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The dangers of the second avenue subway

The dangers of the second avenue subway. By Simon Kresberg. Businesses are in danger of closing, we are in danger, and the workers are in danger of getting killed. What more could we ask for? . A Little About the Second Avenue Subway.

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The dangers of the second avenue subway

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  1. The dangers of the second avenue subway By Simon Kresberg Businesses are in danger of closing, we are in danger, and the workers are in danger of getting killed. What more could we ask for?

  2. A Little About the Second Avenue Subway The T line- or more often known as the Second Avenue Subway has taken over second avenue from 68th street to 103rd street and the idea has been around since 1929, but never started construction until March 2007. Financial problems disabled the Second Avenue Subway from production until now. In the Thirties, the Depression. The Forties, World War 2, the Fifties, the Korean war, and the list goes on and on…

  3. The restaurants are listed because of the scaffolding and people can’t see above the construction.

  4. So, they’re expecting to have a fire, eh? That could be dangerous to the workers depending on how bad the fire conditions are.

  5. Just a little to the left and you will get hurt by a vehicle. Watch out!

  6. Sulfuric acid is very dangerous to workers and untrained workers should stay away from the acid because if they handle it, the worker might get hurt. Badly.

  7. Strategies for making the tunnel One is a tunnel boring machine. Not very dangerous because of it’s slow speed. The other is dynamite. Dynamite is dangerous to the workers who handle it. People in old buildings despise it. And it distracts people from work.

  8. December 2016 is too late. A project like this doesn’t take 84 years to plan out and finish. (Remember that the plan started in 1929.)

  9. I don’t think that you should expect anything. The working and sanitary conditions aren’t very good around here

  10. The second avenue subway has been around for decades and mind you, it’s quite annoying. And dangerous. MTA has spent 4.4 billion dollars on this. Yeah, I know sounds like a lot? Take a look at the working conditions. Most of their money was directed toward the subway itself and the stations, not working conditions. • The working conditions consist of accidents waiting to happen. And some of them already happened. Once, a controlled blast from the second avenue went out of control, sending pieces of debris high into the sky, some chunks weighing 25 pounds and went soaring up ten stories high. • My problem with the second avenue subway is that the blasting is SO annoying. Why can’t they find more strategies besides using explosives? Maybe invent a faster tunnel boring machine? Blasting is noisy and distracting at school and work and while trying to sleep! Working conditions and blasting casualties aren’t the only problem. MTA has racked up a fine of 61,000 dollars because they violated 18 safety violations. that’s a lot of safety violations. Three more investigations for safety are under way currently. That concludes that we are better off than the workers and I feel sorry for those who work there. I think that MTA should improve safety and working conditions underground.

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