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Watershed Scale Management of Water Resources: Finding Answers in Large Heterogeneous Data Sets

Watershed Scale Management of Water Resources: Finding Answers in Large Heterogeneous Data Sets Julia Wiener *, Chad Jafvert Larry Nies School of Civil Engineering Environmental & Ecological Engineering Purdue University.

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Watershed Scale Management of Water Resources: Finding Answers in Large Heterogeneous Data Sets

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  1. Watershed Scale Management of Water Resources: Finding Answers in Large Heterogeneous Data Sets Julia Wiener *, Chad Jafvert Larry Nies School of Civil Engineering Environmental & Ecological Engineering Purdue University

  2. Kansas City Metropolitan Water Resources (214 million m3/yr) 174 Million m3/Yr MO River Basin: Watershed Sources Demands Post Use Surface Water: Mining Missouri River 95 Tributaries <.3% Treatment 159 Million m3/Yr 2.76 x 1010 m3/Yr Flow Irrigation, Livestock, Aquaculture 12 + Plants in Greater Metro 1% Ground Water: Industry Missouri River Alluvium 2.5% Runoff/Permeation Public Supply 55 Million m3/Yr 20% Self Supplied Power Gen. Reuse 76% Kansas City uses less than 1% of the Annual Renewable Water Supply 40 Million m3/Yr “Lost”

  3. San Diego Metropolitan Water Resources (690 million m3/yr) 28 Million m3/yr Sources Imported Water Post Use Demands Colorado River Two Watersheds 559 Million m3 yr 350 x 106 m3/yr Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Irrigation, Livestock, Aquaculture 64 Million m3 /yr 209 x 106 m3/yr Reuse million m3 /yr 272 million m3 /yr Treatment/ Discharge Industry 96 Million m3 /yr “Lost” 390 Million m3 /yr Local Water 131 Million m3 yr Public Supply 530 Million m3 /yr Surface/Groundwater Despite living in an Arid Region >50% of Public Supply is used for landscape watering. (Nies, 2013)

  4. Research questions • How much of the river´s flow at any given place has been affected by the human water cycle? • How much of the water was previously used and then discharged upstream? • Focus on:Indirect Potable Water Reuse • How would this information influence inter-jurisdictional regulation, water quality, public health, resource management, planning and policy making? • One Prior Study: Wastewater in Receiving Waters at Water Supply Abstraction Points, EPA 1980

  5. Water reuse?

  6. Water reuse? In an era of increased demand and water scarcity, the water and wastewater management alternatives are presented in such a way that elicits alarm among the general public.

  7. All Water is reused Human altered water cycle The role of engineered Treatment, Reclamation and Reuse Facilities in the Cycling of Water through the Hydrologic Cycle (Asano & Levine, 1996)

  8. Theoretical Basis • Determine the volume, location and date of surface and groundwater water WITHDRAWN • Integrate with US Geological Survey (USGS) gauging station STREAM FLOW measures as reference • Assess water reuse by: • Determine the volume, location and date of water DISCHARGED into surface water

  9. Wabash River Watershed 84,434 km2

  10. Water Inventory • Objectives: • Develop the methodology • Demonstrate the significance of a holistic water resource analysis USGS 03377500 Wabash at Mt. Carmel, IL ~65km

  11. datasets CSV EXCEL GIS CSV

  12. Research question current Status of Water reuse • “ … it is difficult to estimate the total contribution of the de facto reuse to the nation’s potable water supply…” • “ The number of people who acquire their drinking water from wells under the influence of effluent-dominated waters that are not intentionally operated as potable water reuse systems is unknown.” • [About EPA’s 1980 report] “No comparable more recent data are available, but these percentages have likely increased significantly since the EPA data were collected, given the population growth and increasing water use over the last 30 years.” National Research Council. Water Reuse: Potential for Expanding the Nation's Water Supply Through Reuse of Municipal Wastewater. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012.

  13. Withdrawal Locations Discharge Locations ~80km ~80km

  14. Surface and Groundwater Withdrawal by SWWF Classification NPDES Discharges SIC CODE CLASSIFICATION 3,635 extraction points 13.76 GL per day 1,330 discharge points 14.3 GL per day

  15. Water Withdrawal Characterization

  16. Wabash River Flow Volume Historical and Seasonal Variation (at Mt. Carmel, IL Well extractions for PS: 315 MGD Contributes up to 9% of river flow

  17. Total Discharges Relative to River Flow ~14 GL per day

  18. Total Discharges Relative to River Flow 69 – 98%

  19. During Low Flow Months the fraction of flow contributed by Discharges increases to nearly 100%

  20. 1-19% The level of “unplanned” water reuse increases down the watershed 1-10% 6-90% 5-140% 5-100% 1-16% 0-22% 5-99%

