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WNW LINAC08 cell GSM, KN7c, HFSSv11 comparison using cubic spline fit

WNW LINAC08 cell GSM, KN7c, HFSSv11 comparison using cubic spline fit. %Xband08_Vasim_LINAC08_HFSS_KN7c_Compare clear all close all HFSSLibary=['LINAC08_S_Matrix_Dispersion_DiscreteRoughFix'] ModeLook=1 fignow=1; filter=0 uo=4*pi*(1E-7) eo=8.854*(1E-12) c2=1/sqrt(uo*eo) c=2.99792458*1e8

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WNW LINAC08 cell GSM, KN7c, HFSSv11 comparison using cubic spline fit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WNW LINAC08 cell GSM, KN7c, HFSSv11 comparison using cubic spline fit

  2. %Xband08_Vasim_LINAC08_HFSS_KN7c_Compare clear all close all HFSSLibary=['LINAC08_S_Matrix_Dispersion_DiscreteRoughFix'] ModeLook=1 fignow=1; filter=0 uo=4*pi*(1E-7) eo=8.854*(1E-12) c2=1/sqrt(uo*eo) c=2.99792458*1e8 %Z0=1 Z0=sqrt(uo/eo) %Set up number of modes - note this must be set at the minimum iris point transition i.e. the lowest a/b ratio nmode=30%100 %setup number of modes in Wide region for a WN transition mmode=10%46 %setup number of modes in narrow region for a WN transition ModeLook=1 aaT=2.6191/1000 bbT=9.7832/1000 ggT=3.564797/1000 ttT=0.6010/1000 L=(ttT+ggT+ggT+ttT)/2 rpoint=0 fstart=11.853e9%11.7e9 fend=11.984e9 fstep=1e6

  3. Analytical answer NOT filtered renormalised AFTER 60nmode 60mmode, 0.01GHz steps, 20 iris segments Elapsed time is 615.682222 seconds.

  4. Analytical answer NOT filtered renormalised AFTER 60nmode 60mmode, 0.01GHz steps, 40 iris segments Elapsed time is 1203.161884 seconds.

  5. Analytical answer NOT filtered renormalised AFTER 60nmode 60mmode, 0.01GHz steps, 80 iris segments Elapsed time is 2374.429247 seconds.

  6. Optimisation of a WNW junction at 120deg – export as bitmap

  7. Optimisation of Vasim cell 1 at 120deg – export as bitmap: vary a1 and t (a2=t)

  8. 1 WNW cell, 20nmodes 10mmodes

  9. 2 WNW cell, 20nmodes 10mmodes

  10. 3 WNW cell, 20nmodes 10mmodes

  11. 4 WNW cell, 20nmodes 10mmodes

  12. %Working_WNW_1_filter_Cascade_Nbb2_Auto %Same as Cascade_b except here I have replaced the expressions in the %exponentials with Zstart and ZTake etc....... close all clear all format long filter=1 Z0=1 fignow=1; uo=4*pi*(1E-7) eo=8.854*(1E-12) c2=1/sqrt(uo*eo) c=2.99792458*1e8 %Set up number of modes - note this must be set at the minimum iris point transition i.e. the lowest a/b ratio nmode=20%100 %setup number of modes in Wide region for a WN transition mmode=10%46 %setup number of modes in narrow region for a WN transition ModeLook=1 aaT=4.75/1000 bbT=10.2/1000 rpoint=aaT/2 %rpoint=0 ttT=1.46/1000 ll=0.0109343 fixedLength=((pi)*c)/(2*pi*11.424e9) %ggT=(fixedLength-(2*ttT))/2 ggT=(fixedLength-(ttT))/2 %ggT=(ll-ttT)/2 ttT=ttT/2 %fstart=11.424e9 fstart=12e9 %fstart=17.6e9 %flat here for pi mode %fstart=11.75e9 %flat here for 0 mode %fstart=17.45e9 fstep=0.1e9 nfstep=1000 fend=fstart+fstep*nfstep fnow=fstart; %Set up points to be used in each section regarding the z and r directions %for plotting purposes. numberzpoints=300 nrpoint=100 %Set up Structure/Junction indexes and geometry parameters %here in the structure index, the structrue is constructed solely of NW and %WN transitions - an type 1 is NW, a type 2 is a WN. %The StructureIndexType is used to describe whether or not the S matrix is %either the left end cell "1", a middle cell "2" or the right end cell "3" %The StructureIndexRadius and StructureIndexLength's give the geometry for %the NW or WN transition geometries to the left "L" or the right "R" of the %transitions used to generate them. N=1 %Number of cells type=2 %if type==1 then NW if type==2 then WN

  13. Other pictures/results to • Results from L band (TESLA) cascade simulations: 1)Cascading/Benchmark 2)Slices • Cascade CLIC cell1 Vasim

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