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实用翻译 Pragmatic Translation 授课人:陈小慰 Course tutor: Chen Xiaowei

实用翻译 Pragmatic Translation 授课人:陈小慰 Course tutor: Chen Xiaowei. 主要教材: 陈小慰 《 新编实用翻译教程 》 经济科学出版社, 2006 ( 获 2007 年福建省第七届社会科学优秀成果二等奖 ) 陈小慰等, 《 福建省情词汇表达速译手册 》 ,福建教育出版社, 2008. 第一单元 总论 Unit 1 Overview 1.1 什么是翻译 What is “ 翻译”

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实用翻译 Pragmatic Translation 授课人:陈小慰 Course tutor: Chen Xiaowei

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  1. 实用翻译Pragmatic Translation 授课人:陈小慰Course tutor: Chen Xiaowei

  2. 主要教材: 陈小慰《新编实用翻译教程》经济科学出版社,2006 (获2007年福建省第七届社会科学优秀成果二等奖 ) 陈小慰等,《福建省情词汇表达速译手册》,福建教育出版社,2008

  3. 第一单元 总论 Unit 1 Overview 1.1什么是翻译 What is “翻译” 翻译:translating / translate/translation / translator / interpreter 1.翻译过程(translating process); 2.翻译行为(act of translating/interpreting); 3.译文或译语(translated version); 4.翻译作品,译作 (translation product); 5. 翻译者(translator/interpreter); 6.翻译工作(事业) (translation profession)

  4. 翻译是根据社会需要、实现某种目的的跨语言、跨文化的交际行为。翻译是根据社会需要、实现某种目的的跨语言、跨文化的交际行为。 (A purposeful activity of communication between different languages and cultures which takes place in response to social needs ) Tower of Babel Genesis confusion

  5. The tower of Babel never will be built, because we now know that the sky has no limits; the stratagem of the confusion of languages is thus no longer necessary. All languages are worthy of respect, and translation permits men to communicate better and thus to understand each other better. (谁也不会再去建造巴别塔了,因为我们现在懂得,太空是无边无际的。花费心思去搞乱各种语言的事再也没有必要了。所有语言都应受到尊重,而翻译恰好能使人们更好地进行交际,从而更好地互相了解。) translation-services market in 1996: valued at over US$30 billion annually and is growing at 15-18 percent per year. (1996 MLIS Program, Translation Market Study) (Sprung 2000: vii )

  6. Major cultural progress under the influence of translation 《钦定本圣经》 (Authorized Version; King James Bible ) Introduction of Buddhism ; “Buddhist Scripture”; “Argumentative Writing” ; naturalize

  7. As this world shrinks together like an aging orange and the peoples in all cultures move closer together (however reluctantly and suspiciously) it may be that the crucial sentence for our remaining years on earth may be very simply: TRANSLATE OR DIE. The lives of every creature on the earth may one day depend on the instant and accurate translation of one word. (这个世界正象一个熟过了头的橘子一样整个在缩小。不同文化的人们,不管怎样不情愿,怎样心怀疑虑,正不断在相互靠近。在今后的岁月里,地球上至关重要的话也许就是非常简单的一句: 不译则亡。 在未来的某一天,地球上万物的生命也许就取决于某个词迅速而准确的翻译。) People die because of lack of translation.

  8. 1.2什么是实用翻译 What is “实用翻译” Pragmatic translation (政论文章、法律文件、科技资料、商务信函、合同协议、新闻报道、公司简介、商标广告、产品简介、产品说明、个人简历、名片、画册文字、论文摘要、菜肴名称、公共标牌、旅游宣传资料等等) 实用翻译的特点: “实用性”(pragmatic),面向现实世界(real world oriented, not fictional),以传达信息和施加影响为目的(to inform and to persuade),起着宣传、指导、警示、鼓动、劝导、说教等实用功能。 Translation for specific purposes ESP: English for specific purposes Extra-sensory perception

  9. 1.3 实用翻译市场的SWOT分析 SWOT Analysis S strengths(优势) W weaknesses(弱点) O opportunities(机会) T threats(威胁) “不少中国企业的招商目录中,30%的英文是不可理解的,这是中国招商引资中一个不被重视却非常可怕的障碍。”  副市长(vice mayor)ice mayor  贵宾卡(VIP Participant/Attendee) attendant card

  10. Very often Asian export products are accompanied by the oddest written instructions. Unfortunately, when shoddy English reaches the customer, he may judge the product to be shoddy too. (亚洲出口产品所附的英文说明常常诘屈聱牙,显得特别古怪别扭。遗憾的是,当顾客看到蹩脚的英语时,他也可能由此判断该产品也是蹩脚的。)

