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Chapter 42a and 43 Pages 55 and 60

Chapter 42a and 43 Pages 55 and 60. By: Katie FitzPatrick. CHAPTER 43. VERB. for, fārī , fātus /a/um sum. I speak, say.

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Chapter 42a and 43 Pages 55 and 60

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  1. Chapter 42a and 43Pages 55 and 60 By: Katie FitzPatrick

  2. CHAPTER 43

  3. VERB for, fārī, fātus/a/um sum I speak, say affability, affable, confess, confession, defamation, defame, fable, fabulous, fame, famous, fate, fateful, ill-fated, ineffable, infamous, infamy, infancy, infant, infantile, infantilism, infantry, preface, prefatory, profess, profession, professionalism, professor http://toefl-book.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/toefl-speaking.jpg

  4. NOUN pectus, pectoris N. Breast, heart angina pectoris, expectorant, expectorate, expectorates, expectorating, expectoration, expectorative, expectorator, imopectore, in pectore = “In secret.”, pectoral, pectoralgia, pectoralis, pectoriloquy, pectorophony, pects (slang), unexpectorating http://img1.artweb.com/users/1841/77499_human-heart.jpg

  5. dīligō, dīligere, dīlēxī, dīlectus/a/um VERB I love, cherish delectable, delight, delectation, predilection, delicious, delicate, delicacy, delicatessen, delightful, delighted, coil, collect, collectanea, collectible, collection, collective, collectively, college, collegial, collegian, collegiate, counter-intelligence, cull, culler, delegate, delegation, dialect, dialectic, dilectology, diligence, diligent, eclectic, elect, election, electioneer, elective, electively, illegible, indelicate, ineligibility, ineligible, illegitimately, intellect, intelligence, intelligent, intelligent design, intelligentsia, intelligible, intelligibly, irreligious, irreligiously, lectern, lection, lectionary, lecture, lecturer, legacy, legal, legalese, legalism, legalistic, legalist, legalistic, legality, legalize, legalization, legate, legatee, legation, legislate, legislate, legislation, legislative, legislative, legislator, legislatress, legislatrix, legislature, legist, legitimate, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimist, legend, legendary, legibility, legible, legion, legionary, legume, leguminivorous, leguminivore, leguminous, lesson, ligature, ligament, ligation, neglect, neglectful, negligee, negligent, negligence, negligible, negligibly, phonoselectoscope, predilection, pseudointellectual, recollect, recollection, religion, religious, religiously, select, selection, selective, sortilege, unintelligible, legitimacy, loyal, loyalist, loyalty, privilege, relegate, relegation http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6mPtITyWNZM/TIxtR7esKcI/AAAAAAAAAEs/JrV8zhOScRE/s400/does-falling-in-love-make_1.jpg

  6. ADVERBS adeō To such an extent, so http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/bd/Peter_Gabriel_So_CD_cover.JPG/220px-Peter_Gabriel_So_CD_cover.JPG

  7. NOUN honor, honōrisM. Honor, office cursushonorum, dishonest, dish onestly, dishonesty, dishonor, dishonorable, dishonorableness, dishonorably, honest, honestly, honesty, honor, honorableness, honorably, honoraria (pl), honorarium (s), honorary, honorable http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/02_04/BowDownAP_800x500.jpg

  8. VERB dēsum, dēesse, dēfuī, dēfutūrus/a/um (+ dative) To Fail (+ dative) presence, present, presentation, presentative, presentable, presentee, presentor, presentment, essence, essential, future, futuristic, futurity, futurology, futurism, absence, absence, quintessence, quintessence, quintessential, quintessentialize, absence, absent, absentee, absenteeism, absente febre; abs. feb. = “While or when fever is absent.” , absenter, absente reo; abs. re. = “With the defendant absent.”, absently, absentminded, absentmindedly, absentmindedness, disinterest, disinterestedly, disinterestedness, essence, essential, essentialist, essentially, essentialness, essentiate, extraessential, in absentia, interesting, interestingly, misrepresent, misrepresentation, misrepresenter, omnipresence, omnipresent, omnipresently, presence, present, presentable, presentably, presentation, presentation, presently, presentment, quatressential, quintessence, quintessential, quintessentialize, represent, representation, representative, representatively, unessential, unessentially http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_WIJdR75WmGY/RkpXDVTqauI/AAAAAAAAAaw/G5Htg-zuKww/s400/failing%2Bpaper.jpg

  9. ADJECTIVE ita http://999design.co.uk/img/images/lrg/thus006.jpg In such a way, so, thus

  10. pudor, pudōrisM. NOUN depudicate, digitusimpudicus, impudence, impudency, impudent, impudently, impudicity, mimosa pudica, pendumfemininum, pudency, pudenda (pl), pudendagra, pudendal, pudendum (s), pudic, pudical, Pudicitia = Roman goddess of Modesty/Shame, pudicity, repudiate, repudiation, repudiationist, repudiative, repudiator, repudiatory breach http://www.gibbsmagazine.com/MPj03414090000[1].jpg Shame, modesty

  11. CONJUNCTION Ut (+ subjunctive) That (expressing consequence or result) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/That_'70s_Show_logo.png

  12. CONJUNCTION quia Because http://www.entertainmentwallpaper.com/images/desktops/movie/1814.jpg

  13. ADJECTIVE prīvātus, prīvāta, prīvātum deprivable, deprivation, deprive, depriver, privacy, private, privateer, privately, privateness, privation, privative, privilege, privily, privity, privy http://reverse-phone-lookup.maxupdates.tv/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Confidential-reverse-phone-lookup-search-a.jpg Private

