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A summary on Polarisation in Run-13 for 255 geV

A summary on Polarisation in Run-13 for 255 geV. E.C. Aschenauer presenting the work done By Bill, DIMA and OLEG . WHY is polarisation critical. Double - spin helicity asymmetry:. N ++ / L ++  N +  / L +. 1. A LL . P 1 P 2. N ++ / L ++ + N +  / L +. versus.

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A summary on Polarisation in Run-13 for 255 geV

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  1. A summary on Polarisation in Run-13for 255 geV E.C. Aschenauer presenting the work done By Bill, DIMA and OLEG

  2. WHY is polarisation critical Double-spin helicity asymmetry: N++/L++N+/L+ 1 ALL P1P2 N++/L++ + N+/L+ versus Single-spin asymmmetry: N/L N/L 1 AN P1 N/L+ N/L Proton spin vector versus If <P1/2> drops from 0.5 to 0.4 to compensate it with integrated lumi we need SSA: 1.5 x ∫Ldt DSA: 2.5 x ∫Ldt 2013/03/19

  3. 2012: H-Jet Results <p> = 53.37  corrected for R and tP<p>=57.6 <p> = 50.27  corrected for R and tP<p>=55.7 2013/03/19

  4. H-Jet Results • polarisation for • Blue and Yellow • all calibrations applied • now can calibrate pC • one caveat correlation AN • to Beam Polarisation, • need to check more •  pol. Background ? 2013/03/19

  5. pCNormalisation from H-Jet Yellow-2 Yellow-1 Blue-1 2013/03/19

  6. Y1-Y2 ratio Ratio after scaling to H-Jet: not possible for Blue polarimeters as we have not enough B2 measurements 2013/03/19

  7. pC Results • Note: • ALL offline numbers have now normalisation to H-Jet !!! • CDEV get reloaded and all past measurements are also corrected • measured analyzing power for injection, 100GeV and 255 GeV in run 11/12 • have not seen an energy dependence of pC/H-jet normalization •  can use the same normalization factor for flat top and injection • so injection measurements will be pretty accurate • fillsshown in all plots: > 17200 for B1 and Y1 2013 255 GeV: B1: 1.0755888 ± 0.0291998 B2: 1.0177234 ± 0.0941812 Y1: 0.9880487 ± 0.0339154 Y2: 1.0318247 ± 0.0413803 2012: https://wiki.bnl.gov/rhicspin/Run_12_injection_study 2013/03/19

  8. Hadron Polarisation for Experiments Account for beam polarization decay through fill  P(t)=P0exp(-t/tp) growth of beam polarization profile R through fill pCarbon polarimeter Collider Experiments x=x0 correlation of dP/dt to dR/dt for all 2012 fills at 250 GeV • Polarization lifetime has consequences for physics analysis • different physics triggers mix over fill •  different <P> 2013/03/19

  9. pC Results: profile R at injection 2012: Y1: 0.054+/-0.0104 at flat top 2012: Y1: 0.1295+/-0.01253 2013/03/19

  10. pC Results: profile R at injection 2012: B1:0.041+/-0.0093 at flat top 2012: B1:0.205+/-0.011 2013/03/19

  11. pC Results: Polarisation Decay 2012: Y1: -0.67+/-0.056 2012: B1: -0.61+/-0.056 2013/03/19

  12. Some Results for individual fills See: http://www.phy.bnl.gov/cnipol/fills/ 17237 - 17347 2013/03/19

  13. pC: Polarisation results per fill at flat top <p> = 43.35  corrected for R and tP<p>=46.73 <p> = 47.75  corrected for R and tP<p>=52.34 2013/03/19

  14. SummaRy • Polarisation lifetime • yellow still worse than in 2012 • blue looks the same or even sometimes better as 2012 • Ramp efficiency • still varies sometimes loose all on the ramp to flat top • sometimes still loose through the rotator ramp different for blue and yellow • Polarisation profile • currently both in blue and yellow bigger as in 2012 • targets: • will change targets both in blue and yellow • it seems to put targets further away from beam in park position and not having the 200MHz on during measurements helps Remaining Targets as of today:   B1: 0 horizontal and 6 vertical   B2: 6 horizontal and 0 vertical   Y1: 4 horizontal and 6 vertical   Y2: 2 horizontal and 2 vertical 2013/03/19

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