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Conversations Regarding Supervisee-Centred Supervision

Conversations Regarding Supervisee-Centred Supervision. Pam Santon MSW RSW Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Sex Therapist Approved Supervisor AAMFT. My Objectives for Our Conversation.

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Conversations Regarding Supervisee-Centred Supervision

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  1. Conversations Regarding Supervisee-Centred Supervision Pam Santon MSW RSW Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Sex Therapist Approved Supervisor AAMFT

  2. My Objectives for Our Conversation • To underline the importance of supporting supervisee’s in their support of clients through competency-based supervisory practices • To review basics of Supervisory processes • To emphasize the need for Reflective Practice in promoting the change process of clients • To increase comfort with ‘Person of the Therapist’ methods of Supervision in promotion of the professional development of supervisees • To allow reflection of supervisory practices

  3. Positioning You in the ConversationReflective Exercise #1 • How many people in the room are currently supervisors? Please take 5 minutes and talk to 3-4 of your neighbours about the following: • How does your program currently provide supervision? Who gets supervision and when? Who supervises who? What is it like for supervisors? What is it like for supervisees? • As you consider your current supervision system, what is working well? How do you know? And what do you think needs change? How do you know?

  4. Positioning Myself in the Conversation • My own experience of receiving supervision, or not receiving it • Clinical Director-ASYR 1992-2008: from 4 staff to 4 teams • Supervisor in private practice since 1996 including the supervision of: - Individual therapists or a group of therapists working towards Clinical Membership or Approved Supervisor Status with AAMFT • Social Workers in the Ministry of Long-term Care and a Family Health Team • Peer Support Counsellors in the Ministries of Labour and Natural Resources • Students in a 4th Year Practicum Course in Family Relations and Human Development

  5. The Tricky Terrain of Supervision in the Field of Addictions

  6. Specific Challenges in the Work of Addiction • Clients presentation: Poly-addictions including Process Addictions, Co-occurring Mental Health issues, Trauma histories • Visitor and Complainant Status of many clients and frequent no shows • Family Dynamics of client system and their feelings of powerlessness • Difficulties of clients with labelling and managing feelings which often results in slow pacing of the work and frequent relapse • Polarized Models of Interventions • Large caseloads and waiting lists • Marginalization of the clients and their issues; and, therefore the field and those who work in it: under-serviced, underpaid

  7. Supervising in the Addiction Field • High caseload numbers and long waiting lists to manage • Staff presenting complicated client issues and the isomorphic pattern of powerlessness across the levels of the system • Sometimes less than satisfied, stressed-out staff experiencing compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and/or burnout • Responsibility for vacation and sick leave coverage • Own caseload to serve to manage • Managers, Executive Directors and Boards to appease Etcetera

  8. Why ‘Supervisee-Centred’ Supervision Frontline Staff as the Backbone of the agency!

  9. The Risk of Empathy “After all, it's our gift for empathy that draws us to our work. And yet, empathy at full throttle--felt and projected 100 percent with our bodies, hearts, and minds--has its risks.” Babette Rothschild UNDERSTANDING THE KEYS TO VICARIOUS TRAUMA

  10. ‘Boundaries Lost’The Burnout Syndrome • physical and emotional exhaustion as clinicians develop negative self-concept, negative job attitudes, and loss of concern for clients (Pines & Maslach, 1978). • physical symptoms like fatigue, gastrointestinal irritations, insomnia, and hypertension (Farber, 1990) • emotional symptoms including despair (Kestnbaum, 1984), boredom and cynicism (Friedman, 1985), withdrawal, and depression (Jayaratne & Chess, 1983). • interpersonal problems, both in the workplace as well as with family and friends (Kahill, 1988).

  11. Risk Factors • Unrealistic therapeutic expectations • Allowing personal issues to interfere in professional practice (loss of boundaries) • Working with clients with particularly severe or traumatic issues • Working in a community agency • Being new to the field • Being male

  12. THE PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONOF SUPERVISION Supervisors as ‘Back Braces’ ‘Strengthening the Core Muscles’

  13. Myths of Individual Coping,Realities of Organizational PolicyKyle Killian 2007 “Stop blaming the victim for lack of life balance” - Agencies to take responsibility for burnout by: Better distribution of caseloads to ensure lower numbers of trauma clients per counsellor Reduced caseloads and more reflective supervision Better policies to give frontline staff an increased sense of control, efficacy & support Clearly defined teams (Borrill 2000) Participation in political advocacy

