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Aaron Beck

By Fu Hong Master Ph.D and Kelton Jempson Ph.D. Aaron Beck. WHO!?. Was born July 18 th 1921 in Providence, Rhode Island His parents were immigrants from Russia Famous psychologist who pioneered in CBT( Cognitive Behavior Therapy).

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Aaron Beck

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  1. By Fu Hong Master Ph.D and Kelton Jempson Ph.D Aaron Beck

  2. WHO!? • Was born July 18th 1921 in Providence, Rhode Island • His parents were immigrants from Russia • Famous psychologist who pioneered in CBT( Cognitive Behavior Therapy). • He went to Brown University and Yale University, established as a psychiatrist.

  3. WHO?! Cont. • He has received over fifty awards from various organizations and schools • Ex: Presidential Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contributions to the Public Understanding of Psychology – 2008 American Psychological Association Division of Media Psychology • Award for Outstanding and Innovative Research into the Detection and Treatment of Suicidal Individuals – 2000 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Greater Philadelphia Chapter • His theory of cognitive therapy came from his frustration after a life threatening illness from an infection as a child • He taught himself to work through his issues cognitively, sparking his theories later on

  4. Theories • Aaron Beck is the father of Cognitive psychology and over his life and career has refined cognitive psychology. • His research in cognitive psychology fundamentally changed the way psychopathology was viewed and its treatment was conducted. • Some Measures he created: • Beck Depression Inventory • Beck Anxiety Inventory • Beck Hopelessness Scale • Beck Youth Inventory • Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation

  5. Theories Cont. • Beck invented Cognitive Therapy when testing psychoanalytical concepts of depression • When the results he got were different then expected, he searched for different ways of conceptualizing depressions • He then noticed that his patients had negative thoughts falling into 3 different categories: Themselves, the world and the future

  6. Theories Cont. • Beck started his treatment by engaging in conversation with the clients about their negative thoughts • He noticed that his patients started thinking more realistically after discussing their negative thoughts, leading to better emotions

  7. Measures • Beck Depression Inventory • Test used for measuring depression severity • 21 question self reported questionnaire • Beck Anxiety Inventory • 21 question self reported questionnaire • Designed to reduced overlap with depression symptoms • Beck Hopelessness Scale • 20 True or false question self reported questionnaire • Measures 3 aspects of hopelessness: feelings about the future, loss motivation, and expectations

  8. How was Psychology Changed? • Creation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and it’s use to treat many mental illnesses • Numerous highly validated measures currently in use today

  9. Bibliography • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-n_GRtwChAgc/TdGTvgxyfAI/AAAAAAAAAKM/Pz9jBntGNpo/s1600/aaron%20beck.jpg • http://www.psychologistanywhereanytime.com/famous_psychologist_and_psychologists/psychologist_famous_aaron_beck.htm • http://www.med.upenn.edu/suicide/beck/index.html • http://www.beckinstitute.org/what-is-cognitive-behavioral-therapy/ • http://hcr3.webofknowledge.com/author.cgi?id=1645&cb=3391 • http://www.cognitivetherapynyc.com/CMFiles/Images/IMG_1508.jpg • http://www.heinzawards.net/pub/recipients/photos/aaron-beck.jpg • http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljgqu32tFx1qdz4lko1_400.jpg

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