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Polling With Physical Envelopes A Rigorous Analysis of a Human–Centric Protocol

Polling With Physical Envelopes A Rigorous Analysis of a Human–Centric Protocol. Tal Moran Joint work with Moni Naor. Cryptographic Randomized Response. “Randomized Response Technique” [War65] Method for polling stigmatizing questions Idea: Lie with known probability.

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Polling With Physical Envelopes A Rigorous Analysis of a Human–Centric Protocol

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  1. Polling With Physical EnvelopesA Rigorous Analysis of aHuman–Centric Protocol Tal Moran Joint work with Moni Naor

  2. Cryptographic Randomized Response • “Randomized Response Technique” [War65] • Method for polling stigmatizing questions • Idea: Lie with known probability. • Specific answers are deniable • Aggregate results are still valid • Problem: responders may have incentive to cheat • E.g., Pre-election polls • CRRT [AJL04]: Use cryptographic techniques to prevent cheating • Uses ZK, OT or quantum cryptography • Requires either computers or quantum equipment

  3. CRRT and AnthropoCryptography • Responder’s trust is critical when polling sensitive questions • We can’t assume responders have knowledge of computers or cryptography • Our protocols must take into account human abilities and limitations: • Previous Work • Visual Cryptography [NS94] • Private computation using a Pez dispenser [BCIK03] • “Applied Kid Cryptography” [NNR] • Basing Cryptographic Protocols onTamper-Evident Seals [MN05]

  4. Our Results • Protocols for CRRT using scratch-off cards and envelopes • Simple enough to be practical • Our protocols are secure in Canetti’s UC model • Allows secure black-box composition • Lower bounds on Implementations of “Strong” CRRT.

  5. Scratch-Off Cards and Envelopes • Contain a “sealed” message • Can’t read the message without breaking the seal • It is evident when the seal is broken Next Time!

  6. p-CRRT: What we would like • Assume the answer to the poll is either 0 or 1,p is fixed: ½<p<1 • Responder chooses one of two strategies: • Result is 0 with prob. p and 1 with prob. 1-p • Result is 1 with prob. p and 0 with prob. 1-p • Responder cannot influence the output beyond choosing the strategy • The pollster gets no additional information about the strategy chosen beyond the result itself.

  7. p-CRRT: What we can get • Assume the answer to the poll is either 0 or 1,p is fixed: ½<p<1 • Responder chooses one of two strategies: • Result is 0 with prob. p and 1 with prob. 1-p • Result is 1 with prob. p and 0 with prob. 1-p • Responder cannot influence the output beyond choosing the strategy; Pollster can learn the strategy, but risks getting caught. • “Responder-Immune” • The pollster gets no additional information about the strategy chosen beyond the result itself; Responder can influence output, but risks getting caught • “Pollster-Immune”

  8. Pollster-Immune ¾-CRRT(with Scratch-Off Cards) • Alice prepares a card with two rows, each with a 0 and 1 in random order and sends to Bob • Bob scratches a random bubble in each row. • Then the entire row that has not revealed his choice • Scratch random row if identical • If a revealed row is invalid, Bob halts; otherwise returns the card to Alice. • If there ≠3 scratched bubbles, or if Bob halts, Alice outputs ? • otherwise Alice counts the singleton  0 1 1 0 Go “0”s!!!

  9. Pollster-Immune CRRT: “Intuitive Analysis” • An honest responder gets her wish with probability ¾ • A cheating responder can’t force anything better: • Without scratching more than one bubble he has no more information than the honest responder • Deciding to scratch another bubble “commits” him to that row (before he gets the information) • A cheating reponder can refuse to return the card • Pollster will realize this 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

  10. Responder-Immune 2/3-CRRT(with Envelopes) • Bob takes three envelopes. • He chooses two at random to contain his choice; the remaining envelope contains the opposite • Bob seals the envelopes and sends them to Alice • Alice opens a random envelope • She shows Bob which one she opened • Bob tells Alice which envelope contains the opposite choice

  11. Responder-Immune 2/3-CRRT(with Envelopes) • If Bob was honest • Alice records the first envelope she opened as her output • Alice returns the unopened envelope to Bob • If Bob cheated • Alice opens all the envelopes • If they are not identical, Alice records the first envelope she opened as the output. • If they are identical, Alice records their value with prob. 2/3 and the opposite value with prob. 1/3 0: 2/31: 1/3 0

  12. Responder-Immune CRRT: “Intuitive Analysis” • Bob gets his wish with probability 2/3 • Bob can’t cheat at all: • If Bob uses three identical envelopes, he will be caught with prob. 1 (then Alice simulates an honest Bob to get her response) • If Bob answers Alice’s query incorrectly, she will simply open the envelopes and discover the correct answer herself. • Alice can cheat: • she can open the envelopes (but will be caught)

  13. Why is Efficient Strong CRRT Hard? • CRRT is connected to two well-studied crytpographic tasks: • Oblivious Transfer • We can build OT from some types of CRRT[Crépeau,Kilian ’88], [DKS ’99], [DFMS ’04] • OT is impossible using scratch-off cards (or envelopes)[MN05] • Strong Coin Flipping • Some types of CRRT imply Strong Coin Flipping • Lower bound on the number of rounds required [Cleve ’86]

  14. Rigorous Analysis • We define security using “Ideal Functionalities” • An Ideal Functionality is a trusted third party • We specify the behavior of the functionality • The specification explicitly states what the adversary is allowed to do • A protocol “realizes” the functionality if any attack against the protocol also works in the “ideal world”

