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JUNE 10-11, 2014 | NEPOOL MARKETS COMMITTEE. Matt Brewster. Market Development Mbrewster@iso-ne.com | 413.540.4547. ISO’s proposed scope and schedule for “phase 2” of demand curve implementation. FCM sloped demand curve: Capacity Zone demand curves & Reconfiguration Auctions.

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  1. JUNE 10-11, 2014 | NEPOOL MARKETS COMMITTEE Matt Brewster Market DevelopmentMbrewster@iso-ne.com | 413.540.4547 ISO’s proposed scope and schedule for “phase 2” of demand curve implementation FCM sloped demand curve: Capacity Zone demand curves & Reconfiguration Auctions

  2. Phase 2 will complete core design changes to implement FCM sloped demand curves • FERC accepted system-wide demand curve changes for FCA9 • Accelerated schedule for April 1st filing required deferring some scope of demand curve design • June MC begins “phase 2” of the demand curve effort • Capacity zone demand curves (FCA10) • Reconfiguration Auctions and CSO bilaterals(FCA9, FCA10) • ISO proposes to file phase 2 package with FERC by end of 2014 • In May 30 order, FERC stated it “expected” the zonal curves changes to be filed by January 2, 2015 • FCA9 and FCA10 milestones occur in February 2015 • The proposed schedule affords time to continue the major initiative analysis for zonal demand curves

  3. Capacity zone sloped demand curves • Intend to implement capacity zone sloped demand curves beginning with FCA10 (2019-20 period) • ISO has retained Brattle Group for zonal demand curve design and Net CONE analysis • Scope of work: • Demand curve parameters for capacity zones • Net CONE for capacity zones • Removal of import zone administrative pricing rules • Conforming changes; e.g., FCA rules, LSR study • FERC encouraged ISO to consider zonal Net CONE impact for capacity zones determination (ER12-953 Order)

  4. Reconfiguration Auctions and CSO bilaterals • Likely to require separate proposals for the 2018-19 (FCA9) period, and the 2019-20 (FCA10) period and beyond • Only system-wide demand curve will be implemented for FCA9 • Capacity zone demand curves anticipated to be implemented beginning with FCA10 • Scope of work • Auction structure; i.e., application of demand curves, supply offers • CSO bilateral transactions

  5. Timeline for major initiative evaluation of capacity zone demand curves

  6. Committee meeting schedule ISO proposes to file a comprehensive phase 2 package at FERC before the end of 2014; i.e., prior to FCA9 and FCA10 milestones that occur in February 2015 and consistent with FERC expectation that ISO file zonal curves by January 2, 2015

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