  14. Role of Supervisor’s in the Prevention of BurnoutRosenberg, T. Pace M., PhD 2010 • In-service training on burnout • Setting expectations about self-care • Limit-setting around client numbers and administrative duties • Prioritizing supervision, peer meetings and • support groups • Modeling self-care, case consultation and self awareness • Including person of the Therapist issues in supervision including: unresolved FOO issues, therapist’s need to be liked, over-involvement & feeling personally responsible for client-change

  15. General Functions of SupervisionThe Role of Supervision in Social Work (An Irish Study 2010 Jeanne Marie Hughes MSW) • Prevent stress and burnout in a profession dedicated to paying attention to someone else’s needs (Hawkins and Shohet 2006) • Contains or manages anxiety and helps to cope with the demands that the work entails (Brearer 1995) • Supports reflective practice on the use of discretion and judgment (Gould and Baldwin 2004) • Educates, supports and manages (Kadushin 1992, Morrison 2003) • Teaches, guides, counsels and directs (Page/Wosket 1994) • Facilitates learning, provides an opportunity to plan and evaluate work, supports workers and promotes good standards of practice and protection of the public (McGuiness 1993)

  16. ‘Great Supervisors’ • Non-judgmental and accepting of the supervisee’s inexperience and mistakes • Accessible and Available regularly for conversations (weekly) (answer questions, offer advice and provide feedback) • Collaborative as well as directive • Trusting of their abilities and potential • Trustworthy and respectful of their information and learning process • Giving of their expertise and experience • Modeling of professional practices, boundaries and conduct • Culturally sensitive and Informed

  17. Great Supervisor’s Build Resiliency in Supervisees • By building trusting, safe relationships • By being present and modeling positive communication skills • By being open and receptive to mistakes in themselves and others • By modeling self care • By being reflective and mindful in their interactions with supervisees

  18. Components of Quality Supervision • Individual Supervision: 1.5 hours bi-weekly (.5 administration, 1.0 clinical) • Individual Training per learning Goals • Group/Team Supervision • Specific Training as a Team/Agency • Peer Consultation- Formal and Informal • Professional Consultation • Supervision of Supervision • Employee Assistance Program

  19. According to the Literature Addiction Counselling Competencies (98) The Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Professional Practice, TAP (Technical Assistance Publication) 21 US Dept. of Health and Human Services, SA and MH Services Administration, Centre for Substance Abuse Treatment 2008 Clinical Supervision Handbook A Guide for Clinical Supervisors for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, 2008 Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counsellor TIP ( Treatment Improvement Protocol) 52, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, SA and MH Services Administration, Centre for Substance Abuse Treatment 2009 Competencies for Substance Abuse Treatment Clinical Supervisor TAP 21-A US Dept. of Health and Human Services, SA and MH Services Administration, Centre for Substance Abuse Treatment 2008

  20. The ‘Yin and Yang’ of Supervision Supervision 101: Roles, Stages, Power, Relationship, Parallel Process, Reflective Practice

  21. Structuring SupervisionThe Yin/Yang Continuum (Jay Reeve- www.psychotherapynetworker.org) Supervisory Practices Technique- Based Process- Based ______________________________________________ - New to the field - Focus on clinical or position Experience - Crisis management - Parallel Process - Manualized treatment - Development of Anxiety producing own therapeutic style situations (ethical, SI/HI, policies etc)

  22. Above all else, FLEXIBILITY and RESPONSIVENESS: In Taoist philosophy, truth does not lie in one pole or the other, in yin or in yang. Instead, the task of the sageis to provide what is lacking for balance and integration.. When they think they know the answers People are difficult to guide When they know that they don't know People can find their own way Tao Te Ching (S. Mitchell, trans.), Harper Perennial; 1991.

  23. The Many Hats of the Supervisor General Idiosyncratic Directive Collaborative

  24. Isomorphism and Parallel Process in Supervision • Origins in the psychoanalytic concepts of transference and counter transference • Transference occurs when the counselor recreates the presenting problem and emotions of the therapeutic relationship within the supervisory relationship • Counter-transference occurs when the supervisor responds to the counselor in the same manner that the counselor responds to the client. • Thus, the supervisory interaction replays, or is parallel with, the counseling interaction.

