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Let´s have a look inside our planet . These substances join together forming minerals . Minerals are made of different substances . Chemical substances in liquid state :. Chlorine. Sodium. A mineral has been formed !. SALT.
Thesesubstancesjointogetherformingminerals. Minerals are made of differentsubstances. Chemicalsubstances in liquidstate: Chlorine Sodium A mineral has beenformed! SALT
Theearth´ssoilismade of differentlayers. Fromtheoutsidetotheinside... 0-70ºC Crust 70-2.800ºC Mantle Outercore 4.000ºC Innercore > 6.000ºC
We can findminerals in different places withintheearth´ssoil. Diamond Gypsum Pyrite Cinnabar
Butthereminerals in another places such as... Animal shells Animal bones Rocks
How can wedistinguishone mineral fromanother? Mineral properties. Shape Shinny/dull Hard/soft Shape Colour Irregular Regular Pyrite Turquoise
How can wedistinguishone mineral fromanother? Mineral properties. Shinny/dull Hard/soft Shape Colour Colour Each mineral has a typicalcolour. Gypsum Cinnabar
How can wedistinguishone mineral fromanother? Mineral properties. Shinny/dull Shinny/dull Hard/soft Shape Colour Dull Shinny Pyrite Chalk
How can wedistinguishone mineral fromanother? Mineral properties. Hard/soft Shinny/dull Hard/soft Shape Colour Soft Hard Diamond Gypsum