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SACS Data for Library Related Services (3-7-11)

Library Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following: (AAMC Senior Survey; Very Dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Neutral; Satisfied; Very Satisfied).

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SACS Data for Library Related Services (3-7-11)

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  1. LibraryIndicate your level of satisfaction with the following:(AAMC Senior Survey; Very Dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Neutral; Satisfied; Very Satisfied)

  2. Student Study SpaceIndicate your level of satisfaction with the following:(AAMC Senior Survey; Very Dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Neutral; Satisfied; Very Satisfied)

  3. Conduct Systematic Literature ReviewDo you believe that instruction in the following areas was:(AAMC Senior Survey; Inadequate, Appropriate, Excessive)

  4. I am confident that I have the knowledge & skills to carry out sophisticated searches of medical information databases(AAMC Senior Survey; Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)

  5. I am confident that I have the knowledge & skills to critically review published literature/research(AAMC Senior Survey; Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)

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