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United Airlines Cost and Productivity Analysis Nahid Boustani Spring 2013

United Airlines Cost and Productivity Analysis Nahid Boustani Spring 2013. United Airlines Inc. It is a Legacy carrier It provides a higher level of services than a low-cost carrier first class and/or business class frequent-flyer program airport lounges

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United Airlines Cost and Productivity Analysis Nahid Boustani Spring 2013

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  1. United AirlinesCost and Productivity AnalysisNahidBoustaniSpring 2013

  2. United Airlines Inc. • It is a Legacy carrier • It provides a higher level of services than a low-cost carrier • first class and/or business class • frequent-flyer program • airport lounges • Is member of an airline alliance through which it has partners that agree to provide these services to its passengers as well. • There is a higher level of services in the cabin, such as meal service and in-flight entertainment. • Operating major hubs • Serving Domestic as well as International markets

  3. Definitions • ASMs • One aircraft seat flown 1 mile. • ∑ i(Number of seats (Flight i) * Distance Flown (Flight i) • RPM • One paid passenger flown one mile. • ∑ i(Number of Passengers (Flight i) * Distance Flown (Flight i) • RASM (Unit Revenue) • Total operating revenue/ASM • CASM (Unit Cost) • Total operating cost/ ASM • PRASM • total passenger revenue/ASM • Yield • Average Fare paid by passenger per mile flown= Total revenue/ RPM • Fuel Consumed • Total amount of fuel used • Fuel Costs per ASM • Total fuel cost /ASM • Non-Fuel Costs per ASM: • (Total Operating Expenses-fuel cost)/ASM

  4. Chart 1 United Airlines, All major airports (origin airports)-All numbers are for Scheduled services. Data are for Q3 of each year. The load factor is an average percentage load factor of monthly data in Q3. • ASM and RPM have the same trends and are pretty stable between 2006 to 2011. • Average Load Factor does not seem to be the right metric to use for calculating the quarterly load factor. It does not reflect the changes in ASM and RPM.

  5. Chart 2 Note: All numbers are in thousands of dollars. • Total revenue and total operating cost have the same pattern. • From 2011 Revenue and Operating Cost increase. • As total cost increase in 2008 due to depression and rise of fuel price, the Income before tax decreases dramatically.

  6. Chart 3 Note: Passenger Revenue used to calculate PRASM is from Scheduled Passengers only to be consistent with ASM data on chart 1. • During 2008-2009 Revenue decreases and cost increases that lead to decreasing in RASM and PRAZM and increase in CASM.

  7. Chart 4 • The peak in Fuel cost around 2008 is due to United’s pre-purchasing fuel in prediction of fuel costs to go up.

  8. Chart 5 • Fuel Prices and operational expenses/ASM are oscillating in the same pattern with a max peak in 2008 due to United’s pre-purchasing fuel. • Fuel price affects fuel cost. • Non- fuel Cost is influenced by the economy recession in 2008.

  9. Effects • a. Fuel Prices on Expense • Fuel price has changed the fuel cost. • b. Fuel prices on Airline Finance • Changes in the fuel price directly affects the operational expenses and operational revenues • c. Fuel Prices on Airline Network Structure • No answer. I used average load factor of the monthly data for Q3. It seems like this is not the right way to calculate the load factor of the quarter. The load factor trend does not comply with the ASM and RPM trends.

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