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Career Counseling and Crossing Borders

Career Counseling and Crossing Borders. CDI Annual Conference 18th October, 2014. dr. Jutta König movingexperience @ planet.nl j.konig@vanede.nl. A global nomad. 1 Bonn, Germany 3 Paris, France 5 Canberra, Australia 8 Salisbury, Rhodesia 13 Den Haag, Holland

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Career Counseling and Crossing Borders

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  1. Career Counseling andCrossing Borders CDI Annual Conference 18th October, 2014 dr. JuttaKönig movingexperience@planet.nl j.konig@vanede.nl

  2. Aglobalnomad • 1 Bonn, Germany • 3 Paris, France • 5 Canberra, Australia • 8 Salisbury, Rhodesia • 13 Den Haag, Holland • 17 Leiden, Holland • 24 Maastricht, Holland • 28 Lanaken, Belgium • 34 Friesland, Holland • 39 Singapore • 44 Friesland, Holland • 49 Loosdrecht, Holland Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  3. Moving Experience: Complexities of Acculturation The development of multicultural identity and diversity management in a globalizing world. Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  4. Presentation 1. Insightsfrommy thesis • Numbers of individuals crossing borders • Hybrididentities: Identitiesaffectedby crossing borders • Pillarsof identity, migrationandwork • Pilot: Career coaches andgraduatedrefugees 2. Global perspectivefromvantage point as chair of ICCI Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  5. Volume of intercultural contact is increasing on a globalscale • More than 232 millionindividuals live outsidetheir country of origin (United Nations 2013) • 16,7 millionrefugeesandasylumseekers (UNHCR, 2013) • 5 millioninternationalstudentsstudyabroadeachyear (ICEF monitor, 2014) • 50,5 millionexpatriatesgrowingannuallywith 2,4% eachyearsince2009 (Finaccord, 2013) Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  6. Uncountedinterculturalcontacts • Global nomads • Second andthirdgenerationmigrants • Children of culturally mixed marriages Twothirds of the worldpopulationspeaktwo or more languages! Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  7. Five Pillars of Identity Petzold & Heinl 1983 Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  8. Migration withwork Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  9. Migration withoutwork Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  10. Hybrid Identities Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  11. Hybrid Identities “In a globalizingworld society withincreasingculturalinterconnections, different culturalidentities- comingtogether in oneand the same person- mayeasilyimply a rivalry or conflict of different selves” Bhattiaand Ram 2001, Hermans 2001 Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  12. A case from literature “In my case the efforts of these yearsto live in the dress of Arabsandimitatetheirmental foundation quitted me of my English selfand let me look at the West anditsconventionswith new eyes. At the same time, I couldnotsincerely take on anArabskin; it was affectationonly… Sometimes these selveswouldconverge in the voidandthenmadness was verynear, as I couldbelieveitwouldbenear the man whocouldseethingsthrough the veils at once of twocustoms, twoeducations, twoenvironments” T.E. Lawrence of Arabia (1882-1935) Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  13. Four different cultural positions in dialogue in this fragment • English position • Arabic position • In between position • Meta or bird’s eye view position Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  14. Salman Rushdie: Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  15. Context and cultural identity “Ethnic identity is socially defined and constructed, …it also provides a foundation of self understanding and a source of positive or negative self feelings” (Verkuyten2005:3) “The development of immigrant identities in diasporic communities occurs in a constant process of negotiation, intervention and mediation shaped by issues of race, gender, sexuality and power. Under the influence of an implicit or explicit dialogue with political, social, psychological and cultural factors identities may change” (Bhatia and Ram 2001). Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  16. A range of in-between positions Encapsulated marginal Constructive marginal Disintegration in shifting cultures Self differentiation Loose boundary control Well developed boundary control Difficulty in decision making Self as choice maker Alienation Dynamic in between-ness Self absorption Authenticity No recognised reference group Marginal reference group Multiplistic Commitment within relativism Conscious of self Conscious of choice Troubled by ambiguity Intrigued by complexity Never “at home” Never not “at home” (Bennet J.) Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  17. Personal Cultural Positions of research candidates Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  18. Conclusions • All global nomads could identify different cultural positions • In all candidates a tension between personal cultural positions is seen. • Some cultural positions retreat in the cultural position repertoire (powerlessness and isolation) • Anger, hiding, selective openness used as strategies to manage multicultural selves • PEACE methodology enhances wellbeing Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  19. Pilot career coaches andgraduatedrefugees • 12 graduatedrefugeesannuallysince 2003 • Twoyears of supervisionsessionsonceeverysix weeks to monitor process • Writing of case studies reflecting on process Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  20. Quotesfrom coaches During first supervionsession: confusion • “Theydon’tunderstandmymetaphors” • “They do notarrive on time” • “My methods do notwork:writing a self analysis” • “Risk of re-traumatisationthroughselfrefelction” • “25 yearoldscaringforwhole family who do notspeak the language” Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  21. Waste of Talent: • “Sociologistworking as night watchman in anasylum” • “Engineers working as taxi drivers” • “Doctors hearing thattheirlanguage skills are notgoodenough” • Tell Dutch tobecome more language tolerant • Manyexperiences of discrimination at work Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  22. Becomingconscious of ownculturalconditioning • Coaches became more consciousandsensitivetotheirownculturalconditioning. • Slowedtheir pace of converstaion, checkedregularlytoseeiftheywerebeingunderstood. • Usedsimplerlanguage • Longerprocessthanfor native Dutch clients • Veryrewarding • Clientsaddedvalueto companies byexpandingglobalreach • Supportedextended families in country of origin Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  23. Whatcanyou do? • Be aware of global trends and market conditions • Invest in internationalnetworks • Developyourcultural intelligence • Learnaboutyourprofession in othercultural environments • Teachyour skills toothershungryforinformation • Reinforce life long selffundedlearning • Guide clientstousecompetency /skillbasedvocabularyratherthan course of study Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  24. Encourage HR managers in organisationsto: • Invest in organisationaldiversity • Creatementoring systems formutuallearningbetweenlocalsandmigrants • Use culture sensitive tests • Raise awareness to the culturalaspects of career coaching • Developcultural intelligence Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  25. Encourage diversity • Create safe spaces • Slow down pace of speaking • Share stories • Celebratedifference Fromdiversity management toalteritypolitics Janssens andSteyaert 2001 Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  26. ICCI: Worldwide Presence Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  27. ICCI certification assures clients of experience, competence and integrity www.careercertification.org Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  28. Global Trends • Strugglewithdiversity in workforce in countrieswithmanyimmigrants • Stagnantwages • Decline in organisedlabour • Increasedunderemployment • Skills gap • No money availablefor training Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  29. In USA and Canada • Outplacement is out • Shorter, lessexpensivecareer management services soughtafter • Longevity of careers is a focus creatingchangingdynamics of retirement • Increased interest in certification (from military andgovernment) • In Canada a provincialcareercertification is beingadaptedopposedtoadopting a globalcertification Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  30. In Europe • NICE: Network forInnovation in CareerGuidanceand Counseling in Europe: professional rolesandcompetencestandards.http://www.nice-network.eu • Interest in certification in fromformerEastern European countries • Different retirementages(in Austria is 58,In Netherlands 67) • Diversity of approaches Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  31. In Australia, Great Britain and the Netherlands • Increasingpressurefromgovernmentsforcertificationtoprotect the buying public • Gradualprocess of professional bodiesstartingtocooperatetogethertoprovide training andcertificationto make the career coaching profession more professional Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  32. In Asia, South America, AfricaandMiddle East • China, India, Indonesia andBrazil, emergingnationstogethermake up 43% of the world’spopulationcreating the greatestdemandforcareer professionals to meet rapidlydevelopingeconomies. • Hungerforknowledgeaboutcareerguidance, counseling andcertification • Confusionaboutwhatcertification means Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  33. Confused? Certification for WHAT? Who is behind it? AIOSP IAEVG Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  34. A professional Process Community & Professional Confidence Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  35. About ICCI Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl Certification for full spectrum of career management specialties Independent of sales & training organizations Industry created, validated and controlled Global fellowship of select, experienced career management practitioners and leaders Board certification based on stringent portfolio review

