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  1. Cells Genetics Body Systems Kingdoms $ 10 $ 10 $ 10 $ 10 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 40 $ 40 $ 40 $ 40 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  2. When a sea urchin egg is removed from the ocean and placed in freshwater, the egg swells and bursts. Which of these caused water to enter the egg? • F Coagulation • G Sodium pump • H Active transport • J Osmosis Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  3. JOsmosis Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  4. If a cat has 38 chromosomes in each of its body cells, how many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell after mitosis? • F. 11 • G. 19 • H. 38 • J. 76 Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  5. H. 38 Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  6. Viruses differ from bacteria in that all viruses — F cause insect-borne diseases G can be destroyed by antibiotics H have rigid cell walls J must be reproduced in living cells Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  7. J must be reproduced in living cells Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  8. Why are photosynthesis and cellular respiration often considered opposites? F Photosynthesis produces twice as many ATP molecules as cellular respiration G Water is released during photosynthesis and consumed during cellular respiration H Photosynthesis occurs during the day, and cellular respiration occurs at night J Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis and used during cellular respiration Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  9. J Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis and used during cellular respiration Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  10. Which of the following best describes the question this set of procedures was designed to answer? A Can a substance from dead bacteria transform living bacteria? B Can R bacterial cells survive heating? C Can dead bacterial cells confer immunity to a living host? D Can bacterial cells be isolated from a healthy host? Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  11. A Can a substance from dead bacteria transform living bacteria? Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  12. Coat color in mice varies greatly, ranging from black to grizzly-gray, black-and-white, spotted, or white. The nucleus from a body cell of a grizzly-gray mouse is fused with an egg from a black mouse from which the nucleus has been removed. The egg begins to divide and is then transplanted into a female white mouse. What will be the most likely coat color of the offspring? • F Black • G Black with white spots • H Grizzly gray • J White Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  13. H Grizzly gray Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  14. All of the following are found in a DNA molecule except — • A carbon dioxide • B deoxyribose • C nitrogen • D phosphate Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  15. A carbon dioxide Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  16. Which molecule is most responsible for determining an organism’s eye color, body structure, and cellular enzyme production? A Complex starch B Fatty acid C Carbohydrate D Deoxyribonucleic acid Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  17. D Deoxyribonucleic acid Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  18. Which of these represents the DNA segment from which this section of mRNA was transcribed? A ACTAAG B TCUTTG C GAAUCU D UCCTGA Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  19. A. ACTAAG Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  20. The assembly of a messenger RNA strand that normally begins with UAC has been changed so that the newly assembled messenger RNA strand begins with UAG. Which of the following will most likely occur? • A The protein will be missing the first amino acid. • B The amino acids that make up the protein will • all be different. • C The mRNA will become attached to a ribosome. • D The production of the protein will be stopped. Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  21. D The production of the protein will be stopped. Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  22. Which body system is directly responsible for delivering nutrients to cells throughout the body? A Circulatory system B Integumentary system C Endocrine system D Respiratory system Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  23. A Circulatory system Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  24. The diagram illustrates the parts of this flower. Which of these parts are not directly involved in sexual reproduction? A Stigma and style B Sepal and pedicel C Anther and filament D Receptacle and ovary Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  25. B Sepal and pedicel Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  26. When a person is frightened by a wild animal, some organ systems immediately become active, while others are suppressed. Which of these systems is likely to be suppressed? F Muscular system G Respiratory system H Endocrine system J Digestive system Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  27. J Digestive system Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  28. The diagram represents a human arm. Which structure is most responsible for moving the arm to a straighter position? • A. Tendons of origin • B. Biceps • C. Radius • D. Triceps Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  29. D. Triceps Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  30. In the diagram above, one cell created and releases chemicals that travel to a second cell and quickly induce that cell into action. This diagram represents part of the – • A.     endocrine system • B.     skeletal system • C.     muscular system • D.     nervous system Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  31. D. nervous system Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  32. The kingdom Animalia includes all of these except – • A jellyfish • B sponges • C amoebas • D roundworms Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  33. C amoebas Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  34. This organism most likely is a member ofwhich kingdom? • F Eubacteria • G Protista • H Animalia • J Plantae Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  35. G Protista Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  36. The bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, is most closely related to the – • F spotted chorus frog, Pseudacris clarki • G Asian flying frog, Polypedates leucomystax • H northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens • J African bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  37. Hnorthern leopard frog, Rana pipiens Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  38. Some zooplankton belong to the kingdom Protista. Members of this kingdom are characterized as – • having segmented bodies with jointed • appendages • B. containing one or more eukaryotic cells • C. laying eggs with a leathery protective shell • D. having a four-chambered heart Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  39. B. containing one or more eukaryotic cells Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  40. Which of the following correctly sequences organisms from simplest to most complex? A. Eubacteria, plant, protist B. Eubacteria, protist, animal C. Fungi, animal, archaebacteria D. Plant, fungi, protist Dallas ISD Science Depatment

  41. B. Eubacteria, protist, animal Dallas ISD Science Depatment

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