  25. Conversations about Parallel Process • Can increase self awareness and professional growth • Easier for the more experienced counsellor because of their confidence in their knowledge and methods of intervention • Can cross the line into therapy so supervisee permission is always required • Supervisor should always pay attention to how the therapeutic relationship and client issues are presented by the counselor in the supervisory session and use the awareness as an intervention in facilitating growth in the counselor, thereby helping the client

  26. What Works in Therapy:Project MATCH and the AllianceBabor, T.F., & DelBoca, F.K. (eds.) (2003). United Kingdom: Cambridge, 113.Treatment Matching in AlcoholismTreatment • The largest study ever conducted on the treatment of problem drinking: • Three different treatment approaches studied (CBT, 12Three different treatment approaches studied (CBT, 12--step, step, and Motivational Interviewing) • Difference in outcome between approaches.. The client rating of the therapeutic alliance was the best predictor of: Treatment participation;Drinking behavior during treatment;Drinking at 12-month follow up

  27. The Clinical Responsibility of the Supervisor Therefore…. Anything the supervisor can do to reinforce the therapeutic alliance will improve outcome. Sound clinical supervision, including reflective practice on ‘use of self’ and the person of therapist, needs to be a priority for every clinical setting.

  28. Supervision Chain of Impact

  29. The Supervisory Relationship • The relationship is the key to successful supervision (Pritchard 1995). • Trust is central to the supervisory relationship. Supervision cannot proceed in a climate of mistrust. Supervisor and supervisee must work to establish a trusting climate • Supervisor must be diligent to avoid using information learned in the supervisory process against the supervisee (Munson 2002)

  30. Power in Supervision: Recommendations for Supervisors and SuperviseesMurphy, M. 2005 • The results of this study highlight that positive uses of power can enhance the supervisory relationship. • “it is imperative for supervisors to model appropriate uses of power for supervisees, so that they will appropriately use power with their clients. - empowerment in the supervisory relationship isomorphically results with empowerment in the therapeutic relationship” • Open Discussions of power include a) using the term Power in discussions b) talking about power at the first supervision session, and c) revisiting power as a discussion topic throughout the supervisory relationship.

  31. Why Be Reflective? • To Improve the quality of services • To avoid clinical responses that can lead to unintended and negative consequences in sessions • To replenishes counsellor reserves. • To Avoid robotic practice, decisions, interventions. • To builds confidence and creativity. • To Strengthen: practice…service…advocacy…administration • To foster empowerment, thoughtfulness, respect.

  32. Objectives of Reflective SupervisionModelling Empowering Relationships • Supervisor and clinician form a trusting relationship • Establish consistent, predictable meetings and times • Ask questions that encourage details about the emerging relationship and the supervisee’s reactions • Listen, emotionally present, teach/guide, nurture/support • To Integrate emotion and reason • To foster the reflective process to be internalized by the supervisee • To explore the parallel process and to allow time for personal reflection • To attend to how reactions to the content affect the process

  33. Use of Self Model ‘Use of Self’ and ‘Person of the Therapists’ is a process through which therapists and counsellors learn how to use their personal emotional and cognitive reactions and knowledge of self in order to: • inform conceptualizations of their clients struggles • create a therapeutic relationship that is collaborative and conducive to corrective relating with the aim of overcoming difficulties and facilitating personal growth.

  34. 1) Feeling stuck around a separated couple and wanting them to reconcile. 2) Feeling powerless with a supervisee who wasn’t setting clear boundaries with a client Being triangulated in FOO because of cutoffs in own family between siblings Inaction on the part of the E.D. to establish a policy around domestic violence Examples of ‘Use of Self’ in Supervision

  35. 3) Anger at a client for frequent calls between sessions. 4)Dislike of a client for crying repeatedly in sessions. Fear of client taking action on professional ethics Feeling powerless with emotional pain Withdrawal as a protective move

  36. How Personal Can Supervision/Training Get?Aponte 2004 1. Supervisees present their personal histories and information about their life circumstances 2. Although supervisors may inquire about what they believe is relevant, Supervisees are free to reveal only what they wish to reveal 3. Supervisees and fellow team/group members are bound by confidentiality for all personal information revealed in the context of supervision. 4. Supervisors and supervisees are not to assume a treatment contract (with all that implies) under the guise of supervision 5. Supervisees may pursue personal treatment outside the context of supervision, and Supervisors may assist in this pursuit as appropriate.

  37. ‘To Thy Own Self Be True’-Building or Revisiting Your Philosophy of SupervisionBeginning with ‘The Self’ of the Supervisor: Modelling Authenticity

  38. Have a Supervisory Road Map: A Philosophy of Supervision A template for conducting supervision sessions. A roadmap of your principles, knowledge and behaviours as they relate to supervision. Build a dynamic ‘Philosophy of Supervision’ that clarifies your values, insights and beliefs in this moment and review and update annually.

