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Queensland Arts Industry Sector Development Plan Evaluation

Recommendations. Queensland Arts Industry Sector Development Plan Evaluation. What recommendations did the QAISDP evaluation make?. Fiona Creek painting, Bama Women, Mossman Gorge. Photo: David Campbell. Recommendation 1 Involve the sector in implementation.

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Queensland Arts Industry Sector Development Plan Evaluation

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  1. Recommendations Queensland Arts Industry Sector Development Plan Evaluation

  2. What recommendations did the QAISDP evaluation make? Fiona Creek painting, Bama Women, Mossman Gorge. Photo: David Campbell

  3. Recommendation 1 Involve the sector in implementation African Children’s Choir, Sing Sing, Queensland Music Festival 2007. Photo Atmosphere Photography

  4. Recommendation 1 Involve the sector in implementation 1.1 AQ to establish a Sector Development Plan Reference Group with membership across arts portfolio/sector to: • provide feedback on the next iteration of the Plan • oversight implementation of the next Plan • foster a ‘helicopter view’ of implementation • identify and discuss emerging issues and opportunities 1.2 AQ to improve ongoing communications with the sector: • provide a six-monthly progress summary across artforms via Arts Update • develop a Facebook site to enable artists and organisations to share successes • host quarterly open forums on current issues and opportunities 1.3 AQ to continue to convene expert reference groups to: • inform strategy and policy development (as required) • use industry experts as part of grant assessment processes

  5. Recommendation 2 Establish and strengthen partnerships Hinkler Hall of Aviation Bundaberg.

  6. Recommendation 2 Establish and strengthen partnerships 2.1 AQ to continue to identify partnerships between artists and arts and cultural organisations and education and training in arts and cultural learning 2.2 AQ to forge partnerships with local government for arts and cultural development in regional, rural and remote Queensland 2.3 AQ to establish a Local Government Arts and Culture Reference Group with membership from LGAQ and arts and cultural officers from 10 councils to: • operate as a strategic think-tank • effectively position arts and culture to lead local agendas • clarify the roles and responsibilities of state and local government in delivering arts and cultural services/programs • provide a forum for emerging issues, strategies and partnerships 2.4 AQ to develop prospectus tools for government, corporate and community sectors as potential partners/investors in key arts and cultural initiatives

  7. Recommendation 3 Grants administration Carl Vine with the Barrier Reef Orchestra. Australian Festival of Chamber Music. Photo: Peter Peach

  8. Recommendation 3 Grants administration 3.1 AQ to: • improve the timeliness for notification of grant outcomes • investigate the alignment of Sector Project Grants with grants available from the Australia Council for individual artists 3.2 AQ and service organisations funded under s2m to disseminate information on grants available from the Australia Council

  9. Recommendation 4 Research and advocacy Students at the Aboriginal centre for Performing Arts. Photo: Tony Phillips

  10. Recommendation 4 Research and advocacy 4.1 AQ to build shared knowledge and understanding of key trends and policy platforms by sharing: • trend data on grant outcomes • arts and cultural organisations’ performance • relevant research 4.2 AQ to strengthen sector’s capacity for robust data collection, analysis and evaluation via demonstration evaluation and research projects 4.3 AQ to conduct an online survey (2009) with Queensland international showcase artists - data on medium and long-term investment outcomes

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