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GMA200 Gas Detection System Architecture Overview

Learn about the architecture of the GMA200 Gas Detection System, including connections with transmitters, relay modules, cabling options, and gateway configurations for data communication and measurement polling.

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GMA200 Gas Detection System Architecture Overview

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  1. GMA200 Gas detectionsystem

  2. GMA200 Gas detectionsystem Architecture of the GMA200 System GMA and transmitter Relay modules Star-, Loop-, Lines cabling Gateway

  3. GMA200 Connection oftransmitterswith analog interfaces Star cablinganalog signals(4-20mA or 0,2-1mA)

  4. GMA200 Connection oftransmitterswith analog interfaces GMA-Bus Star cablinganalog signals(4-20mA or 0,2-1mA)

  5. GMA200 Connection oftransmitterswith digital interfaces Loop cabling at digital transmission GMA-Bus TRM-Loop-Bus (Bus1+2)

  6. GMA200 Connection oftransmitterswith digital interfaces Lines cabling at digital transmission GMA-Bus TRM-Bus 1 TRM-Bus 2

  7. GMA200 Connection ofdeviceswith digital interfaces Lines cabling at digital transmission TRM-Bus1 TRM-Bus2

  8. GMA200 Connection ofdeviceswith digital interfaces TRM-Loop-Bus (Bus1+2) Loop cablingat digital transmission

  9. GMA200 Connection ofdevicesand a gateway GMA-Bus Gateway TRM-Bus1 Linescablingat digital transmission TRM-Bus2

  10. GMA200 Connection ofdevicesand a gateway GMA-Bus Star cablinganalog signals Gateway

  11. GMA200 Gateway with Ethernet-Interface Data communication via gateway Polling of measuring values and status informations (every second) Reading of measuring points- and transmitter configuration (MR, AL) Reset of alarms (optional) GMA200 configuration with GMA200Config-software GMA-Bus Address GMA-Bus Baudrate Gateway configuration with WinGate-software IP Address, Subnet-Mask, etc. Transport protocoll TCP Modbus, Modbus RTU, etc. Frame format, Baudrate Interface type, etc.

  12. GMA200 Gateway with Ethernet-Interface Example for gateway configuration *1*1*1*2 *1 Ethernet settings(specifictocustomer) *2 GMA-Bus settings(specificto GMA system)

  13. Thankyouforyourattention!

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