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Title: Access Overload Class for M2M

Title: Access Overload Class for M2M. Source: Contact : yfang@zteusa.com , lu.ting , yu.yuanfang , zhao.xiaowu@zte.com.cn. Abstract: This contribution proposes a new approach of ACCOLC for M2M applications. Recommendation: Review and Adopt. Background. ACCOLC

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Title: Access Overload Class for M2M

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  1. Title: Access Overload Class for M2M Source: Contact : yfang@zteusa.com, lu.ting, yu.yuanfang, zhao.xiaowu@zte.com.cn Abstract:This contribution proposes a new approach of ACCOLC for M2M applications. Recommendation:Review and Adopt

  2. Background • ACCOLC • ACCOLCp is 4 bits value and stored in MS. • Regular MS uses 0-9 • Test MS uses 10 • Emergency MS uses 11 • NS-EP MS uses 12 • ACCOLC 13-15 are reserved. • BS uses ACCOLCp to • control access attempts of the mobile station through persistence values in the access parameter message. • identify the MS in the service redirection message

  3. Persistence • Persistence • The persistence is used for the network to control the access channel traffic. • The persistence values for access channel is included in the access parameter message. • The persistence value for the enhanced access channel is included in the enhanced access parameter message.

  4. Issues and Concerns • ACCOLC for M2M and non-M2M • Are three reserved values (13, 14 and 15) enough for M2M devices or applications? And be able for the future expansion? • If redirection occurs, all the M2M devices would be redirected to a new cell, or frequency. Does it cause congestion in the new cell or frequency? • How to address the concern that ACCOLC values varies, in normal case and emergency case for the same device or application?

  5. Proposal • Separate ACCOLCp between M2M and non-M2M • If M2M_TYPEs,p = 1, the MS uses following for ACCOLCp

  6. Proposal • Separate Persistence between M2M and non-M2M • If M2M_TYPEs,p = 0, the device shall follow the existing persistence values in APM for access channel attempt control and values in EAPM for enhanced access channel attempt control. • If M2M_TYPEs,p = 1, the device shall follow the persistence values in the new Generic Access Parameter Message (GAPM).

  7. Proposal • Persistence in GAPM

  8. Proposal • Separate Redirection between M2M and non_M2M • In the redirection messages (GSRDM, EGSRDM), add a new field of REDIRECT_ACCOLC_M2M. • For the device with M2M_TYPEs,p = 0, it shall refer the existing REDIRECT_ACCOLC field. • For the device with M2M_TYPEs,p = 1, it shall refer the new REDIRECT_ACCOLC _M2M field.

  9. Proposal • ACCOLC for M2M in GSRDM

  10. Proposal • ACCOLC for M2M in EGSRDM

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