  11. “在香港、台湾、东南亚和其他国家深受欢迎”“在香港、台湾、东南亚和其他国家深受欢迎” It is widely welcome in HK. Taiwan Southeast Asia and other countries. (It sells well in Hong Kong and Taiwan regions as well as Southeast Asian and other countries) 能减肥美容 it can reduce fat and beauty (with satisfactory slimming effects )  “福日股份” Furi Stock (Fujian FURI Electronics PLC ) 请勿带包、饮料。Please dont Bring Your Bags and Drinks. Thank your corporation.  请在此向前等候下楼please here along wait go down

  12. 您呵护我成长,我维护您健康 You care my growing and I care your health (No Step) (Keep off the Grass) “小心地滑” Carefully slip (Wet Floor ) 听、说、读、写 改变世界 Hearing,speaking,reading,writting make the world different 开心休闲屋Happy Restroom (KARAOKE; KTV; For Your Fun KTV) 老公寄存处HUSBAND RESTROOM  ( Men’s Crèche;For Husbands) 台中酒楼Taizhong Wineshop (Taizhong Restaurant )

  13. “雅座” elegant seats (private function room)  “太平燕” “peace swallow” ( Fuzhou-style wonton and duck egg soup) “肉燕”Rouyan, or wonton of Fuzhou style “太平燕”: Fuzhou-style wonton and duck egg soup, a special dish of Fuzhou most often served on joyous occasions such as weddings and New Year’s eve which is supposed to bring peace and good luck “不得乱扔烟蒂,护林防火人人有责” "THE STVD MAY NOT AT RANDOM TOSS ITIS EVERYBODY’S DVTY TO PROTECT A FOREST FIRE HIRE PEEVETION (If you must smoke – dispose of cigarette butts carefully)

  14. 25元随便吃,随便喝 × Be drunk casually, 25 yuan casually; (25 yuan: Dine with peace of mind; 25 yuan: All you can eat and drink) 意粉× Idea Powder (spaghetti) 烧三文鱼× Burned salmon (Braised salmon)

  15. 1.4 实用翻译的标准与要求 Criteria and Requirements Literature: fictional Pragmatic texts: real world 以原文为基础,以译文在译语语境中预期达到的功能或目的为目标 (aims at achieving the intended function of the target text based on an analysis of the original)

  16. 1.5 实用翻译技能的培养 Development of Pragmatic Translation Skills 必须 “承认翻译工作是一种基于专门培训的专业性活动,而不是仅靠掌握两种语言就可以从事的工作。” 1.5.1正确认识实用翻译活动,培养从事翻译的责任感 Professional Ethics and Responsibility 实用翻译:以人为对象、以实现某种实用目的为出发点 要有责任心,不能仅仅满足于“译出”甚至“译好”原文文字,而是要考虑到译文在译语语境中是否能达到预期功能或效果

  17. Exercises: 1.Where no language is foreign to you. (logo. Translators, Inc.) 2.One must be enlightened himself before he  can enlighten others 3. 为奥运加油,与世界分享

  18. 1.5.2 注意培养语境意识 Context Awareness 什么是语境 What is context 语境即语言环境或交际行为产生的具体环境,是语言在其间作为交际手段发挥作用的真实环境,有人、时、地等诸因素的差异。 Context: the discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation the text in which a word or passage appears and which helps ascertain its meaning; the surroundings, circumstances, environment, background or settings which determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event

  19. Context linguistic context non-linguistic context After Babel—Aspects of Language and Translation by George Steiner

  20. The difficulties of translating Chinese into a Western language are notorious. Chinese is composed mainly of monosyllabic units with a wide range of diverse meanings. The grammar lacks clear tense distinctions. The characters are logographic but many contain pictorial rudiments or suggestions. The relations between propositions are paratactic rather than syntactic and punctuation marks represent breathing pauses far more than they do logical or grammatical segmentations…No grammar or dictionary is of very much use to the translator: only context, in the fullest linguistic-cultural sense, certifies meaning. (Steiner 1973: 19)

  21. 上下文 (Co-text; immediate linguistic context) 专卖店 high street shops boutique outlet Haier 用品 体育用品 sporting goods 办公用品office supplies 文化用品stationery 钓鱼用品fishing gear

  22. 科技含量 该产品科技含量高。 The product enjoys technical superiority. 此举将进一步提高公司的科技含量,使公司获得更广阔的市场空间。 This will further enhance the technical strength of the company and win for it a bigger market. 没本钱做什么生意?我的本钱就是有一些知识。 I had no capital to start my own business. What I had was but knowledge.

  23. 题材 (Subject matter) The topic dealt with in a text 这座城市的交通硬件不错,但在软件方面尚需进一步改进。 The city boasts good transportation facilities but needs further improvement in terms of management and service.