  21. Power plants… Account for 75% of discharges • Power Generating Stations • Water use: mostly for cooling purposes • “…generate wastewater in the form of chemical pollutants and thermal pollution (heated water) from their water treatment, power cycle, ash handling and air pollution control systems, as well as from coal piles, yard and floor drainage, and other miscellaneous wastes”(EPA - Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines) • Low-flow conditions  turn on cooling towers  energy usage implications

  22. Significance • During low flow months: • “Used” water ranges between 5 – 99% • We are essentially withdrawing, using, treating and discharging the entire volume of the river • The holistic approach – informs decisions about managing water resources (e.g. streamflow augmentation, water quality, water use policies, water reuse initiatives, etc.) • Coordinated data acquisition, data organization and data management would facilitate this type of analysis

  23. Informed Public • Provide relevant information for different stakeholders in water resource management decision making, • Aid in development of national water reuse standards, • Expand opportunities for information sharing and public education about water resources, • Enhance development of a framework for addressing public trust and confidence in regulatory agencies, policy makers, engineering technology and science.

  24. Important Conclusions There is an incorrect perception that humans have little influence on the quantity of water flowing in major watersheds, When water availability is lowest the demand for cooling water is greatest, Diversion of wastewater for agricultural or landscape irrigation would have significant impacts on river flow, The capability to collect, curate and organize water data for real time watershed scale analysis exists. Interagency collaboration and cooperation is needed.

  25. Large centralized infrastructures exacerbate the vulnerabilities created by interdependencies that emerge from the Water-Energy Nexus Control Voice Tele- Communication Energy Industry Consuming Water Coal Data Natural Gas • Power plant cooling • Mining/Extracting • Fracking • Refining • Biomass Crop/Processing • Emission Control Rail Electric Power Transportation Road Water Air Wastewater Treatment Water Industry Consuming Energy Water Distribution • Pumping & Distribution • Desalination • Drinking Water Purification • Wastewater Treatment • Industrial Conditioning Petroleum Linkages between infrastructures can be physical, geographical, cyber or logical

  26. Global Net Power Generating Capacity added in 2015 (GW) More than 10% of ALL electricity generated was renewable! More than half of NEW electricity capacity was renewable!

  27. Water Use and Consumption for Electric Power Generation (Hightower, Sandia National Laboratory)

  28. Schematic example of Centralized Urban Power, Water & Wastewater System Urban Stormwater X X X X Treat to Highest Quality! Extract X Distribute X Ecological Resource X X Wastewater Treatment X Thermoelectric Power ~75% of all Extracted Water Discharge back to Ecosystem Waste from overtreatment Collect Wastewater Waste Biosolids Potable Water Distribution Cooling Water System • Heavy reliance on pumps • 100% Premium quality distributed • ~4% Demand for premium quality • Critical & expensive infrastructure • Segregated infrastructure • CHP not exploited • Water availability limits growth

  29. Closed Loop Urban Water & Energy System Distributed Thermoelectric Power Generation with CHP Distributed Source Specific Treatment Ecological Resource Urban Stormwater Waste but also Resource Recovery with little discharge back to Ecosystem Transformed Urban Infrastructure • Wastewater Energy Recovery • Wastewater Resource Recovery • Distributed Water Treatment • Decentralized Water Infrastructure Management • Water Reuse • Distributed Power Generation • Combined Heat & Power • Smart Technology Decentralized Wastewater Treatment to System Quality http://peterfriederici.com/articles/facing-the-yuck-factor-wins-reporting-award-from-the-society-of-environmental-journalists/ Art by Paul Lachine

  30. Want to read more and obtain all the data? Wiener at al., 2016. Science of the Total Environment – Open Access - contains a link to a Supplemental Information file

  31. acknowledgements • Purdue Cyber Center SIRG Grant, IWRRC 2013 Grant • EPA Office of Compliance: Carey A. Johnston • Office of Wastewater Management, Water Permits division: Jacqueline M. Carroll Clark, Jan Pickrel • Indiana DNR: Ralph Spaeth, Mark Basch, Allison Mann • Illinois Water Survey: Alison Lecouris, Timothy Bryant • Ohio DNR: Mike Hallfrisch, Jim Raab • USGS Indiana Water Science Center: Scott Morlock, Don Arvin • Purdue Faculty: Dr. Frankenberger, Dr. Merwade, Dr. Turco • Purdue Students: AlexandroBazan, Laura Trice, Benjamin Townsend The EPA, USGS and State officers responded to requests for information. They have not reviewed or endorsed the results of this study.

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