  15. Environment Machine Z Environment Machine Z “Ideal” Adversary S “Real” Adversary A input input Party Dummy Target Ideal Functionality Client Ideal Functionality output output   input input Dummy Party output output Proofs in the UC (hybrid) Model • A protocol securely realizes a target functionality if: • There exists an ideal adversary S so that: • For any real adversary A, no “environment” Z can distinguish between real world with A and the ideal world with S

  16. Proofs in the UC (hybrid) Model “Real World” • Parties follow protocol (using client functionality) • A controls and sees communication of corrupted parties Environment Machine Z “Real” Adversary A input Party Client Ideal Functionality (e.g., Scratch-off card) output  input Party output

  17. Proofs in the UC (hybrid) Model “Ideal World” • Dummy parties pass their input and output to and from the target functionality • S controls and sees communication of corrupted parties Environment Machine Z “Ideal” Adversary S input Dummy Target Ideal Functionality(e.g., CRRT func.) output  input Dummy output

  18. Proofs in the UC (hybrid) Model Standard Construction Environment Machine Z “Ideal” Adversary S Dummy Dummy  Simulated “Real” Adversary A output output input input input Sim.Party SimulatedClient IdealFunctionality output Target Ideal Functionality  input Sim.Party output

  19. 0 1 1 0 The Ideal Adversary: Corrupt Pollster • Send Begin to CRRT functionality, wait for response v’ • Simulate real adversary until it sends card (simulating the scratch-off card functionalities) • The ideal adversary knows the values of the sealed bubbles without opening them! Pollster Begin CRRT Ideal Functionality v’ Vote v “Real” Adversary Resp. v

  20. 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 £2 £2 £2 £2 £3 £3 The Ideal Adversary: Corrupt Pollster • If exactly one row is bad: • if it’s equal to v’, scratch the other row and randomly scratch one bubble in that row. • otherwise simulate responder halting           ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾: v’=1 ¼ ¼: v’=0

  21. Summary • Shown two simple CRRT protocols • Evidence that Strong CRRT is hard • Sketch of formal UC proof • Open questions • Complete lower bound on Strong CRRT • Strong CRRT using other physical assumptions?

  22. The End

  23. ? ? ? ? The Ideal Adversary: Corrupt Responder • Wait for CRRT functionality to send Vote • Simulate pollster sending a card to the real adversary • Note that the ideal adversary is not committed until the bubbles are actually scratched! Pollster Begin CRRT Ideal Functionality Vote “Real” Adversary Resp. v

  24. The Ideal Adversary: Corrupt Responder • If Vote=1, the first bubble scratched in every row will be 1 • If Vote=0, the first bubble scratched in every row will be 0 • If Vote=‘?’, the simulator chooses a random bit b • the first bubble scratched in the top row will be b • the first bubble scratched in the bottom row will be 1-b 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1

  25. 0 1 0 1 The Ideal Adversary: Corrupt Responder • Simulation continues until the “real” adversary returns the card or halts. • If the card is valid, send Votev to the functionality (v is the vote corresponding to the card) • If the card is invalid, send Halt to the functionality Pollster Begin CRRT Ideal Functionality 0 ? Vote 0 Halt “Real” Adversary Resp.

  26. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £2 £2 £3 £3 The Ideal Adversary: Corrupt Pollster • If both rows are valid, randomly choose a row to “scratch” • Scratch v’ in other row 0 1 1 0 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾: v’=1 ¼ ¼: v’=0

  27. 0 0 1 1 The Ideal Adversary: Corrupt Pollster • If both rows are bad, simulate the responder halting • This would happen with prob. 1 in the “real world” as well

  28. Approaching Strong CRRT • Repeat the pollster-immune CRRT protocol r times • The pollster will use the majority of the results • If the responder cheats (refuses to return a card), the pollster will use random bits for the remaining rounds • A cheating responder has advantage O(1/√r) over an honest one • Can cheat only once; this will affect the result only if the other rounds are balanced • This occurs with probability O(1/√r) • Using many rounds increases the pollster’s information • The basic p-CRRT must have p close to ½ • The result is very inefficient (and impractical)

  29. Pollster-Immune p-CRRT(for any rational p=k/n) • Alice prepares a card with two columns, one with k0s and (n-k)1s, and the other with k 1s and (n-k) 0s. • She sends the card to Bob • Bob scratches a random bubble in each column. • Then the entire row that has not revealed his choice • Scratch random row if identical • If a revealed row is invalid, Bob halts; otherwise returns the card to Alice. • If both rows have >1 scratched bubbles, or if Bob halts, Alice outputs ? • otherwise Alice outputs the majority value in the singleton’s row 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1

  30. Pollster-Immune p-CRRT:“Intuitive Analysis” • Bob gets his wish with probability k/n: • With prob. k2/n2 he uncovers the majority value in both rows, and with prob. k(n-k)/n2=k/n-k2/n2 he uncovers two equal values and chooses the right one. • As in ¾-CRRT, all he can do to cheat is refuse to return the card. • Alice can cheat by: • using an invalid row (e.g., all 1s) • She will be caught with prob. ½ • This probability can be increased by using multiple cards: some will be only for verification • using two identical rows • Gives only a small advantage when p is near ½

  31. Pollster-Immune ¾-CRRT: Ideal Functionality Initial State Received: Begin Random Coin Toss Prob. ¼ Prob. ¼ Prob. ½ Output 0to responder Output?to responder Output 1to responder Forcing response:0 Respondercan choose Forcing response: 1 Received:Halt Received:Halt Received:Halt Received:Halt Received: Vote * Received: Vote 0 Received: Vote 1 Received: Vote * Output 0to pollster Output ?to pollster Output 1to pollster

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