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出版中、英、德、法 、韩等文版大型摄影画册和图书“俺爹俺娘”,发行 20 多万册,在国内为同类(摄影)图书发行量之首,在海外反响巨大。

My dad and mom. 出版中、英、德、法 、韩等文版大型摄影画册和图书“俺爹俺娘”,发行 20 多万册,在国内为同类(摄影)图书发行量之首,在海外反响巨大。. Mom…. A tidy person 1.41 m tall 71 catty. Born in year of Ox. 娘,一個身高 1.41 米,體重 71 斤的弱小女人 …… 她屬牛。. Dad…. A strong man …with eyes portraying those of an unyielding man. Born in year of Rabbit.

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出版中、英、德、法 、韩等文版大型摄影画册和图书“俺爹俺娘”,发行 20 多万册,在国内为同类(摄影)图书发行量之首,在海外反响巨大。

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  1. My dad and mom 出版中、英、德、法 、韩等文版大型摄影画册和图书“俺爹俺娘”,发行20多万册,在国内为同类(摄影)图书发行量之首,在海外反响巨大。

  2. Mom…. A tidy person 1.41 m tall 71 catty. Born in year of Ox 娘,一個身高1.41米,體重71斤的弱小女人……她屬牛。

  3. Dad…. A strong man …with eyes portraying those of an unyielding man. Born in year of Rabbit 爹,長著一雙倔強眼睛的健壯男人……他屬兔。

  4. 1974…the first photo of my parents….with me and my then-girlfriend now-wife. 1974年春天,我和女朋友(现在的妻子)同爹娘的自拍合影。那年爹60岁,娘62岁。这是迄今看到的爹娘最早的的照片。

  5. The first photo I took of my parents. They looked serious. 這是我給爹娘拍的第一張合影,那時的爹娘一臉嚴肅。

  6. This is a trail in my hometown in China. Dad and mom had walked this trail together for 70+ years. They were born in the same village…one in the east, one in the west. They never knew each other before they got married. 在家鄉這條小路上,爹娘共同走了七十多年。爹娘出生在同一個村,一個村東,一個村西,結婚前誰也不認識誰。

  7. “Higher…higher…a bit higher. Did you hear?” “往上點,再往上點兒,你聽見了嗎?”

  8. So true…one’s life goes around in a circle. Don’t they smile and laugh like children? 真是“越老越小孩”,看,爹娘笑得多可愛。

  9. Every Chinese New Year, mom would sit on the rock in front of the house….waiting, waiting and expecting her son to come home. 每到過年,娘總是坐在家門口的石頭上,盼望兒回家。

  10. Every time I left home, I insisted that she not bid me farewell on the road. She agreed. But every time I turned my head, she was there !!! 每次我離家時,總不讓娘送,娘也答應不送,但往往到了村頭,猛一回頭,娘就跟在身後……

  11. Despite a new house was built, they still loved the old one. 我家住在村圍子的南門外。村圍子是清同治6年修的,如今已成斷牆殘壁。 近幾年,圍子邊的人家都到村外向陽坡上蓋起了新房,爹娘卻捨不得老屋。

  12. In accordance with our village culture, my parents slept with legs touching each other. 按照魯中山區農民的習俗,爹娘一輩子通腿而眠。

  13. Dad got a splinter in his fingers. Mom put on her reading glasses to take it out. “You are not picking the splinter. You are digging a trench to rake up roots!” Mom would calmly said, “Oh boy, I am old. I can’t see clearly.” 爹幹活手指上紮了刺,娘戴上老花鏡給他挑。紮痛了, 爹就嚷嚷:“你這哪里是挑刺,簡直是挖坑、刨樹根!”娘還是細聲慢語:“老了,眼花了,看不清了。”

  14. Mom has bundled-up (“dumpling”) feet since 6. Her toe nails were shaped like snails. Dad used to clip the toe nails for her. 娘六歲纏腳,指甲長成了蝸牛的樣子,爹常為他修剪。

  15. It’s their 68th wedding anniversary. They decided to have a ‘cleanliness’ day. Mom washed dad and clipped his toe nails. 7月4日是爹娘結婚68周年紀念日,娘給爹擦洗了全身,又給他剪腳趾甲。兩個老人要乾乾淨淨地度過這一天 。

  16. 男在前,女在後,爹在任何時候都是唱“主角”。 每天窗戶一亮,爹娘便起床幹活,忙忙活活就是一天。 As soon as the sky lit up in the morning, mom would start her busy day. Men in the front. Women at the back. Dad was always the principal character.

