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CHAPTER: 17. OVERALL. How do intellectual trends develop to have a tangible impact on the common people?. What is the scientific world-view leading up to 1500?. The Scientific Revolution. natural philosophy Thomas Aquinas Aristotle crystal spheres Ptolemy. The Scientific Revolution.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHAPTER: 17 OVERALL • How do intellectual trends develop to have a tangible impact on the common people?

  2. What is the scientific world-view leading up to 1500? The Scientific Revolution natural philosophy Thomas Aquinas Aristotle crystal spheres Ptolemy

  3. The Scientific Revolution • What are the foundations of the new scientific approach? Arabic scholars Humanism navigation astrology / alchemy

  4. The Scientific Revolution • What are the scientific implications of Copernicus’ hypothesis? On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres religious reaction

  5. The Scientific Revolution • Who proves Copernicus to be correct? TychoBrahe Johannes Kepler laws of planetary motion Galileo Galilei experimental method Roman Inquisition

  6. The Scientific Revolution • Why was Isaac Newton voted the #2 most influential person of the last millennia? synthesis Principia Mathematica universal gravitation laws of motion calculus Liebnitz optics

  7. The Scientific Revolution • How did the combination of Bacon and Descartes = the Scientific Revolution? empiricism induction analytic geometry deductive reasoning Cartesian Dualism scientific method

  8. The Scientific Revolution • How does the new science integrate into society? scientific community gender religion

  9. The Scientific Revolution • How do medicine and chemistry progress? Galen Paracelsus Vesalius Harvey Boyle

  10. The Enlightenment • On what is the new Enlightenment based? rationalism Newton natural laws progress skepticism cultural relativism

  11. The Enlightenment • Which thinkers pre-date the 18th century? Pierre Bayle Baruch Spinoza John Locke Concerning Human Understandingtabula rasa metacognition

  12. The Enlightenment • Why are les philosophes central to the Enlightenment? Montesquieu Persian LettersSpirit of Laws separation of powers parlementsCondorcet

  13. The Enlightenment • Why is Voltaire considered the quintessential philosophe? freedom of speech Madame du Chatelet Deism religious toleration

  14. The Enlightenment • Why isn’t Voltaire a revolutionary? enlightened despotism “pen pals”

  15. The Enlightenment • What becomes the “Bible of the Enlightenment”? Encyclopedia Diderot d’Alembert

  16. The Enlightenment • Whose rational arguments actually hurt rationality? David Hume

  17. The Enlightenment • Is the Enlightenment a populist movement or elitism? reading revolution salons rococo coffeehouses “the public” and “the people”

  18. The Enlightenment • How do ideas concerning race evolve during the Enlightenment? Hume & Kant “nations” “civilized” / “barbaric” Encyclopedia Jefferson

  19. The Enlightenment • How do intellectual trends change in the Late Enlightenment? Discourse on Inequality Rousseau “State of Nature” General Will female “natural passivity” Mary Wollstonecraft The Social ContractWhat is Enlightenment?(SapereAude!) Baron d’Holbach

  20. Enlightened Absolutism How is an enlightened despot different from an absolute monarch?

  21. Enlightened Absolutism • Is Frederick the Great “enlightened”? “only the first servant of the state” religious tolerance school system legal system / torture bureaucracy / cameralism agriculture

  22. Enlightened Absolutism • Is Frederick II NOT “enlightened”? War of the Austrian Succession Silesia Seven Years War Partition of Poland junkers/serfs Jewish emancipation

  23. Enlightened Absolutism • Is Catherine the Great “enlightened”? French culture Voltaire Encyclopedia legal system / Beccaria education

  24. Enlightened Absolutism • Is Catherine the Great NOT “enlightened”? Peter III Pugachev Rebellion Ukrainian serfs Crimean Tartars / Ottomans Polish Diet / Partition of Poland

  25. Enlightened Absolutism • Is Maria Theresa “enlightened”? Charles VI / Pragmatic Sanction War of the Austrian Succession bureaucracy / taxation nobles / serfs

  26. Enlightened Absolutism • Is Joseph II “enlightened”? Edict Against Idle Institutions / Jesuits religious toleration Abolishment of Serfdom Cancellation of the Robot Leopold II

  27. Enlightened Absolutism • How do the Jews illustrate the difficulties of the Enlightenment? educated poor Haskalah Moses Mendelssohn Pale of Settlement Hasidism

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