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Results-Based Accountability (RBA)

Results-Based Accountability (RBA). AKA: Outcome-Based Accountability (OBA). The Fiscal Policy Studies Institute. Websites raguide.org resultsaccountability.com. Book - DVD Orders amazon.com resultsleadership.org. Population Accountability about the well-being of WHOLE POPULATIONS.

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Results-Based Accountability (RBA)

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  1. Results-BasedAccountability (RBA) AKA: Outcome-Based Accountability (OBA) The Fiscal Policy Studies Institute Websites raguide.orgresultsaccountability.com Book - DVD Ordersamazon.comresultsleadership.org

  2. Population Accountabilityabout the well-being ofWHOLE POPULATIONS For Communities – Cities – Counties – States - Nations Performance Accountabilityabout the well-being ofCUSTOMER POPULATIONS For Programs – Agencies – and Service Systems Results Based Accountabilityis made up of two parts:

  3. RESULT or OUTCOME A condition of well-being for children, adults, families or communities. Population Population INDICATOR or BENCHMARK A measure which helps quantify the achievement of a result. PERFORMANCE MEASURE A measure of how well a program, agency or service system is working.Three types: Performance Performance DEFINITIONS RESULT Children born healthy Children born healthy, Children ready for school, Safe communities, Clean Environment, Prosperous Economy Children ready for school Clean Environment Prosperous Economy Safe communities INDICATOR Rate of low-birthweight babies Rate of low-birthweight babies, Percent ready at K entry, crime rate, air quality index, unemployment rate Percent ready at K entry crime rate air quality index unemployment rate PERFORMANCE MEASURE 1. How much did we do? 2. How well did we do it? 3. Is anyone better off? = Customer Results = Customer Results

  4. POPULATIONACCOUNTABILITY For Whole Populationsin a Geographic Area

  5. …………….reach their potential, make a contribution and share the benefits of the community OCYFS Family Support Program ● Children and young people are safe ● They are in strong families with strong relationships ● Children, young people and their families are healthy ● Families are connected to their communities

  6. Performance Accountability For Services, Agencies and Service Systems

  7. LR UR

  8. Program Performance Measures Quality Quantity How much did we do? Eg. Number of families, number of parenting courses How welldid we do it? Eg. Percentage of satisfied clients, families allocated within 2 weeks of making contact, staff retention Effect Effort Is anyonebetter off? # # improvement in physical safety of the home # reduction in involvement with CPS # improvement in school attendance % % improvement in physical safety of the home % reduction in involvement with CPS % improvement in school attendance

  9. How Population &Performance AccountabilityFIT TOGETHER

  10. THE LINKAGE Between POPULATION and PERFORMANCE POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY Healthy BirthsRate of low birth-weight babiesStable FamiliesRate of child abuse and neglectChildren Ready for SchoolPercent fully ready per K-entry assessment PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY POPULATIONRESULTS Contributionrelationship Alignmentof measures Child Protection # ofinvestigationscompleted % initiatedwithin 24 hrsof report Appropriateresponsibility # repeatAbuse/Neglect % repeatAbuse/Neglect CUSTOMERRESULTS


  12. “If you do what you always did,you will get what you always got.” Kenneth W. JenkinsPresident, Yonkers NY NAACP

  13. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a  lone amateur built the Ark.  A large group of  professionals built the Titanic. - Dave Barry

  14. THANK YOU ! Websites raguide.orgresultsaccountability.com Book - DVD Ordersamazon.comresultsleadership.org

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