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D igital Citizenship Survival Kit Kit de Supervivencia de Ciudadania Digital

Presented by Mrs. Moody Presentado por Sra. Moody. D igital Citizenship Survival Kit Kit de Supervivencia de Ciudadania Digital. Padlock . Candado . .

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D igital Citizenship Survival Kit Kit de Supervivencia de Ciudadania Digital

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  1. Presented by Mrs. Moody Presentadopor Sra. Moody Digital Citizenship Survival KitKit de Supervivencia de Ciudadania Digital

  2. Padlock. Candado.  The padlock is to remind users to set strong passwords and to set up passcode locks on all of their digital devices. “Lock ‘em down”! El candadoes para recordar a los usarioscrearcontrasenasfuertes y ponercodigos en todossusdispositivosdigitales. “Asegurense!”

  3. Toothbrush. Cepillo de dientes. Passwords and toothbrushes are very similar in the fact that you never want to share passwords (Students should share passwords with their parents.) Contrasenas y cepillos de dientes son muyparecidos en la manera de quetununcaquierescompartirsuscontrasenas. (Estudiantesdebencompartirsuscontrasenas con sus padres.)

  4. Permanent Marker. Marcadorpermanente.  Everything that you put online is permanent—even if you hit the delete button after posting. Odds are, someone has retweeted, favorited—or taken a screenshot of the material if it was questionable. Todosque se pone en el internet espermanente-aunquesi lo elimina.

  5. Tube of Toothpaste. Tubo de pasta de dientes. Imagine the information that you are putting online is like the toothpaste coming out of the tube. Once it is out, it is almost impossible to get it back in the tube! Imagineseque la informacionqueusted pone en el internet escomo pasta de dientes. En el momento en queestafuera del tubo, escasiimposiblereponerla en el tubo.

  6. Packet of Seeds. Paquetes de semillas. What users are doing now could have an impact on them in the future. Users need to think about the “seeds” that they are sowing as they pass through the World Wide Web. Could the seeds they are planting grow into a bigger problem? Or is their plant going to be a strong, positive representation of who they are? Lo que los usarioshacen hoy podriaafectarlos en futuro. Usariosnecesitanpensar en “lassemillas” queestansembrandomientrasqueestanpasandopor el internet. Seriaposiblequelassemillasqueestansembrandohacerse en problemasmayores? O, sera quesuplanta sera unarepresentacionbuenaquequienes son?

  7. Plug. Enchufe. It is okay to “unplug”. We don’t have to be connected all the time! Get outside and be a kid! Estabien “desenchufarse.” No tenemosquesiempreestarconectados. Vayaseafuera y sea un nino.

  8. Mirror. Espejo. Imagine having the mirror attached to your computer or device. What you post online is a reflection of you. If you looked in a mirror and saw someone in the reflection, would they approve of what you are doing or saying online? Imaginesetenersuespejoadjuntado a sucomputadora. Lo que pone en la red esunarepresentacionsuya. Si ustedviera en el espejo y viera a una persona en el reflejo, aprobaria de lo queustedestahacinedo o diciendo en la red?

  9. Sheet of Paper. Hoja de papel. Take a new sheet of paper and wad it up into a ball. Throw it on the ground and stomp on it.   Pick up the piece of paper and unravel it. Notice the wrinkles and bends on it? Apologize to the piece of paper for destroying it. The piece of paper represents someone’s heart that has been cyberbullied. We can apologize all we want, but the emotional scars that remain inside—don’t—go away. Tome unahoja de papelnueva y convertirla en una bola. Tirela en el suelo y pisela. Agarre la hoja de papel y desentrenela. Se da cuenta de la arrugas y los dobleces en ella? Ahora, pidaperdonpordestruirla. La hoja de papelrepresenta el corazon de alguienquien ha experimentado bulling cibernetico. Podemospedirperdon lo mas quequeramos, pero los cicatrices emocionalesnunca se borran.

  10. Magnifying Glass. UnaLupa. Remember when first impressions started with a handshake? Now, they start with Google. People are using Google to find out information about us. What will show up when someone searches you on Google? Recuerdancuandolasprimerasimpresionescomenzaron con tomado la mano? Ahora, ellascomienzan con Google. Queapareceracuandoalguien le busque en Google?

  11. Strainer. Colador. The amount of information on the Internet is amazing! As digital citizens, your have to be good at “straining” out the bad stuff, what is real, what’s not—and finding material that is applicable to your search and use of the Internet. La cantidad de informacion en el internet esimpresionante. Como ciudadaniasdigitalestienenqueserbuenoscoladores/filtros para saber de lo que sea real o no – y encontrandoinformacionquerealmenteesaplicablesegunsubusqueda.

  12. Tattoos. Tatuajes. Most people use the term “Digital Footprint”, but footprints in the sand can be washed away. Tattoos are a lot harder to get rid of, so your record online is really a “Digital Tattoo”. Muchas personas usan el dicho “huella digital,” perounahuella en la arena se puedeborrar. Es mas dificilquitarse un tatuaje. Poreso, su record es mas como “un tatuaje digital.”

  13. Notebook. Cuaderno. Imagine all of the things you do while online. Now imagine if it were kept in a notebook or journal. Would you be comfortable if anyone could read it? Imaginesequetodaslascosasquehacemientrasqueestas en la red. Ahora, imaginesesiestuvieraguradado en un cuaderno. Estariacomodo con alguien mas leyendolo?

  14. Soap. Jabon. Be sure that you are posting, tweeting, and retweeting information that is appropriate. Keep it clean! Asegurese de queestareponiendocosaslimpias en la red via Twitter, etc. No sea sucio.

  15. Band-Aids. Curas. People are going to make mistakes. When most adults were younger, they made mistakes—but their mistakes weren’t “Googleable”. The mistakes kids make today will be Googleable. Hopefully, mistakes won’t be too big. If a Band-Aid won’t help, then we have a problem! Las personas van a cometir errors. Cuando la mayoria de adultoseranmenorescometieronerrores-peroesoserrores son disponibles en Google. Esperamosque los errores no seanmuy graves. Si unacura no lo puedacurar, tenemos un problema.

  16. Clock/Timer Reloj/Cronometro Parents should set limits when it comes to being online at home. Set limits! Padres debenestablecerlimitescuando se trata de estar en linea en la casa. Establezcalimites.

  17. Resources - Recursos • http://edtechdigest.wordpress.com/2013/10/18/digital-survival/ by Craig Badura – por Craig Badura

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