  17. “Yes, whatever you say.” … despite she did not agree. 對爹的“旨意”,娘言聽計從,儘管有時不情願。

  18. Mom got angry and fell sick. During those days, dad worked particularly hard…cooking, boiling water, housework! 娘生爹的氣,病倒了,在打吊瓶的那 幾日,爹又燒水,又做飯,格外勤快。

  19. It’s close to Chinese New Year, mom had lung problem and was hospitalized. Dad was lonely and depressed at home. 要過春節了,娘的肺氣腫病突然發了,住進醫院進行搶救,爹一個人在家孤孤單單,整天打不起精神來。

  20. Mom fell sick. Dad was the Field Doctor. 娘生病了,爹也成了半個赤腳醫生。

  21. Dad performed a “receive-the-bride” ceremony as a prayer to get mom to recover. 娘病重了。家裏人籌畫用舊婚俗的過門儀式來為娘沖病消災。爹身纏花床 單,拉著紅綢布,在嬸子們的簇擁下一步跨過了放在門檻上的馬鞍。他喜滋 滋地對娘說:“門檻我邁過去了,馬鞍我跨過去了,你的病很快就會好了。

  22. 爹假說試試娘發不發燒,其實...在娘病危的時候,爹用这种最前衛的方式表達了對娘的愛!爹假說試試娘發不發燒,其實...在娘病危的時候,爹用这种最前衛的方式表達了對娘的愛! “Do you have a fever?” … Dad’s way to express his subtle love for mom.

  23. 正月十五娘病重,肺氣腫、房顫、肺腦以及帶狀皰疹折磨得她失去了理智。爹執意要把她接回家:“我伺候她幾天,即使她走了我心裏也好受。” It’s the Chinese Valentine day. Dad insisted to take mom out of hospital despite her serious lung and other health problems. “Let me take care of her for a few days. Even if she were to die, I would feel better”, dad said.

  24. Three days later, the doctor’s verdict was mom wouldn’t live for another 2 hours. Everybody got her prepared…clothes, coffin. Neighbours came to say goodbye. The next day, mom slowly woke up!!! 正月十八,娘病危,醫生說娘再有2個小時就要走了,家裏人趕忙給她穿上壽衣、搭好靈床,鄰居也趕來為她送行。第二天,娘又慢慢醒過來了。

  25. “We’ve been married for 68 years. This is the first year we couldn’t spend the Chinese New Year together.” Dad wiped his eyes when he visited mom after she’s rechecked in to the hospital. 娘的病稍有好轉,爹迫不及待到醫院探望,一進門就直抹眼淚。 “咱倆結婚68年,這可是頭一回不在一塊兒過年啊!”爹邊哭邊說。

  26. When the flowers started to bloom after the Ching Ming Festival (April 5), mom could miraculously stand up. She returned home. 清明(4月5日)過後,春暖花開的時候,娘的病慢慢好轉。 五月初,竟神奇般地站了起來,出院回到了家。

  27. 爹喜歡這張照片。人在病重時,全家人都悲戚戚的,病好了,看看這張照片又讓人樂,這叫“悲喜相生”。 Dad loved this photo…because mom had recovered.

  28. Back to work in the fields again. Despite her “dumpling” feet, she would beat dad in the walk. 病好了,他們還是閒不住,又下地幹活了。 爹常說,你娘的小腳走不快。 可每次走著走著,爹又落在娘的身後。

  29. 在田裏剜穀苗的老娘,像立在天地之間的一尊雕像。 My mom…a statue 手握鋤頭的老爹,像一座鐵塔。 My dad…an iron tower

  30. It’s extreme temperature. Dad and mom would wash each other behind closed (front) doors. Mom helped dad to scrub his back. Dad helped mom on the same. “When he was young, he wouldn’t do this for me.” 天怪热的,爹娘关上大门在院子里搓澡。娘给爹搓完脊梁,爹又给娘搓。 娘说:“你爹给俺搓背是近些年的事,年轻时他才不干呢!”

