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Laurens Elementary

Laurens Elementary. A School Wide Title One School 2010-2011 Mr. Phillip Dean- Principal Mrs. Mandy Tumblin- Assistant Principal Mrs. Celita Strickland- Guidance Counselor. Federal Title One Funding .

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Laurens Elementary

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  1. Laurens Elementary A School Wide Title One School 2010-2011 Mr. Phillip Dean- Principal Mrs. Mandy Tumblin- Assistant Principal Mrs. Celita Strickland- Guidance Counselor

  2. Federal Title One Funding • Provides opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet challenging state content standards • Distributed to schools where needs are the greatest • Based on the percentage of free and reduced lunch at schools

  3. Laurens District 55 Title One • District 55 has planned for several district initiatives resulting from examination of our data, the newest AYP information, consultation of our district planning team and our strategic plan. • These plans include district support of curriculum and instructional programs, professional development activities that focus on core academic areas, support for homeless students, and a volunteer program to encourage parents and community members to become involved in our schools.

  4. Laurens Elementary Title One • .5 FTE Reading Recovery Teacher • 1.0 Computer Lab Instructor • 1.0 FTE Class Size Reduction () • 2- .5 Instructional Coaches • Field Trips to Joe Adair Science Center • Instructional Materials and Supplies • Parenting Supplies

  5. No Child Left Behind • The NCLB legislation requires schools to utilize a portion of their Title 1 funds to support parent involvement.

  6. Laurens Elementary 2008-2009 Parent Involvement Policy The Laurens Elementary Parent Involvement Policy is developed and continuously evaluated through parent, teacher, and community input. We will, to the extent practical, provide all parents, including those of limited English proficiency, those in migrant work, and those with disabilities, the information and school reports in a language/format that is easily understood. Additionally, we will coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other programs such as Head Start.

  7. Student Academic Performance • In order to improve student academic performance, Laurens Elementary will supply parents and students with clear evaluations of progress and achievement through: • Conferences • Interim Reports • Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reports • Academic Progress Reports • Daily and Weekly Signing of Homework and Graded Papers

  8. Home-School Relations • In order to improve our home/school relations, Laurens Elementary will provide parents with opportunities to become more involved in their child’s education through: • Monthly Newsletters • Parent Nights • School Improvement Council (SIC) Meetings • Special School Events (Fall Festival, Reading on theGreens, Parent Lunches, Field Trips, Performances, Terrific Kid, Montessori Community Meetings etc.) • Parent Volunteer Program • Parent, Student, Teacher and Principal Compact

  9. Laurens School District Volunteer Program • Parents and Community Members • Parents working as partners with schools to help their children achieve. • Set your own days and times to volunteer. • Call 984-3067 to sign up for a Volunteer Training Session. Session on Fridays at 9:00 and 1:30. • Laurens Elementary Volunteer Liaison- Mandy Tumblin

  10. Ways you can have input in Laurens Elementary Title One • School Improvement Council/School Planning Committee. Members will be listed in the October Newsletter. (throughout year) • Parent Involvement Survey (end of year) • Title One Evaluation (end of year) • Title One Suggestion Box (throughout year)

  11. Questions • What type parent involvement activities/support activities do you feel would better assist your needs or the needs of your family? • Please feel free to give suggestions to Mrs. Tumblin, Mrs. Strickland or place them in the suggestion box.

  12. District Title One Contact • Mrs. Mary C. Fortune • Director of Administrative Services • Laurens School District 55 • 1029 West main St. • Laurens, SC 29360 • 864-984-8122 Ext. 4 • 864-984-8129 fax • mfortune@laurens55.k12.sc.us

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