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MASS AND WEIGHT. DEFINITIONS. Mass - the amount of matter an object has. Matter - something that has mass and takes up space. Weight - is the amount of mass of an object, it is dependent upon gravity. . Units for Measuring Mass. Mass is measured in grams and kilograms.

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  2. DEFINITIONS Mass- the amount of matter an object has. Matter- something that has mass and takes up space. Weight- is the amount of mass of an object, it is dependent upon gravity.

  3. Units for Measuring Mass • Mass is measured ingrams and kilograms. • 1 paper clip= 1 gram • 1000g=1 kilogram • The average human adult weighs 75kg.

  4. Tools for Measuring Mass **The Triple Beam Balance is the tool we use to measure mass.

  5. How to use a Triple Beam Balance • Make sure thebalance scale is at zero. • Place the object to be weighed on the balance plate and move the largest RIDER one notch at a time until the beam drops. Move the rider back one notch until it locks into place.

  6. 3. Move the next largest rider until the beam drops. Back it up one notch, and lock it in place. 4. Move the smallest rider until the beam swings equally above and below the zero mark.

  7. ADD UP ALL THE NUMBERS AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE MASS! **Always remember to write the unit of mass down. (ex.- kg, g)**

  8. COMPARE AND CONTRAST MASS vs. WEIGHT • Always remains constant Depends on gravity • Does not depend on gravity weight=mass x gravity weight of an object changes if the gravity changes

  9. THE END

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