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Goran Miloševič LJUBLJANA 15. April 201 1

MOSAIC Association for Social Inclusion CONNECTING LOCAL CHARACTERISTICS TO LOCAL RESOURCES AND VOULNERABLE SOCIAL GROUPS. C onference »Social entrepreneurship: A vector of Change in the EU«. Goran Miloševič LJUBLJANA 15. April 201 1.

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Goran Miloševič LJUBLJANA 15. April 201 1

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  1. MOSAIC Association for Social Inclusion CONNECTING LOCAL CHARACTERISTICS TO LOCAL RESOURCES AND VOULNERABLE SOCIAL GROUPS Conference »Social entrepreneurship: A vector of Change in the EU« Goran Miloševič LJUBLJANA 15. April 2011

  2. Association Mosaic is an NGO established in 2003. • Actively intervenes in the field of social inclusion of peoplefrommost vulnerable social groups in Pomurjeregion by: • striving to improve their workingqualifications -TRAINING • opening them the way to EMPLOYMENT in activities where they can prove their abilities, • developing and promoting alternative – inclusive - BUSINESS MODELS, based on local characteristics. MOSAIC association for social inclusion

  3. Regionalstatistics: • 1.337 km2 (6,6 % SLO) • 121.500 inhabitants (6,2 % SLO) • BDP/Capita: 11.000 EUR (65 % SLO) • Highunemploymentrate: 20 % Specificdevelopmentalproblems: • Loweducationrate(5,7 % highEDU) • Negativepopulationtrends; “Braindrain”, Ageing • Labourintensiveindustryandagriculture are decreasing • Lowlevelofinnovationandenterpreneurship Developmentopportunities: • Betterutilizationoflocalresources – endogenousdevelopment. • Developmentoflocaleconomy – SOCIAL ECONOMY as strategictool. Region Pomurje today

  4. Local human and social resources Natural resources Utilisation of opportunities in Social economy • Dispersed and uncoordinated • Not competitive on global market • Preserved nature (Alternative) model of regional development • Underemployed • Social exclusion • Traditional knowledge • Cultural heritage Developmentof social economy is one ofthe most importanttasksofregionaldevelopment in Pomurje. It canprovidenewemploymentand social inclusion.

  5. Following the principle of connecting local characteristics andresources to local needs and vulnerable social groups. Quality food production (ecological and traditional), Renovation and revitalization of cultural heritage, Environmental care and “Green programmes”, Social programmes (Care for homeless, Care for older) Development of new tourist products (Eco-tourism) RESULT Rehabilitation and social inclusion of most vulnerable social groups by employment in Social Economy. OUR STRATEGY IS

  6. 1. PROGRAMMES OF WORKING TRAINING To increase working qualification. Practical training in real working environment. MOZAIK IS WORKING ON FOUR LEVELS

  7. 2. INTRODUCTION OF NEW FORMS OF EMPLOYMENT • Developing new activities suitable for employment. • Introduction of alternative forms of employment in Social Economy.Currently 50 - 60 working places. • Eco-social farm Korenika. • Pribinovinacompany for employment of disabled persons. • Shelter for homeless people. • Green programmes(woden biomass, environmental care) – new business models – regional networking MOZAIK IS WORKING ON FOUR LEVELS

  8. 3. Development of mentoringstructure Two levels of mentoringstructure (internalandexternal). Involving experts from different fields (practical knowledge and psychosocial support). – Importance of VOLUNTEERING. 4. Development of brand and marketing Growing importance of effective marketing. Importance of local market and tourism. Joining into the system of regional branding. Ethical consumption. WORKING ON FOUR LEVELS

  9. Different financial sources • Very important are the grantsof EU programmes (ESF, Cross-border cooperation with Austria and Hungary), • Grantsof Ministries (Labour, family and social affairs; Agriculture, Culture) and national institutions (Unemployment office), • Market revenues – APROX 35 % at the moment. • Networking with compatible businesses in the production chain. • Direct selling of thefinal products andservices. FINANCIAL SOURCES

  10. http://www.mozaik-drustvo.si/si • Welcome!

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