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This presentation explains the usage of quantifiers in English, focusing on expressing quantities and opinions about them.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE HIDALGOESCUELA SUPERIOR DE ZIMAPÁN Licenciatura en Derecho Inglés V. L.E.L.I. Paulina Trujillo Castillo Julio – Diciembre 2016

  2. Resumen (Abstract) • En esta presentación se explica el uso de los cuantificadores en inglés. (In thispresentationthe use of quantifiersisexplained.)

  3. Palabras clave (Keywords): • Much, many, some, any, no, none, a lot of, lots of, few, a few, a little. • Mucho (s), algunos (as)/ algo, no, ningun (a), mucho (s)/ demasiado, poco.

  4. Objetivo general: • El alumno podrá expresar eventos, sueños, expectativas y ambiciones; y de manera breve dar su opinión acerca de planes futuros, preferencias; así como enunciados ciertos o inciertos, hará énfasis del objeto del que se habla y no del sujeto que ejecuta la acción

  5. Nombre de la unidad: UNIDAD 3: Thingswetakeonholiday Objetivo de la unidad: El alumno será capaz de hablar de cantidades utilizando diferentes expresiones. De la misma manera, será capaz de expresar una queja y hacer peticiones.

  6. Tema: 3.1 Hablar de cantidades

  7. Desarrollo del Tema: Quantifiersindicate (as itsnamesays) quantity. They are answerstothequestionsHowmuch…? And Howmany…? They can be usedwithcountable and uncountablenouns, orsometimesbothnouns.

  8. We use quantifierstoexpressthe idea of quantityornumber, butlet’sseehowto use themespecifically.

  9. MANY We use manytoexpressthe idea of a bigquantity. Itisused in negativesentences and questions (whenthey are requestsoroffers) withuncountablenouns and with plural countablenouns. Note: Itispossibleto use many in affirmativesentences, butitis more commonto use a lot.

  10. MUCH Muchexpressesalsothe idea of a bigquantity and itisused in negativesentences and questions. Muchisonlyusedwithuncountablenouns. Itispossibleto use much in affirmativesentences, butthiswould be whenourphraseis more formal and itisnotverycommon.

  11. SOME Itisusedwithuncountablenounsor plural countablenouns, in affirmative and interrogativesentences (justifwewanttoconfirmsomething). Itisusedforanindefinitequantitybutlimited.

  12. ANY We use any in thesameway as some, but in negative and interrogativesentences.

  13. No/ none We use no, as a negativemeaning. Unlikeno, we can use nonebyitself, so itiscommonto use it at theend of phrases and as ananswerforquestionswhichmakereferencetoquantities.

  14. A LOT OF/ LOTS OF They are usedwhenwewanttoexpress a reallybigquantity. It can be usedwithcountable and uncountablenouns. We do not use them in questions. Generally, lots of is more informal.

  15. LITTLE/ A LITTLE We use themtotalkabout a smallquantity and we use themonlywithuncountablenouns. Thedifferencebetweenthem shows anopinionaboutquantity. We use a littlefor a positive opinion and littleexpresses a negativeopinion.

  16. Few/ a few Theyexpress a smallnumber. A fewcan be enough, and itisusedonlywithcountablenouns. As in thepreviousslide, fewexpresses a negativeopinion and a fewdescribes it in a positive way.

  17. Referencias bibliográficas: Paul Davies, M. G. (2014). Makeit Real! Professional.Mexico: Universidad Autónoma del Estado Hidalgo.

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