  14. VERB nāscor, nāscī, nātus sum I am born adnascent, agnate, antenatal, cognate, connate, connately, denationalization, denationalize, denaturalization, denaturalize, denature, innate, innately, impregnate, international, internationalism, internationalist, internationalization, internationalize, internationally, intranatal, naive, naively, naivitee, nascence, nascency, nascent, Nascentesmorimurfinisqueaboriginependet = “From the moment of birth, we begin to die and the end hangs from the beginning.” (From Manilius, in his Astronomica. An alternate meaning: "Every day, starting from birth, we die a little."), natal, naticide, nation, national, nationalism, nationalist, nationality, nationalization, nationalize, nationally, native, natively, nativity, natural, naturalesque, naturalism, naturalist, naturalization, naturalize, naturally, naturalness, nature, naturopathy, naturopathy, naturopath, naturopathic, neonatal, neonate, neonatus, perinatal, perinatally, perinatologist, perinatology, postnatal, pregnancy, pregnant, pregnantly, prenatal, preternatural, preternaturally, puny, renaissance, renascence, renascent, supernatural, supernaturalism, supernaturally, ultranationalism, unnatural, unnaturally http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XJoK_IE-5fw/TV5OpeFl7hI/AAAAAAAAAN8/wPfkQYBT7qk/s1600/New_Born_Baby.jpg

  15. NOUN ars, artisF artful, artfully, artfulness, artifact, artifice, artificer, artificial, artificially, artificialness, artillerist, artillery, artisan, artist, artiste, artistic, artistical, artistically, artistry, artless, artlessly, artlessness, art nouveau, artsy, Vires, artes, mores = “Strength, arts, morals.” ars, artisF = art, skill, technique http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/300px-Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

  16. ADJECTIVE indignus, indigna, indignum (+ ablative) Unworthy condign, condignly, daintily, dainty, deign, dignifiedly, dignify, dignigratory, dignitary, disdain, disdainful, disdainfully, indignance, indignant, indignantly, indignation, indignity, infra dignitatem; infra dig. = “Beneath the dignity [of someone]” = undignified http://filipspagnoli.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/african-american-citizens-sitting-in-the-rear-of-the-bus-in-compliance-with-florida-segregation-law-posters.jpg

  17. CHAPTER 42a

  18. VERB tangō, tangere, tetigī, tactus/a/um I touch anticontagious, atactilia, attain, attainable, attainder, attainment, attaint, attaintment, contact, contactual, contagion, contagiously, contagious, contain, contaminate, contamination, contiguous, contiguousness, contingency, contingent, contingently, dermotactile, disintegrate, disintegrated, disintegration, disintegrity, distaste, distasteful, distastefully, entire, entirety, intact, intangibility, intangible, intangibly, integer, integral, integrally, integrate, integration, integrity, redintegrate, redintegration, surtax, tact, tactful, tactfully, tactfulness, tactile, tactile hypoesthesia, tactility, tactilogy, taction, tactometer, tactor, tactual, tangent, tangential, tangentially, tangibility, tangible, tangibly, tango, tangoreceptor, task, taste, tasteful, tastefully, tasteless, tasteless, tastelessness, taster, tastily, tasty, tax, taxable, taxably, taxation, teletactor, thermointegrator, thermotactic, thigmotactic, traumatotactic, zygotactic http://wordsinmyowntime.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/holding_hands-1418.jpg

  19. VERB dōnō, dōnāre, dōnāvī, dōnātus/a/um I give donate, donation, donee, donor, Dorothea, Dorothy, Eudora, Fedora, Heliodore, Isidore, Theodore, pardon, pardonable, pardoner http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2007/328/8/5/Twilight_Apple_Wallpaper_by_lzz993.jpg

  20. VERB redōnō, redōnāre, redōnāvī, redōnātus/a/um I give back + donate, donation, donee, donor, Dorothea, Dorothy, Eudora, Fedora, Heliodore, Isidore, Theodore, pardon, pardonable, pardoner http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2007/328/8/5/Twilight_Apple_Wallpaper_by_lzz993.jpg http://www.ayushveda.com/dietfitness/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/backacne.jpg

  21. ADJECTIVE patrius, patria, patrium Of one’s father(s) OF ONE’S allopatric, allopatrically, allopatry, ante-patriarchal, compaternity, compatriot, compatriotism, compatriotic, depatriate, expatriate, expatriated, expatriation, misopaterist, opsipatria, pater, paterfamilias, patresfamilias, paternal, paternally, paternalism, paternalist, paternalistic, paternalistically, paternity, paternophobia, paternoster, patradelphy, patriarch, patriarchate, patriarchy, patrician, patricide, patricidal, plebeian, patriciate, Patrick, Patricia, patrilineal, patrilineage, patrilocal, patrilocality, patrimony, patriot, patriotic, patriotism, patripassian, patripotestal, patrist, patristic, patroclinous, patroclinic, patrocliny, patriclinous, patrogony, patrolatry, patrology, patron, patronym, patronymic, patronymically, patron, patrophile, philopater, philopatric, philopatry, repatriate, repatriation, sympatria, sympatric http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uxOGGiooQ9U/Tsyzbs2QsEI/AAAAAAAAAOg/uTwOatfYF6k/s1600/Father_and_daughter_1.jpg

  22. NOUN mīlitia, mīlitiaeF Military service, army http://www.military-schools.us/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/military.jpg demilitarize, militancy, militant, militarist, military, militate, militia

  23. VERB parcō, parcere, pepercī, parsus/a/um To spare + DATIVE case parsimony, parsimonious http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8X9zRp1voiM/TsqAm1oUA2I/AAAAAAAAAG0/HP725uUwqAQ/s1600/spartacus%2B2.jpg

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