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Leadership and Commitment in Safety: Key Principles and Implementation Strategies

This resource emphasizes the crucial role of leadership and commitment in ensuring safety in workplaces. It highlights key principles such as safety as a moral imperative, sustainable economic success linked to safety, and the responsibility of managers in fostering a safety culture. The arguments presented showcase the financial benefits of investing in occupational safety and health, as well as the positive impacts on motivation, image, and economic outcomes. The implementation section provides guidance on analyzing, improving, and communicating leadership and commitment in safety practices. Furthermore, it includes insights on good practices in the mining and metals sector, focusing on ethical business practices, human rights, and health and safety performance.

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Leadership and Commitment in Safety: Key Principles and Implementation Strategies

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  1. 1 Take leadership – demonstrate commitment

  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PRINCIPLES

  3. ! PRINCIPLE Safety is a moral imperativeand a value!

  4. ! PRINCIPLE Sustainable economicsuccess requires leadership in safety & health!

  5. ! PRINCIPLE Safety is the responsibility of managers – not of experts!

  6. ! PRINCIPLE Safety requires a safety culture and the commitment of all people in the workplace – managers and employees!

  7. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ARGUMENTS

  8. ROP = 2.2 ? ARGUMENTS Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euro Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euros • Complete reports on accidents and incidents are a sound basis for targeted prevention

  9. Value of Companies(Results of a Research Study from German Universities and the Value Group GmbH) ? ARGUMENTS Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euro „The value of companies, investing in people, is benchmarked by 40 % better than that of others.“ • Complete reports on accidents and incidents are a sound basis for targeted prevention

  10. ? ARGUMENTS • Why does it pay to invest in safety? • Cost of an accident: (material damage, first aid, quality defects, social insurance contributions): $50,000 • Operating profit margin: 5% • Additional turnover to be generated only to compensateaccident costs: $1,000,000 Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euro • Complete reports on accidents and incidents are a sound basis for targeted prevention

  11. ? ARGUMENTS Economic outcome benefits from improved OSH Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euro • Complete reports on accidents and incidents are a sound basis for targeted prevention • Optimized processes • Optimized quality • Less scrap rate • Lower lending rates • Less interruptions of production process • Less damages and losses

  12. ? ARGUMENTS Higher motivation of people Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euro • Higher employee awareness and motivation • Better employee communication and involvement • Complete reports on accidents and incidents are a sound basis for targeted prevention

  13. ? ARGUMENTS Improved image Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euro • Better company image… • against competitors • with state authorities • in public • by customers • by financial stakeholders/investors • Complete reports on accidents and incidents are a sound basis for targeted prevention

  14. ? ARGUMENTS Improved image Each Euro invested in occupational safety and health generates a potential for increased commercial success of 2.20 Euro • Higher attraction for qualified staff in recruitment • Documentation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) • Complete reports on accidents and incidents are a sound basis for targeted prevention

  15. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IMPLEMENTATION

  16. IMPLEMENTATION The road to leadership and commitment

  17. IMPLEMENTATION Analyze leadership, commitment and safety culture in your mine (internal view, benchmark with competitors, sector performance, …)

  18. IMPLEMENTATION Collect facts (statistical data, behavior of employees, behavior of contractors, …) showing the quality of leadership and commitment

  19. IMPLEMENTATION Ask for consultation with the CEO to discuss improvement options

  20. IMPLEMENTATION Improve implementation of leadership at every level of management

  21. IMPLEMENTATION Communicate the expected leadership amongst managers and employees

  22. IMPLEMENTATION React if obligations and rules are not followed

  23. IMPLEMENTATION Care for regular review of leadership and safety culture

  24. IMPLEMENTATION Care for continuous improvement of commitment, safety culture and leadership

  25. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GOOD PRACTICE

  26. Sector Policy: ICMM's 10 Principles GOOD PRACTICE The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) brings together 22 mining and metals companies as well as 34 associations. It represents some 1 million employees. In May 2003, ICMM’s CEO-led Council committed member companies to implement and measure their performance against 10 sustainable development principles.

  27. Sector Policy: ICMM's 10 Principles GOOD PRACTICE Implement and maintain ethical business practices and sound systems of corporate governance. Integrate sustainable development considerations within the corporate decision-making process. Uphold fundamental human rights and respect cultures, customs and values in dealings with employees and others who are affected by our activities. Implement risk management strategies based on valid data and sound science. Seek continual improvement of our health and safety performance.