  24. 源出者(作者) (Sender) Person or institute that produces a text 社论指出,领导干部要讲政治。 ×The editorial pointed out that cadres should talk about politics. × The editorial pointed out that cadres must give prominence to / should attach the utmost importance to politics. be politically minded; be politically aware; enhance one's political awareness The editorial pointed out that cadres should enhance their political awareness.

  25. 文化背景知识(Cultural background knowledge ) what is assumed by the author to be the case with the listener 生米煮成了熟饭。 ? The rice is already cooked. The rice is cooked and it can't be uncooked.

  26. 一女不吃两家茶 ?A good daughter never drinks tea from a second household. Special meaning of “tea” in the Chinese wedding culture ? A good daughter never takes a second husband.

  27. 交际方式 (Medium) a way or means of expressing ideas 武夷山处处都是大自然的杰作,尤以“三三秀水清如玉,六六奇峰翠插天”而著称于世。 V1: In the Wuyi Mountain, nature presents its superb craftsmanship by such masterpieces as the crystal-clear waters of the Nine-Twist Stream and the thirty-six green soaring peaks along its banks. V2: In the Wuyi Mountain, you can find masterpieces of nature everywhere. Among them the best known are the crystal-clear waters of the Nine-Twist Stream and the thirty-six green soaring peaks along its banks.

  28. 交际地点 (Place) Where the text is produced 太空人 astronaut, cosmonaut, spationaut , Taikonaut /taikonaut 中国太空人的首次太空飞行大获成功。 The first flight of a taikonaut was a total success.

  29. 语篇功能 (Text function) have a direct influence upon the understanding and handling of the original text and the target text at different levels 注意行人 The intended receptor? The intended function? 原译文:Alert Pedestrian 改译文:Slow down

  30. 1.5.3 注意培养语言能力(Development of linguistic competence) 什么是语言能力(What is linguistic competence) Competence at levels of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and text organization, including grammar competence and competence in discourse management.

  31.  语言能力在翻译中的体现(Linguistic competence in translation) l上下义词 (Hyponymy ) 上义词 the general or “upper” terms 下义词 the specific or “lower” terms Rain: drizzle, downpour() “车”: “小汽车、公交车、长途客车、卡车、火车、救护车、消防车、摩托车、自行车、三轮车、人力车…” car, bus, coach, truck, train, ambulance, fire-engine, motorcycle, bike, pedicab, rickshaw “皮”: “人皮、树皮、兽皮、果皮、书皮” skin, bark, hide, fur, peel, cover

  32. l“假朋友” false friends (faux amis ): 两种语言中字面意义相同而实际意义全然不同的词语。 摩托车驾驶员×motor driver/motorist (汽车驾驶员) motorcyclist 调酒师 × mixer(食物搅拌器) barman/ bartender 药店× drugstore (杂货店) pharmacy;Chemist’s shop 白手(起家)× whitehanded(清白) start from scratch; build up from nothing

  33. l形容词和副词: 让我们表示热烈祝贺! Congratulations! × Let’s warmly congratulate! 匆匆地下结论 jump to a conclusion × jump to a conclusion hastily “一步跨进历史,一日游遍中国”。 V1 “One step promptly takes you into the history of China, one day adequately enables you to tour the whole of China.” V2 “One step takes you into the history of China, one day enables you to tour the whole of China.”

  34. 厦门已经初步形成布局合理、功能齐全的城市绿色生态体系。厦门已经初步形成布局合理、功能齐全的城市绿色生态体系。 An urban eco-system with reasonable planning and complete functions is taking shape. l Frequent use of well-balanced parallel structure and repetition in Chinese for which a single word in English is often adequate 刘勰《文心雕龙·丽辞》:“造化赋形,支体必双,神理为用,事不孤立。夫心生文辞,运载百虑,高下相须,自然成对。” “风和日丽”(sunny / fine) 、“走南闯北”(travel a lot)、“欢天喜地”(overjoyed)、“洁白无瑕”(spotless / pure white)、“平淡无奇”(feature1ess/ordinary

  35. l句子 自然科学方面,我们比较落后,特别要努力向外国学习。但是也要有批判地学,不可盲目地学。 In the natural sciences we are rather backward, and here we should make a special effort to learn from foreign countries, and yet we must learn critically, not blindly.

  36. 虽然我们已经取得了很大进步,我们也永远不能骄傲。虽然我们已经取得了很大进步,我们也永远不能骄傲。 We should never become arrogant, though we have made great progress. Don't open the door until(before)the train stops. 火车未停,请勿开门。 说是说了,没有结果。 I've made proposals, but they proved futile.

