cosmic Rays and Astrophisical n sources Galactic Candidate n Sources ( SNRs , Fermi Bubbles, microquasar ,…)

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Sensitivity and discovery potential for Galactic point-like sources

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  1. P. Sapienza, R. Coniglione and A. Trovato for the KM3NeT collaboration Sensitivity and discoverypotentialforGalacticpoint-likesources

  2. Physics case • Origin of Cosmic Rays and Astrophisicaln sources • Galactic Candidate n Sources (SNRs, Fermi Bubbles, microquasar,…) • Extragalactic Candidate nSources (AGN, GRB, …) • Detection from Galactic sources and in particular from SNRs is one of the main physics objective of KM3NeT • Detector optimization

  3. Sky viewof a MediterraneanSeatelescope (up-goingneutrinos) From Mediterranean 24h per day visibility up to d~-50° >25% >75% • KM3NeT coverage of most of the sky (87%) including the Galactic Centre

  4. The KM3NeT detector • DOMTOWER: 20 storey (DOMBAR), 40 mspacing • DOMBAR 6 m long with 2 multi-PMT OM (DOM) • PRO => local 3D OM arrangement resolve ambiguities in the reconstruction of the muonazimuthal angle, compact transport and ease deployment procedure • Allow implementation of very efficient, high purity trigger • Multi-PMT Optical Module • PRO=> Single vs multi-photon hit separation, better background rejection • Detector optimisation in progress • Deployment of first DU prototype planned in 2012

  5. Simulations • Antares code modifiedfor KM3NeT • Trigger and ReconstructionmodifiedforMulti-PMT • Forknown candidate sources -> reconstruction exploit info on direction

  6. Effective neutrino aerea: up-goingneutrinos For 0.2° resolution at 10 TeV Withcutsfordiscovery

  7. Sensitivity and 5sdiscovery vs Energy Cut-off (E-2spectrum) 365 days

  8. Point-likeDiscovery vs DU distance

  9. Point-likeangularaccuracyforknownsources - E-2spectrum - 310 DU Detector 180m DU spacing, 20m storeyspacing 6m storeylength

  10. Bar lengthdependence–Point-like source

  11. Galactic Candidate n Sources: SNRs RXJ1713-39.43 IF hadronicmechanisms =>nspectrum can becalculatedfrom VHE gspectrum ( solidredline Vissani) OriginofCosmicRays => SNR paradigm, hintsfrom VHE gbut no conclusive evidenceabout CR acceleration RXJ1713-39.43 and Vela JR best candidates Hess RXJ1713-39.43

  12. RXJ1713 morphology • H.E.S.S. observations F. Aharonian et al. Astronomy and Astrophys 2008

  13. RXJ1713-39.46 Simulation • Flat disk with 0.6° radius -> conservative • Energy Spectrum and FluxfromKelneret al. • BinnedAnalysis • Reconstructionbased on Likelihoodwithout Energy Dependence

  14. RXJ1713 Detection vs bar length • Detection timedecreasewithincreasing bar length

  15. RXJ1713 detection vs source extention • Strong dependence on source extension • Nextstep => take into account source morphology

  16. To do list • Continue optimisationforGalacticSources • Include energydependence on Likelihood • Study impact of RXJ1713 morphology on detection • …

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