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Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc

Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc. Mission: To create and award scholarships for Counterintelligence and National Security Workers, their children and scholars of CI and NS, to further the study National Security, cross-culture studies and global understanding.

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Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc

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  1. Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc Mission: To create and award scholarships for Counterintelligence and National Security Workers, their children and scholars of CI and NS, to further the study National Security, cross-culture studies and global understanding. Additionally, to coordinate creation and data dissemination of National Security Studies and Forum. • Conduct All Actions With Unpaid Volunteer Staff • Veteran and Minority Managed

  2. Lint Center for National Security Studies, IncCommand Structure/Organization Board of Directors Veteran and Minority Managed

  3. Lint Center for National Security Studies, IncMission:To create and award scholarships for Counterintelligence and National Security Workers, their children and scholars of CI and NS, to further the study National Security, cross-culture studies and global understanding.Additionally, coordinate creation and dissemination of National Security Studies and Forums.

  4. Lint Center for National Security Studies, IncMultiple Scholarships will be awarded as funding and support arrive.Below is a partial listing of Scholarship:

  5. ScholarshipsJim & Anna Hyonjoo Lint Scholarship • Scholarship Committee Composition: • 1 family member, if available; 2 SMEs, GAS senior SME • Criteria Points: CI, National Defense, National Security, • Must submit an Essay on one of the above topics in Criteria. • Good students, linguist, good citizens • Information at http://lintcenter.org/2007/jim__anna_hyonjoo_lint_scholars.htm Virginia Misselhorn Memorial Scholarship and others will be issued with same criteria. Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc

  6. Funding Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc

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