  37. lAbundant use of passive voice in English In the past ten years,a great deal of investment has been made by the government to improve the infrastructure in the city. Roads have been widened, bridges been built, cultural centres established, a broadband communication system has been provided and trees have been planted by the million. 在过去的十年里,当地政府在改善城市基础设施上投入了大量资金,拓宽了道路、修筑了桥梁、建立了文化中心和宽带通讯网、种植了上百万棵树木。

  38. Chinese Luxury Obsession When many people visit cities in China, they are still surprised to see the luxury brands which normally fill the fashion boutiques of New York and Paris. But in a country where more young people have become big-spending consumers, the world’s top brands attract twenty-and thirty-something who, in a recent survey, say they want to “seize every opportunity to enjoy life.” Take Miss Yu, whose monthly salary is 5,000 yuan working as a journalist. She regularly stops by the boutiques where you can find Louis Vuitton or Gucci. She explains the reason why: “I think a bag worth 10,000 yuan is more suitable for me than 100 bags at 100 yuan each.” And her fashion collection, which includes names such as Chanel, Burberry and Prada, is far from unique in a country where the proportion of luxury goods purchased nowadays is 40% compared to only 4% globally.

  39. 1.5.4 注意培养语用能力(Development of pragmatic competence) 什么是语用能力 ( What is pragmatic competence) Pragmatics: --study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms --study of how to use language for effective communication -- study of the ability to use language to achieve goals

  40. Two categories: Pragmalinguistics: concerns the more linguistic end of pragmatics-where we consider the particular resources which a given language provides for conveying particular meaning Sociopragmatics: the sociological aspect of pragmatics Pragmatic competence: 有效利用语言来实现某种目的或意图的能力, 即正确得体地理解和使用语言,其根本是语言表达上切合语境的得体性 ability to use language correctly, appropriately and effectively to fulfill intentions and goals according to specific context and situation

  41. 2 aspects of PC: pragmalinguistic competence: grammatical competence involving rules of use of a certain language sociopragmatic competence: competence of using language appropriately according to social norms pragmatics and translation: refer to the form of a linguistic message as determined by the situation in which the language is used

  42. Pragmatic competence particularly important in pragmatic translation: real-world oriented and its purpose to inform and influence Correctness vs. appropriateness hard drink ×硬饮料 烈性酒

  43. Haier and Higher 海尔,越来越高 海尔,永创新高 Live and Let Live “活着也让人活着”? “自己活也让别人活” ? 相互关爱,共享生命 “a way of saying that you should let other people behave in the way that they want to and not criticize them for behaving differently from you”(Sinclair 2000)

  44. 语用能力在翻译中的体现(Pragmatic competence in translation) appropriate and natural handling of expressions peculiar to a particular culture which are not understood or dealt with literally 语用词汇: “非常能体现某一文化的词汇和短语” (何自然、陈新仁 2004: 182) words or phrases that typically reflect a particular culture cream tea ×奶油茶 Ravioli ×饺子

  45. 外来妹 × outside girls migrant women workers; country girls working in cities; domestic helper; baby-sitter, nanny; migrant working women (OL) l 正确得体地处理习惯表达方式和习惯用语 Handle correctly and appropriately “他砸了我的饭碗” × He has taken the rice bowl from me. He has taken the bread out of my mouth.

  46. l成语、谚语和习语 Similar ones: A little dirt would kill you. 不干不净,不会生病 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 The weather and human life are both unpredictable. 狗vs. dog

  47. “饭桶”、“饭碗”、“吃不开”、“吃不了兜着走”、“吃不消”、“吃不住”、“吃老本”、“吃软不吃硬”、“吃闲饭”、“吃香” good-for-nothing; job; be unpopular/out of favor; land oneself in /get into serious trouble; be unable to stand; be unable to bear or support; live off one's past gains; be open to persuasion,but not to coercion; lead an idle life; be very popular/in favor

  48. l 防止文化替代现象的同时,尽量使用英美人熟悉和习惯的语言 avoid cultural replacement while seeking naturalness of expression You may run,but you can never hide ×你跑得了和尚,跑不了庙 你们可以逃亡,但躲是躲不掉的。 上海人精明而不聪明。 × People of Shanghai are clever but not wise. People of Shanghai are pennywise but pound-foolish.

  49. l 区分礼貌用语内涵,在翻译时作相应调整处理 Adaptation of phatic expressions 久仰先生大名。 × I’ve long admired your great name. I’ve heard so much about you. I’ve long been looking forward to meeting you. l语用能力还体现为能够对一些格式固定的语篇类型如请柬、证书、海报等根据译语习惯格式进行语用改写处理。 Adaptation of standard expressions

  50. 学术讲座 兹定于9月17日星期五下午2点正在学校礼堂举办“美国文学史上的伟大诗人”的学术讲座。演讲人:外国语学院美国文学史李予教授。欢迎出席! Lecture Topic: Great Poets in American Literature Speaker: Li Yu, Professor of American Literature, School of Foreign Languages Date: Friday, 17 Sept. Time: 2:00 pm. Venue: School Auditorium All Welcome!

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