  36. ManifestoBuilding Global Professional Confidence ThroughDiversity • Excellence • Growth • Integrity Certifying Excellence in Career Management Globally Encouraging & embracing DIVERSITY of Practice, Service, Cultural and Regional needs. Recognizing DIVERSITY: Certification based upon COMPETENCY at differing levels of professional service delivery. Developing International Standards for Practitioner, Organization, or Program. Recognizing EXCELLENCE: Actively promotes & supports CONTINUAL PROFESSIONAL GROWTH, recognizing different STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT both within profession and across global regions. Recognizing GROWTH: Seeks to become a certification HUB developing a unified voice and global reach. Actively seeks ALLIANCES between training, development, and support providers. Building NETWORKS: Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  37. Levels of Recognition CMA: Career Management Associate • 3 years work experience, 2 in career services CMP: Career Management Practitioner • 8 years work experience, 4 in career services CMF: Career Management Fellow • 12 years work experience, 6 in career services Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  38. Fellow Mentors • Guide and advise applicants and individuals who wish to upgrade certification • Supervise, assess and establish certification eligibility • Recommend candidate to the Board for review • Maintain ongoing Mentor/Advisor role Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  39. ICCI Certification Promotes • World class credentials • Competitive edge • International network of outstanding professionals • Thought leadership Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  40. Visit us Detailed information can be found at: www.careercertification.org Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

  41. Questions??? Career Counseling and Crossing Borders movingexperience@planet.nl

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