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Bradley Turner Bturner@spsu

Fins. Overhangs. Bradley Turner Bturner@spsu.edu. Louvers. Awnings. Reduction of Glare Control of temp. inside of the house. Direct light from the sun can cause extreme glare, so the use of external shading devices can tone it down a bit.

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Bradley Turner Bturner@spsu

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  1. Fins Overhangs Bradley Turner Bturner@spsu.edu Louvers Awnings

  2. Reduction of Glare • Control of temp. inside of the house

  3. Direct light from the sun can cause extreme glare, so the use of external shading devices can tone it down a bit. Glare: is caused by a very bright light that can cause difficulty seeing.

  4. Example of Glare Reduction Skylights: Light diffuses giving light to not cause as much glare Water sources: Water reflects indirect sunlight Glare is not as strong

  5. Rules of the Thumb Orientation of the window is a very important factor when determining which device to use. Depending on the time of the year, the sun can be difficult to shade from. OrientationEffective Shading North Fixed horizontal device East or West Vertical/louver(moveable) South Glazing/Overhang

  6. Shading devices can reduce peak heat gain and cooling requirements. • 5% to 15% reduction of cooling energy consumption • Overhangs are a good device for natural cooling/heating

  7. Seasonal Winter • The sun is low • The south windows accept direct sunlight to light and warms the interior of the building • At night, building is warmed due to sunlight during the day.

  8. Seasonal Summer • The sun is high • The overhang blocks direct sinlight from coming in which reduces the temp. In the house. • At night the house is cooled due to heating during the day not being able to get in during the day.

  9. Advantages: • Reduces sunlight coming in building • Reduces glare • Conserves energy Disadvantages: • Devices will not take care of all sunlight. Morning and evening light will still come inside building • Maintenence of devices can become a hassel

  10. "The Impact of External Shading Devices in Commercial Buildings." Center for Sustainable Building Research - College of Design - University of Minnesota. 10 Aug. 2010. 2010 Regents of the University of Minnesota. 19 Jan. 2011 <http://www.csbr.umn.edu/research/amca.html>. "External Shading Devices." LEARN. The Low Energy Architecture Research Unit. 19 Jan. 2011<http://newlearn.info/learn/packages/clear/thermal/buildings /passive_system/solor_acess_control/external_shading.html>. Shupac, Jodie. "How to achieve passive solar design using building orientation | YellowBlue Designs: Green House Plans for Sustainable Living." Green House Plans and Designs for Sustainable Living by YellowBlue Designs. 03 Oct. 2010. 19 Jan. 2011 <http://www.yellowbluedesigns.com/2010/10/03/how-to-properly-orient- a-passive-solar-home/>. Wotton, Henry. "9 Easy Ways To Make Any Building Extaordinary!" Arcscholar. 19 Jan. 2011 <http://arcscholar.blogspot.com/2009/07/9-easy-ways-to-make-any- building.html>.

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