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Mozambique Contingency plan for preparedness and response of avian influenza

Table of contents. Overview of MozambiqueMozambican Contingency Plan for an Influenza PandemicImplementation (What has been already done ? )Funds mobilizationConstraintsNext steps. Overview of Mozambique. Area: 800,000 Sq KmPosition: Southern Africa, Huma

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Mozambique Contingency plan for preparedness and response of avian influenza

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    1. Mozambique Contingency plan for preparedness and response of avian influenza Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture

    2. Table of contents Overview of Mozambique Mozambican Contingency Plan for an Influenza Pandemic Implementation (What has been already done ? ) Funds mobilization Constraints Next steps

    3. Overview of Mozambique

    4. Area: 800,000 Sq Km Position: Southern Africa, Human Population: 19 million Provinces: 11 provinces

    9. Mozambican Contingency Plan

    10. Structure of plan Table of contents List of acronymus Foreword Executive summary Technical commitee National Task force Collaborators Introduction Antecedents of the Contingency Plan for an Influenza Pandemic Objectives of mozambican plan for preparedness and response Risk of avian influenza in Mozambique Analysis of impact Health sector Agriculture sector Annex Acknowledgements Bibliography

    12. Tecnhical commitee Minstry of Health Lab Surveillance Case management Logistics Finance Pharmaceutical Dept Comunication Dept

    13. Multisectorial National Task force Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Justice Ministry of Internal Administration Ministry of Defense Ministry of Education NGO Donors Civil society Etc

    14. Objectives of mozambican plan for preparedness and response

    15. Main objective Reduce morbidity and mortality in case on pandemic emergency and mininize the socio-economic disruption in Mozambique

    16. Specific objectives (1) Provide a national guideline for any action Identify national priorities and define immediate actions Facilitate the multisectorial coordination of the activities in order to make a good use of the scarce financial resources Create the capacity for prevention and erradication of the disease in poultry

    17. Specific objectives (2) Create the capacity for early identification of the cases in poultry and in humans Help to reduce the inhabitant´s fear, including the public health professionals in order to avoid the panic situation Guarantee the equity in available funds distribution among the institutions involved

    18. The pillars of this strategy are as follows: Prevention and preparedness Early warning and early reaction (Surveillance and Diagnosis) Containment and eradication Build capacity to cope with the pandemics Operational research

    19. Needs Short term needs Visual and serological monitoring of areas at risk Personal protection equipment Activation of rapid response teams Medium term need Upgrading laboratories for serological and histochemical diagnosis Revision of veterinary service organization structure

    20. Budget

    21. Implementation (What has been already done so far ?) Setup a national multisectorial task force led by MOH Submission of contigency plan to government approval Workshops Comunication (ongoing) Meeting with media(awareness and avoid mis-understanding) Pamphlets Proposals for assistance Tools development for prevention and control Guidelines for prevention and surveillance Preparation of workshops for field vets surveillance networks Setup 10 provincial technical team and 1 central comprised of 5 experts each

    22. Key points for each activity Unique identifier to each activity The trigger for each activity The responsible for implementation Tools for monitoring Immediate budget Long term budget Foreseen start date When finish the activity Who is going to support the activity

    28. Constraints (1) Lack of money Weak surveillance systems Weak laboratories infrastructure Human resources Unavailability of medical equipments & supplies Anti-viral drugs (Tamiflu or Relenza) Sazonal Vaccines PPE Medical equipments

    29. Constraints (2) Lack of facilities to deal with such a deadfull disease. Lack of information regarding amout Tamiflu to be ordered by african countries (25% ???) Unclear mechanism for ordering the Tamiflu Unclear definition regarding the period to be covered by the plan Support for compensation Unavailabilty of an operational prompt response plan

    30. Funds mobilization Civil society NGOs involved: VETAID and World Vision International Donor community Donors interested in participating in HPAI programs: World Bank (USD1.9 millions) USAID (actively involved in diagnosis capacity-CVL) Italian Cooperation French Cooperation

    31. Next steps Meeting with the private sector Update actual legislations Appraisal of situation of five areas at high risk Setup of 10 Provincial multisectorial task force (ongoing) Submission of contingency plan to the donors

    32. Thank you your attention. Questions????

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