  31. 爹是木匠,一輩子這樣 默契合作的場景不少。 Co-operation without asking or telling…. ….when dad did his carpentry work. Unspoken understanding their whole life

  32. 过年了,一家人团团圆圆,又杀鸡又宰羊,娘忙里忙外,却说:“怎么累都值得啊!”过年了,一家人团团圆圆,又杀鸡又宰羊,娘忙里忙外,却说:“怎么累都值得啊!” 爹摔断了股骨,但还是那倔脾气,吃饭还是不让人喂。 Mom was busy inside and outside the house…preparing for the CNY meals. “No matter how busy I am, it’s worth it.” When his hip bone was broken, dad still insisted on feeding himself.

  33. “Let me get some wild veggies for the children. In the days of famine, these wild veggies were used to fill the stomach. These days, they become a novelty.” 剜点野菜给孩子们换换口味。她说:“早年缺粮食用野菜填肚子,现今吃野菜是尝新鲜了 。”

  34. Dad wouldn’t trust the young generation to work with these old-days tools in the field. 爹和外甥在責任田裏播種穀子和高梁。 山區播種還是用耩子,扶耬可是技術活, 一邊走一邊搖動耬把,用搖動的快慢來控制下種的多少。 這種活,爹不放心讓年輕人幹,還時不時地“老將出馬”。

  35. “Mom, still work in the field?” “Why not? Live and stay idle is not living!” This year, my mom was 84. “娘,還下地嗎?” “去!人活著不幹活幹啥!”這一年,娘已84歲了。

  36. It’s Fall. Together they saw open the shell of a calabash …. …a plant for food …its shell as a water scoop. 秋天,把成熟的葫蘆摘下來,中間鋸開成為兩半,再放到鍋裏煮一煮,葫蘆 瓤是一道極好的菜,而葫蘆瓢用作盛水的勺,又經濟,又比買的鐵勺好使。

  37. Telephone…something new. “Let’s try it.” Dad dialled. Mom held up the receiver. “Why no voice or noise?” Mom blamed dad for not knowing how to dial. 家裏剛安上電話,爹娘就想打一個試試。爹撥號碼,娘拿耳機聽。“咋沒聲呢?”娘直埋怨爹不會撥號碼。

  38. Let’s organize the photos of our grand-children. This could be considered as a get-together for the New Year. 爹娘整理一下相框裏的子孫們的照片,也算過個“團圓”年吧!

  39. “Grandpa, you sweep that side, I sweep this side. See who is the first to clear the snow.” “老姥爺,你往那個門掃,我往這個門掃,看 誰掃得快!”重外孫女晶晶和爹比賽掃雪。

  40. Dad loved to read. Reading newspaper was his favourite pastime. He would relate the news to his neighbours. Any articles I put on the papers….Dad would read…over and over again…and then relate the contents to mom. 爹是書迷,一有空就看書看報,看到新鮮事,就出去講給老夥計們聽。報 刊上每當發表我的作品,爹總是看了一遍又一遍,看完後,再講給娘聽。

  41. Dad carried my grand father’s photo to the summit of Tai Shan, a mountain he had never set foot on before. 爺一輩子沒上過泰山,爹抱著爺爺的畫像爬上泰山極頂。

  42. 娘说:“小心点,你小心点嘛。”一生扶持,還是老夫老妻。 “Careful. Careful.” Looking after each other their whole life.

  43. Having lived together for so many decades, they were so much alike…in pose and in look…..despite sitting back to back 一起生活了幾十年,隔著廊柱歇息,動作、神情都快一致了!

  44. How dad and mom marvelled at a tree from B.C. 110 這株漢柏相傳是漢武帝元封元年(西元前110年)封泰山時栽植的, 已生長了兩千多年了,稱為“漢柏第一”。爹娘圍著樹看了又看。

  45. Here they were, walking hand in hand, in Tianmun Square, Beijing. 手挽著手,爹娘來到天安門。 

  46. Up at the summit of Tai Shan, my parents met another young couple. 爹娘爬上了泰山極頂,碰上了一對青春戀人……

  47. “We are great people now that we have scaled the Great Wall!” 不到长城非好汉,咱登上长城,也成好汉啦!”爹对娘说。

  48. A couple from Canada casting their admiration on this aged pair up at the Great Wall 一對來自加拿大的夫婦看到爹娘雙雙攜手登上長城,羡慕不已。

  49. “Everything is great inside the subway…except the directions.” 爹娘說,坐在地鐵裏啥都好,就是弄不清東南西北。 

  50. Enjoying the ‘movie’ toy for the kids 本來給孩子們買的“小電影”爹娘倒先瞧上了。

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