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CHAPTER 2: Creating and Modifying Database Tables. A GUIDE TO ORACLE8. 2. Query: Command to perform database operation insert modify delete view Structured Query Language (SQL) Standard query language for relational databases. Creating and Modifying Database Tables. 2.

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  1. CHAPTER2: Creating and Modifying Database Tables A GUIDE TO ORACLE8 2

  2. Query: Command to perform database operation insert modify delete view Structured Query Language (SQL) Standard query language for relational databases Creating and Modifying Database Tables 2

  3. Table specifications table name field names field data types field sizes field constraints Oracle Database Tables 2

  4. 1-30 characters Alphanumeric characters and restricted symbols $ _ # Must begin with a character Cannot be a reserved word Oracle Table and Field Names 2

  5. Data type: Specifies type of data stored in a field Error checking Efficient use of storage space Oracle Data Types 2

  6. VARCHAR2 Variable-length character strings Maximum of 4,000 characters Must specify maximum width allowed No trailing blank spaces are added Example declaration: student_name VARCHAR2(30) Character Data Types 2

  7. CHAR Fixed-length character data Maximum size 255 characters Must specify maximum width allowed Adds trailing blank spaces to pad width Example declaration: s_gender CHAR(1) Character Data Types 2

  8. NCHAR Supports 16-digit binary character codes Used for alternate alphabets LONG Stores up to 2 GB of variable-length character data Each table can have only one LONG field Character Data Types 2

  9. NUMBER Stores values between 10-130 and 10126 General declaration format: variablename NUMBER(precision, scale) Number Data Type 2

  10. Number type (integer, fixed point, floating point) specified by precision and scale Precision: Total number of digits on either side of the decimal point Scale: Number of digits to right of decimal point Number Data Type 2

  11. Whole number with no digits to right of decimal point Precision is maximum width Scale is omitted Sample declaration: s_age NUMBER (2) Integer Numbers 2

  12. Contains a specific number of decimal places Precision is maximum width Scale is number of decimal places Sample declaration: item_price NUMBER(5, 2) Fixed-Point Numbers 2

  13. Contains a variable number of decimal places Precision and scale are omitted Sample declaration: s_GPA NUMBER Floating-Point Numbers 2

  14. DATE Stores dates from 1/1/4712 BC to 12/31/4712 AD Default date format: DD-MON-YY Example: 05-JUN-01 Sample declaration: s_dob DATE Date Data Type 2

  15. DATE data type also stores time values If no time value is given when a date is inserted, default value is 12:00:00 AM If no date value is given when a time is inserted, default date is first day of current month Date Data Type 2

  16. BLOB: Binary LOB, up to 4 GB of binary data in database CLOB: Character LOB, up to 4 GB of character data in database BFILE: Reference to binary file stored in operating system NCLOB: Character LOB supporting 16-bit character codes Large Object (LOB) Data Types 2

  17. Specify input and output formats for data values Common NUMBER format masks Format MaskFormatted Data 99,999 12,345 $99,999.99 $12,345.00 99,999PR <12,345> 99,999MI -12,345 $99,999.99PR <$12,345.00> Format Masks 2

  18. Common DATE format masks Format MaskFormatted Data DD-MON-YY 05-JUN-01 DD-MON-YYYY 05-JUN-2001 MM/DD/YY 06/05/2001 HH:MI AM 02:30 PM MONTH DAY, YYYY JUNE 5, 2001 MM/DD/YY HH:MI AM 06/05/01 02:30 PM Format Masks 2

  19. Common character format masks with embedded characters Format MaskFormatted Data Social Security Number: FM999”-”999”-”9999 555-555-5555 Phone Number: FM”(“999”) “999”-”9999 (715) 555-5555 Format Masks 2

  20. Used to define primary and foreign keys Constraint name: Internal name used by DMBS to identify the constraint Constraint name convention: tablename_fieldname_constraintID Constraint ID values: Primary key: PK Foreign key: FK Integrity Constraints 2

  21. Defining a primary key: CONSTRAINT <constraint name> PRIMARY KEY Example: sid NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT student_sid_pk PRIMARY KEY Primary Key Constraints 2

  22. Defining a composite primary key: CONSTRAINT <constraint name> PRIMARY KEY (field1, field2) Example: sid NUMBER(6), course_id NUMBER(6), grade NUMBER , CONSTRAINT enrollment_sid_course_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (sid, course_id) Primary Key Constraints 2

  23. Defining a foreign key: CONSTRAINT <constraint name> REFERENCES <table where field is a PK>(<field name>) Example: advisorid NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT student_advisorid_fk REFERENCES faculty(fid) Foreign Key Constraints 2

  24. Restricts data values that can be inserted into a field Types Check condition: Restricts to specific values example: s_gender (M or F) NOT NULL: Specifies that a field cannot be NULL Value Constraints 2

  25. Check condition CONSTRAINT <constraint name> CHECK <values> s_gender CHAR(1) CONSTRAINT student_s_gender_cc CHECK ((s_gender = ‘M’) OR (s_gender = ‘F’)) Not NULL CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> NOT NULL s_name VARCHAR2(30) student_s_name_nn NOT NULL Defining Value Constraints 2

  26. Oracle SQL command line utility Starting SQL*Plus SQL*Plus 2

  27. All commands must be terminated with a semicolon Use a text editor and copy and paste commands Character data is case sensitive and must be in single quotes ‘M’ ‘Sarah’ SQL*Plus 2

  28. CREATE TABLE <tablename> (<field1 declaration>, <field2 declaration, …); CREATE TABLE mystudent (sid NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT mystudent_sid_pk PRIMARY KEY, s_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT mystudent_s_name_nn NOT NULL); Creating a Database Table 2

  29. Viewing a table’s structure DESCRIBE mystudent; Viewing constraint information SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ‘MYSTUDENT’; Deleting a table DROP TABLE mystudent; Other Table Operations 2

  30. Prohibited Changing the table name Changing a column name Unrestricted Adding a new column Deleting a primary key or foreign key constraint Modifying Tables 2

  31. Restricted (allowed only if existing data fits new specification) Changing a column’s data type, size, and default value Adding a primary key constraint Adding a foreign key constraint Adding a CHECK CONDITION constraint Adding a NOT NULL constraint Modifying Tables 2

  32. Type exit at SQL> prompt or Click Close button Exiting SQL*Plus 2

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