  28. Sector Policy: ICMM's 10 Principles GOOD PRACTICE Implement and maintain ethical business practices and sound systems of corporate governance. Integrate sustainable development considerationswithin the corporate decision-making process. Uphold fundamental human rights and respect cultures, customs and values in dealings with employees and others who are affected by our activities. Implement risk management strategies based on valid data and sound science. Seek continual improvement of our health and safety performance.

  29. Sector Policy: ICMM's 10 Principles GOOD PRACTICE Seek continual improvement of our environmental performance. Contribute to conservation of biodiversity and integrated approaches to land use planning. Facilitate and encourage responsible product design, use, re-use, recycling and disposal of our products. Contribute to the social, economic and institutional development of the communities in which we operate. Implement effective and transparent engagement, communication and independently verified reporting arrangements with our stakeholders.

  30. Success of RAG(German Hard Coal Mining Company, 30,000 employees) 2000 2010 1960 1990 GOOD PRACTICE  95 Accidents per 1 million working hours 24 4,3   416 30 6 0

  31. ‘Leadership on Occupational Safety’(Cemex Poland) GOOD PRACTICE • Site visits by the whole top-management (president, board members and directors) • Visits devoted exclusively to health and safety matters • Informal discussions with employees • Suggestions on the reporting of hazardspassed on to site managers

  32. GOOD PRACTICE ‘Leadership on Occupational Safety’(Cemex Poland) • Training programme introduced for managers • Inclusion of drivers of vehicles transporting concrete and cement, as traffic accidents were the most common type of accident • Meetings between managers and drivers • CEMEX OSH rules applied to contractors

  33. GOOD PRACTICE ‘Leadership on Occupational Safety’(Cemex Poland) Results • increase in the number of potential accident report forms submitted by employees • number of accidents fell by two-thirds from 2009 to 2012 • first prize in an OSH competition amongCEMEX operations in 50 countries

  34. GOOD PRACTICE ‘RWE Philisophy and principles’(RWE Power Germany) Guiding philosophy: "All injuries can be avoided: Occupational health & safety come first." Principles We don't want any accidents.2. We don't do any work that can't be carried out safely.3. We all set an example.4. We don't look the other way.5. We treat external workers like our own.

  35. GOOD PRACTICE „ Set Health and Safety on every agenda, from briefing to board meetings – as number 1! Consequently follow your own safety policies and set an example on site as CEO React personally and instantly to each unsafe behavior you notice Don Williamson, former president and CEO Rogers Group Inc. @ 2. Atlantic Alliance Conference, Orlando (Florida) 2005 1 2 3

  36. „ GOOD PRACTICE [We] must have consistency between what is said and what is done, especially when the message comes from top management. Thomas Keller, CEO, Codelco @ ICMM Health and Safety Conference, Santiago de Chile 2012

  37. „ GOOD PRACTICE Culture is what people do voluntarily and habitually, particularly in the absenceof supervisors. Peter Cowley and Manuel Vergara, Newmont @ ICMM Health and Safety Conference, Santiago de Chile 2012

  38. „ GOOD PRACTICE “We won’t produce unless we can do it safely.” Red Conger President, Freeport-McMoRan Americas @ ICMM Health and Safety Conference, Santiago de Chile 2012

  39. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHECKPOINTS

  40. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 CHECKPOINTS Is safety and health amongst your personal top priority as CEO / employer and how do you show this? Did you set a written company policy showing the significance of OSH amongst your company values? Do you communicate the value of safety? Is the top management committing to the level of safety and health amongst the company’s values? Do all managers at every level know about the priority of safety and health? Do all the managers know exactly upon their personal obligations and responsibilities? Do you have financial incentives for good or bad safety performance for employees and managers?

  41. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 CHECKPOINTS Do all employees know about the priority of safety and health? Are you and all managers setting examples for the priority of safety and health? Are your managers obliged to carry out regular workplace safety inspections? Is safety and health on every agenda of company meetings? Do all managers at every level know about the priority of safety and health? Do all the managers know exactly upon their personal obligations and responsibilities? Do you have financial incentives for good or bad safety performance for employees and managers?

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