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Internal Quality Assurance Model: Evidence from Vietnamese Higher Education

Internal Quality Assurance Model: Evidence from Vietnamese Higher Education. Tang Thi Thuy , Department of International and Comparative Education, NCNU. 3. Methodology. 2. Literature Review. 4. Results. 5. Conclusion and Recommendation s. Contents. 1. Introduction.

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Internal Quality Assurance Model: Evidence from Vietnamese Higher Education

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  1. Internal Quality Assurance Model: Evidence from Vietnamese Higher Education Tang ThiThuy, Department of International and Comparative Education, NCNU

  2. 3. Methodology 2. Literature Review 4. Results 5. Conclusion and Recommendations Contents 1. Introduction

  3. The increase of HEIs is inadequate with its quality Globalization Internationalization Elite => Mass Introduction Set up QA system in HE society's interest in quality of HE The important role of HE

  4. Introduction (Cont.) The number of HEIs increasing public 338 (2012-2013) Non-public 83 (2012-2013)

  5. Introduction (cont.) • Vietnamese HE is facing with the increasing of numbers without being adequate to quality. • To establish a QA system is considered as one of the potential solutions for the problems in Vietnamese HE. • Vietnam has set up the QA system including external quality assurance (EQA) and internal quality assurance (IQA) • However, the system is facing with issues and challenges. Therefore more studies are needed to probe the problems deeply.

  6. Introduction (cont.) • The major purpose of this study is to explore the internal quality assurance system in Vietnamese higher education including mechanism, process, effectiveness, problems, and potential solution.

  7. Literature Review Quality Assurance IQArefers to the policies and mechanism implemented in an institution or program to ensure it is fulfilling its own purposes and meeting the standards EQA refers to the actions of an external body which evaluates the operation of the institution or its program, to determine whether it is meeting the agreed standards. Formative evaluation Summative evaluation

  8. Methodology Qualitative approach • Document analysis • Case study • Interview

  9. Methodology (cont.) There were 13 participants who were interviewed, come form an institution of Southern Vietnam that was selected as a case study in this study.

  10. The Demography Information of the Interviewees

  11. 2 1 Effectiveness, Problems and Potential Solutions for QA Activities Key Activities of Internal Quality Assurance Results

  12. Key Activities of Internal Quality Assurance • Self-evaluation at the institution level • Self-evaluation at the program level • Stakeholder survey: emphasize on Student feedback on course

  13. Self-evaluation at the institution level • - Implement 10 standards and 61 criteria from MOE • Standard 1: Mission and purpose • Standard 2: Organization and management • Standard 3: Curriculum • Standard 4: Training activities • Standard 5: Management staff, faculty and clerks • Standard 6: Learners • Standard 7: Research and technology development • Standard 8: International cooperation activities • Standard 9: Library, learning facilities and other infrastructure • Standard 10: Finance and financial management

  14. Self-evaluation at the program level • Implement the Model for Program Level of AUN-QA • AUN-QA model for program level encompasses the following 15 criteria: 1. Expected learning outcomes; 2. Program specification; 3. Program structure and content; 4. Teaching and learning strategy; 5. Student assessment; 6. Academic staff quality; 7. Support staff quality; 8. Student quality; 9. Student advice and support; 10. Facilities and infrastructure; 11. Teaching and learning process; 12. Staff development activities; 13.Stakeholders feedback; 14. Output; 15. Stakeholderssatisfaction.

  15. Stakeholder survey Process of Collecting Student Feedback on Course

  16. Stakeholder survey Process of Collecting Peer Review of Teaching

  17. Mechanism of internal quality assurance at USV

  18. Effectiveness, Problems and Potential Solutions for QA Activities Effectiveness First, USV established IQA system with completed mechanism through a link between DETQA and all faculties and departments. Second, USV had instructions and support for QA activities. Third, faculty members are interested in QA. They are aware of the role of QA in a HEI.

  19. Key Themes from the Faculty’s Responses about Quality Assurance

  20. Effectiveness, Problems and Potential Solutions for QA Activities (cont.) Problems

  21. Effectiveness, Problems and Potential Solutions for QA Activities (cont.) Potential Solutions For Student Feedback on Course: • Rebuilding the content of questionnaire; • Change the access to administer a survey. Regarding to form the culture of quality at the school: to shape attitudes and awareness of administrators, managers, teachers and students about the culture of quality Regarding to quality improvement: the school should set out the improvement plans to overcome shortcomings and promote the positive aspects to assure and enhance quality training to meet the demands of the society

  22. Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions • The IQA system was set up basically at HEIs, however, its operation encounters many difficulties • There are varied activities for IQA at HEIs, but generally most HEIs emphasize on self-evaluation and conducting survey form stakeholders.

  23. Conclusions and Recommendations Recommendations • Recommendations for Ministry of Education and Training • Recommendations for Higher Education Institutions

  24. Thank You for your attention!

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