  39. Components of a Philosophy of Supervision • Influence • Isomorphism • Change and Components of Supervision • Developmental Stages of Supervision • Gender issues • Accountability • Ethical Issues • Self of the Supervisor

  40. Using a ‘Collage’ to defineYour Philosophy of Supervision “I suggest that (Supervisees) avoid reifying human predicaments into symptoms…. All of this is mostly a matter of cleaning out enough psychological "debris" so that supervisees can sit comfortably, listen carefully, and think creatively. When I supervise, I give example after example of interventions that challenge clients' suppositions and help them explore new terrain. Then I hope for the best. Perhaps Marsha Linehan, the inventor of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, put it best when she advised new students to stop trying to act like therapists: "If they would act like themselves, they would be better off. . . . All you are trying to be is simply one human being trying to help another human being. That's all this is." Unfortunately, the(diagnostic) category obscures that fact.”Jay Efran, Ph.D., Temple University.

  41. Supervisee-Centred SupervisionRobert Taibbi: Clinical Director and Supervisor for 30 years www.psychotherapynetworker.org “The administrative stuff plays second fiddle to your real job though: helping the supervisee--from scared beginners to confident (sometimes overconfident) pros to burned-out timeservers--figure out what they need and how to weave together their strengths, skills, and personalities into a unique and personal clinical style. Obviously, you need good supervisory skills, but you must apply those skills in creative ways at different times with different staff because one size definitely doesn't fit all in this work. It's the relationship between supervisor and supervisee (rather than a set of skills, per se) that's the key to helping him or her learn what it really means to be a therapist and practice therapy.”

  42. Using a ‘Collage’ to defineYour Philosophy of Supervision “I suggest that (Supervisees) avoid reifying human predicaments into symptoms…. All of this is mostly a matter of cleaning out enough psychological "debris" so that supervisees can sit comfortably, listen carefully, and think creatively. When I supervise, I give example after example of interventions that challenge clients' suppositions and help them explore new terrain. Then I hope for the best. Perhaps Marsha Linehan, the inventor of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, put it best when she advised new students to stop trying to act like therapists: "If they would act like themselves, they would be better off. . . . All you are trying to be is simply one human being trying to help another human being. That's all this is." Unfortunately, the(diagnostic) category obscures that fact.”Jay Efran, Ph.D., Temple University.

  43. My Personal Supervision Philosophy • Collaborative- power to as opposed to power-over • Accountable to the client system and the agency • Reflective in that the supervisee needs to be centred and grounded in their ‘use of self’ • Necessary- frontline staff as the backbone of the service • Developing of the Unique Talents of the ‘professional part’ of the clinician • Informed by client feedback and the literature • Empowering of ‘the Person’ of the Clinician • Strength-based- building on talents and abilities • Mistake Friendly- aware that we learn through trial and error

  44. Exercise #2‘The Person’ of the Supervisor In groups of 3 or 4, identify the following: • The major models of therapy, counselling or change process that you value. • A life experience that you have had that informs your experience of supervision. b) 2-3 Personal Strengths you bring to your Supervisory Role c) 5- 8 adjectives that best describe your values in regard to your supervisory practices.

  45. The Methods and Tools of the ‘Yang’of Supervision

  46. CONTENT Learning Contract* Feedback Forms* Evaluation Tools* Genogram* Cultural Genogram* Professional Genograms* PROCESS Mindfulness Self Supervision Reflective Conversations Supervision of Supervision Outside Supervision, Consultation and Training Methods and Tools of Reflective, ‘Use of Self’, ‘The Person of’ Supervision

  47. Mindfulness and Supervision Mindfulness is intentionally being aware of what really is in the current moment Jon Kabat-Zinn The aim of supervision of clinical work ought to be supervision of the therapist’s own self-supervision. AsConfucius said, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you feed him for a hundred years (O’Hanlon & Wilk, 1987).

  48. Benefits of Mindful PracticeMindfulness and SupervisionAAMFT Supervision Bulletin 2010 • Reduces anxiety and increases calm demeanor • Increases ability to be present and in the moment • Reduces internal ‘chatter’ and negative self talk • Increases self reflection and boundary setting • Allows easier transitioning between clients or supervisees • Increases clients/supervisee’s experience of being heard, validated and responded to

  49. Goal: to increase therapeutic presence Regular practice of mindfulness meditation with MFT supervisees resulted in significant improvement of in-session skills • Increased patience • Increased ability to attend to the client’s experience • Increased ability to attend to one’s own experience • Reduced reactivity and judgment • Better handling of challenges

  50. Methods of Mindfulness Meditation:Practices that bring the clinician’s awareness fully into the present without judging or evaluating that experience • Meditation • Body Awareness: Body Scan- what is your body telling you • Body Movement: dance, walk • Journaling • Art

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