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Santosh Kalwar, Deepak Man Shrestha and Kamal Panthi Group 11

Lo cate earth qua ke Development of earthquake information system using android and Google maps. Santosh Kalwar, Deepak Man Shrestha and Kamal Panthi Group 11 Lappeenranta University of Technology Lappeenranta, Finland Firstname.Lastname@lut.fi. Outline. Motivation Idea

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Santosh Kalwar, Deepak Man Shrestha and Kamal Panthi Group 11

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Locate earthquake Development of earthquake information system using android and Google maps Santosh Kalwar, Deepak Man Shrestha and Kamal Panthi Group 11 Lappeenranta University of Technology Lappeenranta, Finland Firstname.Lastname@lut.fi

  2. Outline • Motivation • Idea • Problem & Challenges • User Scenario & Solution • Features • Conceptual Design • Output/Screenshots • Demo • Code camp Spirit • Conclusions

  3. “All things have second birth; The earthquake is not satisfied at once.”  ~ William Wordsworth, Romantic Poet. 1770-1850

  4. Motivation • Why are we doing, what we are doing? • To earn credits/grades? or, to solve problems?

  5. Idea • To identify the location and information about ”earthquakes” hit areas around the world.

  6. Problem 1/2 • Source: http://www.earth.webecs.co.uk/images/graph.jpg

  7. Challenges

  8. Johnny is a professor and he is travelling for a conference trip in Okinawa, Japan. He carries Android enabled phone and uses Google maps to find location of different places. However, he does not have any information regarding “earthquakes”. On the same day, an earthquake happens in Okinawa but Johnny has already planned the trip and is ready to drive to Okinawa in the rented car. • What will happen to Johnny? • Is Johnny alive or dead? • Let’s see …. A user scenario

  9. LoKe • Develop an application that includes overlay in Google Maps. • Provide information about severity of quake via, casualties, magnitude, location of the earthquakes. • Mobile based application for locating major earthquakes around the globe. Our Solution

  10. Features

  11. Conceputal Design

  12. Screenshots

  13. Demo

  14. Code camp Spirit What we learn? To code in Android enabled Mobile phones “Let us focus on major goals & let us do in smaller steps.” First showing maps Showing location Getting latitude and longitude information How to use Sqllite? How to make this work? This is crazy, shit! OMG, it works !

  15. Conclusions Johnny survives ….  he checks the information regarding earthquakes about Okinawa at the very last moment using our application: LoKe

  16. Q&A ?

  17. Thank you ! “Nature chose for a tool, not the earthquake or lightning to rend and split asunder, not the stormy torrent or eroding rain, but the tender snow-flowers noiselessly falling through unnumbered centuries.” - John Muir

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