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NCDPI Curriculum and Instruction Division K – 12 Mathematics

“ FOCUS ” on CCSS-M Spring 2012 RESA 6 – 12 Mathematics Robin Barbour Johannah Maynor www.ncdpi.wikispaces.net. NCDPI Curriculum and Instruction Division K – 12 Mathematics. Overview of Today. Assessment Shifting Professional Development Three Mathematical Shifts Focus on “ Focus ”

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NCDPI Curriculum and Instruction Division K – 12 Mathematics

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  1. “FOCUS” on CCSS-MSpring 2012 RESA6 – 12 MathematicsRobin Barbour Johannah Maynorwww.ncdpi.wikispaces.net NCDPI Curriculum and Instruction Division K – 12 Mathematics

  2. Overview of Today • Assessment • Shifting Professional Development • Three Mathematical Shifts • Focus on “Focus” • Time for Math • Developing and Implementing Resources


  4. 2012 – 2013 and 2013 – 2014 School Years North Carolina written tests aligned to the COMMON CORE State Standards will be administered.

  5. Technology and Testing Content of the North Carolina assessments is aligned to the CCSS-M; however, the technology will not be as sophisticated as in assessments created by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).

  6. Let’s look at a familiar problem…

  7. a. Which of the following represents 2/5? b. c. d.

  8. With a new twist…

  9. 1a. ο Yes ο No For numbers 1a – 1d, state whether or not each figure has 2/5 of its whole shaded. ο Yes ο No 1b. ο Yes ο No 1c. ο Yes ο No 1d.

  10. “Turn and Talk” This item is worth 0 – 2 points depending on the responses. What series of the yes and no responses would give a student: 2 points? 1 point? 0 points?

  11. 1a. ο Yes ο No For numbers 1a – 1d, state whether or not each figure has 2/5 of its whole shaded. ο Yes ο No 1b. ο Yes ο No 1c. ο Yes ο No 1d.

  12. Scoring RubricResponses to this item will receive 0 – 2 points, based upon the following: 2 points: YNYN 1 point: YNNN, YYNN, YYYN 0 point: YYYY, YNNY, NNNN, NNYY, NYYN, NYNN, NYYY, NYNY, NNYN, NNNY, YYNY, YNYY

  13. Let’s Do Some Math

  14. www.smarterbalanced.org

  15. Time to Reflect

  16. Shifting Gears…. How did you become an effective teacher? Where did this occur?

  17. PHI DELTA KAPPA International Research Bulletin “The most powerful influence on students’ learning is the quality of the teacher.” http://www.pdkintl.org/research/rbulletins/resbul27.htm

  18. PHI DELTA KAPPA International Research Bulletin Traditional forms of PD: • Workshops • Conferences • Presentations • Courses (daily challenges of teaching) http://www.pdkintl.org/research/rbulletins/resbul27.htm

  19. Key Points Professional development should involve • Teachers in the identification of what they need to learn. • Teachers in the development of the learning opportunity and/or process. Phi Delta Kappan, 2005

  20. Key Points Professional development should be • primarily school based and integral to the school operations. Phi Delta Kappan, 2005

  21. Key Points Professional development should provide • opportunities to engage in developing a theoretical understanding of the knowledge and skills to be learned. Phi Delta Kappan, 2005

  22. “Despite virtually unanimous criticism of most traditional forms of professional development, these ineffective practices persist.” Phi Delta Kappan, 2005

  23. Horizon Research Impact on teachers’ use of instructional practices to elicit student thinking

  24. “But NO Impact on….” • Teacher content knowledge, • Teachers’ use of representations in instruction, • Teachers’ focus on mathematics reasoning in instruction • Student achievement Garet et al., 2010

  25. What Works? Effective Teacher Development • Collaboration • Coaching • PLCs Steve Leinwand, 2012

  26. “Turn and Talk” • What PD have you done that is successful? • What concerns do you have about implementing PD?

  27. Time to Reflect

  28. Today’s PLC Goals • Know and articulate the major work of your grade level or course. • Experience and become familiar with rich lessons that go deeper into content.

  29. Three Mathematical Shifts Focus Coherence Rigor

  30. A focus on “FOCUS” In your PLC: • Discuss the three topics provided for each grade level. • Decide which of the three should not receive intense focus at the indicated grade.

  31. Table of Contents

  32. In Your Groups • Identify clusters/standards as either • major work of the grade level • supporting work of the grade level • additional work of the grade level

  33. LUNCH

  34. Time to Reflect

  35. A Recursive View of Some Common Functions 3, 7, 11, 15… Now - Next 3, 12, 48, 192…

  36. Standards for Mathematical Practices • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Model with mathematics. • Use appropriate tools strategically. • Attend to precision. • Look for and make use of structure. • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

  37. When planning, ask “What task can I give that will build student understanding?” rather than “How can I explain clearly so they will understand?” Grayson Wheatley, NCCTM, 2002

  38. Can “Good Tasks” Become “Bad Tasks”?

  39. Types of Math Problems Presented How Teachers Implemented Making Connections Math Problems

  40. Lesson ComparisonUnited States and Japan

  41. Pledge Plans

  42. Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol(TTLP) • Selecting and Setting up a Mathematical • Task • Supporting Students’ Exploration of the • Task • Sharing and Discussing the Task

  43. Thinking Through a Lesson ProtocolMathematics Teaching in the Middle School, October, 2008

  44. Universal Design of Learning(UDL)

  45. Time to Reflect

  46. Food for Thought • NCTM’s Navigation Series Until we meet again • Performance metrics

  47. www.ncdpi.wikispaces.net

  48. Time to Reflect

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